| 09 August 2002 (USA)
Oasis Trailers

A young man released from prison visits the widow of the man he killed drunk-driving and becomes infatuated with his cerebral palsy-stricken daughter.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Wordiezett So much average
Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Paul Magne Haakonsen When I bought this movie on Amazon, I hadn't heard about it before. I just saw the rating people had given it and being a sucker for Asian movies, I decided to give "Oasis" a go.And wow, I am so glad that I bought this movie. "Oasis" is without a doubt one of the most moving, heartfelt and touching movies I have ever seen. You might actually just want to prepare a box of tissued before sitting down to watch this movie though.The story is about Jong-du Hong who has been released from prison, and you figure out immediately that there is something not fully right with this man. And he befriends Gong-ju Han, who is suffering from cerebral palsy. Their friendship is one without limitations and restrictions, as imposed by what we need "normal" society. It is a friendship regardless of physical and mental state. The friendship turns to love, and it is so beautiful. I especially loved the scenes where Gong-ju Han daydreamed about being able to do stuff that we "normally functioning" people take for granted."Oasis" is driven by a very emotional and compelling storyline, and it is especially helped along by the amazing performances by the two lead people, Kyung-gu Sol (playing Jong-du Hong) and So-ri Moon (playing Gong-ju Han). They both put on really good performances and they really carried the entire movie all by themselves.I am also in awe at the boldness of the director Chang-dong Lee, to have the courage and the genius to have put together this story and actually made a story with this topic. It is not something you'd seen in every movie, and it really was right on the money. The director hit the nail right on the head here, driving the story right into the hearts and souls of the viewers, because this movie is so much more than beautiful. It also leaves you with something to think about after the movie has ended, and it imparts you with something to take with you as part of your personal growth and experience.I can't recommend this movie enough. If you are a fan of movies and enjoy movies that offer more than just glamorous 3D effects and non-stop action, then you should treat yourself to "Oasis", because it is a movie that will stay with you in your heart and mind for a long, long time.This movie really makes you take a step back and see the world from a whole new perspective, because you are thrown right into the predicaments of Jong-du Hong and Gong-ju Han. And you get to see how they are treated by the world around them, the world that we deem as "normal". Just because you have a disability doesn't mean you are not "normal", and whom are we to say who is or isn't "normal". Everyone is unique, and this movie really celebrates love and acceptance for whom and what we are.Thumbs up, way, way up for "Oasis". This movie went straight to my top 10 best movies of all times list.
Alice Wakefield mitsounob from Yokohama, Japan commented that the director made this film about communication, among other things. That's what it was largely about for me too.I'm thinking mainly of the scene where Jong-du and Gong-ju are both at the police station. When Gong-ju is being asked for her account of the incident, her sister keeps speaking for her. The policeman doesn't give Gong-ju time to speak for herself. One of the most difficult scenes for me is when Gong-ju repeatedly bashes herself against the cabinet to try to get somebody to listen to her. Similarly, her brother, when trying to reach a "settlement" with Jong-du's family, speaks for Gong-ju. When talking about how traumatised Gong-ju has been, he says, 'Just look at her'. As if she could never enjoy physical love.This brings me to the second theme of the movie, as far as I am concerned. The world is set up for people with a certain range of abilities. Which means that people who fall within this range can exploit people who fall outside of them. Which is exactly how Gong-ju and Jong-du are treated by their families.Jong-du is the fall guy for his brother, who has a family and a career and can't 'afford' to do time. To add insult to injury, Jong-du gets out of jail to find that his brother has moved, without leaving a forwarding address! Gong-ju's family similarly exploits her. Jong-du and Gong-ju are fairly forgiving of their families' despicable behaviour.My final comment on this film is that Gong-ju and Jong-du know their place in the world. They know not to even bother trying to convey the truth. In fact, I get a fleeting, disturbing feeling that their families are the only people whose behaviour towards them is a true and honest symptom of how the world really works.
mjk1028 Chang Dong Lee. He only directed three films so far but I have no hesitation to say his works are the masterpiece of Korean films. Oasis is my top choice of his works.There are already excellent comments on this film you could read through. I just want to add one thing. It was the most touching and romantic moment that Jong Du escaped from the police station to trim the tree branches which made a shadow that Gong Ju was afraid of. It shows us LOVE is not something fantastic or metaphysical but how you care the others. Great film! I am eagerly looking forward to seeing his next film that will be release soon, Mil Yang (secret sunshine).
sain11 Oasis is a love story of truly unique proportions. It is simply unlike any movie you are likely to see.Confronting, unusual, at times violent, but also heartbreakingly honest.Lead by a stunning performance by So-ri Moon, and ably assisted by Kyung-gu Sol. The two bring amazing humanity to two very difficult and unusual character. So-ri in particular is brilliant, flawless and complex in her portrayal of the disabled Gong-ju Han. Her performance should be watched by any aspiring actor or actress as it is astonishingly good.The plot is difficult to describe without it sounding bizarre and unrealistic, but the direction and script transcend any difficulties the subject matter brings up, and ultimately deliver the viewer with an unrivaled experience in what cinema was meant to do. That is, show us life, in all it's intricate forms, to inspire us, challenge us and help us grow.Oasis is a power-house of modern cinema. An instant classic. It shows difficult characters, going through difficult situations, and the director has refused to water-down any aspect of the film, making it very confronting for the viewer.Yet another in a growing list of Korean films that have blown me away. Their industry is the best around in my opinion, combining the technical abilities of the big-budget Hollywood films, with the personal, human stories that you would see in European cinema, but doing this with an obviously Asian aesthetic. If you like Kong Kong or Japanese films, I recommend stepping up to Korean films, they are generally more personal, and shot with as much visual gloss as anything from the US.
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