| 08 August 2012 (USA)
Offender Trailers

Justice needs to be served at Britain's most notorious young offenders institute.

HeadlinesExotic Boring
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
shock754 I found this movie to be somewhat entertaining. However you can't ignore the complete lack of acting ability and intimidation factor that English Frank presents. If he were to walk into an actual prison walking and acting as he does. I have a feeling he would not be the "boss" but the joke of the prison. His acting abilities annoyed me throughout the movie. He was terrible! The goal isn't to look like a bully at recess during your teen years. The goal is to look like an intimidating, overpowering, and scary inmate. I did feel that Joe Cole did a great job as the main character. Putting him up against a "gangster wannabe" who is very bad at acting definitely hurt what could have been a much better movie.
maj_kill This is a great film. It shows people how life is spent at prison, and it also shows how the system works. English Frank played a great role alongside Scorcher. They both showed rivalry. Mic Righteous also seemed to be in this film, he has great future ahead of him, Mic Righteous's appearance was very good for him, because its easy for people to recognise who is his. This film is fantastic and i hope similar films release. I hope people recognise this film. This film doesn't only deserve awards, it also deserves more people viewing it. it is mainly because of viewers films get noticed. I humbly request viewers to watch this film. Remember it might be because of you thing might change for the people that are being discriminated. I am happy to right such a review on this film. I hope this film gets bigger and bigger. Majid Rahman Twitter: Majid_killa
Blind Lemon This movie has a good start, the 'justice'-theme made clear in the early parts of the film. It's professionally done, nice camera-work and thought out takes.But it's also obvious very soon that you're watching 'the Vicky Pollard's brother in jail show'. This one hour and 41 minutes are of the same level as Brits on holiday or at a soccer match (or on their own island for that matter): getting sloshed and high and fighting and ruining it for everybody else. Ali G or Borat (with or without mankini) would have fit in nicely.But.. The music is very pleasing. As a matter of fact I just watched this C-film with my guitar plugged in and jamming along to the various music styles that you get to hear. Nice adaption of known songs, different styles, great! I'm thinking of putting some things in my loop machine and make jam tracks out of it.Maybe you got interested after reading this review, but I think you should just download the soundtrack (if available).(IMDB: why do I have to change correctly spelled words?)
seany_c Watched this at the Cinema months back and hadn't seen it since, so I decided to buy it the other day on DVD. A brilliant film, not entirely original but a fresh take on a done subject. 'Offender' stands comparison against the great British films of today, such as 'Kidulthood', 'Adulthood', 'Harry Brown', 'Ill Manors' and so on. After a blistering opening sequence, the film continues to impress with its bleak vision of prison life. Joe Cole stars as Tommy, the good young lad who thrown into hell when his girlfriend is assaulted. He's out for revenge. Need I say more. With his moody baby face and mental transformation, Joe Cole is sensational as Tommy. You can feel his pain and anguish and you want nothing more than for him to get his revenge. The other performances are good too. English Frank is both laughable and menacing. The soundtrack is superb at times, the settings feel genuine and the violence is swift. While this isn't cheery stuff, it's sure to impress and entertain certain viewers. Cole really delivers and I hope he goes far after this. ****/*****