O Pioneers!
O Pioneers!
PG | 02 February 1992 (USA)
O Pioneers! Trailers

A young woman inherits her father's farm after he dies. Over the years, she overcomes challenges and turns it into a success, all the while yearning for her childhood love to return.

Stoutor It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
paulwbakersf I would refer readers of this review to the review written by Steve Skafte in this review forum. He has pretty much nailed the movie in his review and I agree with most of what he has to say.However, I would add the following. Heather Graham's struggle with the role of young Alexandra entails more than just the written dialog. She also struggles with a Swedish dialect (as to other characters). It's too bad because she really looks like she could be a young Jessica Lange. I would add that Reed Diamond's performance as Emil seems stilted to me. Maybe that is just the dialog, as Steve Skafte suggests, but I really think it's an acting problem. These two aren't the only actors that fall short.To the praise of Jessica Lange, I would add significant praise for Anne Heche as Marie. She really brings this role to life and you will see no issues with her dialog. Her performance alone makes the love between Marie and Emil believable.Now, for the spoiler. If you haven't seen the movie, don't read this part!!! The story of Emil and Marie is beautifully done and when they finally consummate their love, great tension is generated as her husband goes through a series of actions that lead to his taking up his rifle. This part is very, very well done. And when he kills the lovers, it is a perfect tragic moment.I wish I could give this movie seven stars instead of six, but the great photography, locations, directing, music, and the performances of Lange and Heche cannot make amends for the poorly written dialog and the other unprofessional performance issues that keep this from being a great film.
cooknena Awesome story of how a woman takes over the ranch aft her father dies. Looking at it from a genealogical viewpoint of a genealogist's....I am so glad they made this excellent film. Stories such as this came from our ancestors for sure as such ocurrences actually did happen very often. Women were left to run many outfits when the men died or went wandering....they had the gusto, fortitude and fight to do it, thats why we are here today, because of these courageous ancestors. Nebraska is a gorgeous state and the scenery is truly depictive of it as I lived there. The culmination of the two childhood friends marrying, even though she was 4yrs his senior...happened all too often back in those days. Its a very emotional, heart beating film and well done. Jessica Lange is such a wonderful actress and did an excellent job in this film as did David Strathairn.
MLDinTN I was expecting a better movie. It just wasn't that touching, and the story was not entertaining. And the scenery wasn't that great. Heather Graham uses a horrible accent. I guess the plot of this film was a young Alexandra takes over her family's land when their dad dies. She tells her brothers they will stick together and the farm will grow. Cut to 20 years later, and we saw how the farm has grown. They grow a lot and have a big house. A subplot involves the younger brother, Emil, who falls for a married woman. Tragedy ensues, surprise, surprise! The end of the film deals with Alexandra getting together with an old friend. So, she has a life other than the farm. Sounds really exciting, uh? Not! FINAL VERDICT: I don't recommend this because it is too boring.
budikavlan Alternately tragic and triumphant story of Alexandra Bergson's love of the sometimes unwelcoming farmland of the southern Nebraska plains. Captures well the quiet tone of Willa Cather's best work--had she seen this, she might have rethought her (evidently ignored) demand in her will that her work not be adapted. All the performances are excellent, including early performances by Reed Diamond and Anne Heche as the doomed lovers Emil and Marie and one more in a lifetime of stealthily perfect turns by David Strathairn. But the whole enterprise depends on the broad, strong shoulders of Jessica Lange's Alexandra. Looking more than ever before like a beautiful, lanky, long-necked mare of a woman, Lange's spirit expands to fill the wide-open landscape. Don't expect a thriller when this comes up, but if you see it, you'll remember it forever.