Oasis Trailers

A Scottish chaplain embarks on an epic journey through space. Based on Michel Faber's 'The Book Of Strange New Things'.

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
ChicRawIdol A brilliant film that helped define a genre
Melanie Bouvet The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
Marva-nova Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.
pkpera Basically I liked it. Probably would not like that much if would read novel. I say it because I looked all reviews here. Changing the environment to deserted one seems for me as budget saving move. Although, it looks really awesome. Too bad no mentioning here about filming location. I think that acting is pretty much good, especially considering some silly actions in script. Station leader is just not convincing - because script and text, actor is fine. That drilling accident was too predictable and too much time went on it and medical intervention - I guess that 90% of viewers figured all it 5 minutes earlier, what will happen. And now we are at question - will it grow in serial or not ? I would like to see more, despite flaws and some already seen elements (Solaris factor for instance). Good Sci-Fi is really rare now. Why is it, would be the million dollar question. And yes, maybe that's the point - the millions involved in production, advertising. At moment nothing good in air (cables) - SyFy is completely lost. Orville S1 is over, it seems. Not much good Star Trek Discovery stopped after e9 - and that would be all what I know, what is worth to mention. Man, even 48 years ago in Eastern Block was almost better :-)
Nigel Robinson As a pilot episode for a new sci-fi show, I was willing to give this show a chance, but being a sci-fi show, a risky genre that fails miserably a good 60% of the time, I knew there were risks.And somehow, Oasis managed to succeed and fail perfectly.The plot isn't exactly thrilling. In a world that's barely surviving, a priest named is sent to a colony on a new planet that hopes to prepare to keep the human race alive. However, the members of the colony begin experiencing weird visions, and the leader of the colony has disappeared leaving only cryptic messages, and no clue as to why he called for Peter's help.Nothing in this plot is original and sadly, it doesn't really lend itself much to thrills. There are few moments in this episode where I was on edge, where I was clutching the edge of my seat, and because of this the second act really begins to drag, and I even checked to see how long the episode had left (never a good sign).Oasis tries to make up for this with plenty of characterisation for the crew of the colony, except there really isn't as much characterisation as it seems to think. There are some well developed characters, some I really cared for and some I developed strong opinions about, then there were plenty that I didn't really care about at all which rendered any of the suspense this episode was going for completely flat.Thinking about it though, what character do any of them have except they've all lost something at some point. Some of them only have implied character that's never confirmed or expanded upon, and some of them are only given character because they're about to die.The biggest problem in this area is the character of Morgan who is the reason Peter gets sent to this colony, and has lots of mystery surrounding him and why he disappeared, but he never makes a proper appearance, and this mystery is never cleared up at all!The writing is pretty strong, there are some great lines of dialogue and it's very sharp. The direction's nice too, especially during the first act where the struggling Earth is realised beautifully.The colony planet has some beautiful shots where the colours just jump off the screen. Definitely the most beautiful show I've ever seen from Amazon.The acting is, fine. To be honest, I feel it would've been better if any of these actors had anything to work with, but they're all very one-dimensional as I mentioned before.I think Oasis definitely tried to fit a few episodes worth of narrative into one hour, and yet somehow still managed to make the second act drag. As a result, everything feels underdeveloped, the characters are bland, the story is basic, and nothing ever gets solved.Despite this, I did enjoy the experience, well the first and third acts anyway, and I do hope that this gets made into a full series because it could be something a bit special given enough time, but while it's proved to me that it's got what it takes to be a really great sci-fi show, it hasn't proved that it deserves a full series. Unless news of a full series arises, I can't recommend this pilot. It was good at points, but nothing captivated me. It felt too thin, and too shallow to be worth your time.
luisabilbao Not a review but a wish. I really enjoyed the pilot. The acting is amazing, the plot, there is nothing to complain about, attention is not lost and is maintained throughout the episode. It really entertains, which is the main purpose of it. I am totally caught up in the story. I really hope Amazon continues with it. Please give us more. Make it possible.
Sandie Knapp I love a good Sci-Fi film or series, and they are really hard to come by these days, and I don't know why. This pilot was a REALLY GOOD Sci-Fi and I would love to see more.For me the pilot was too short, it definitely left me wanting more. The acting was excellent, the atmosphere was static, with the feeling that every time you blink something else is going to happen. I'm probably not very good at reviews, but I am sincerely hoping that this series will be picked up and at least given a chance.