Nun of That
Nun of That
| 10 April 2009 (USA)
Nun of That Trailers

Nun of That is an action-comedy that follows Sister Kelly Wrath as she transforms from a nun with a simple temper problem to a vengeful killer. After being gunned down in an alley, she ascends to heaven to receive training from some of the great figures of religious mythology (Moses, Gandhi, and Jesus himself). She is then set back to Earth to join the other members of the Order of the Black Habit, a group of supernatural vigilante nuns as they seek revenge against the mob.

Artivels Undescribable Perfection
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Teringer An Exercise In Nonsense
Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Tom friday I just saw this movie and while it's low budget, so much so that all the gunshots were added in later; it's very well made. It goes on just long enough, with an ending that BEGS for a sequel. And I laughed so hard my eyes were in tears all throughout. The guys who made this movie, watch out for them. They'll only get better. This movie doesn't really drag, either. And the dance number early in the film blew me away. It's pretty brief, and I wish there had been more. Yes, a B (or even C) movie with a dance number. A tremendous amount of nun jokes and good dialog. Loved the lead nun and her sisters, too. This movie is nun-thing but fun.
maryh205 Laughed my butt off. this effort by director Richard Griffin has an excellent sense of irony and irreverent humor combined with excellent comic pacing. I recommend seeing it more than once since you will very likely be laughing thru half the jokes the first time around. It's the story of an order of vigilante nuns (The Black Habit) with a special penchant for dealing justice out to evil mobsters. There's some soft-core nudity (always nice) and every conceivable variation of nun jokes and religious humor in general. The violence is over the top bloody without being a gorefest. Normally I'm not one for musical numbers, but this has some real rib ticklers. Where else are you going to laugh when Jesus does a song and dance with a bevy of leather-clad nuns providing backup? What's really tasty is the cast. Sarah Nicklin simmers with sexual attitude, Brand Aponte is perfect as the angry mob avenger and the rest of the cast CAN ACTUALLY ACT! Incredible in a low budget film, I know, but it's true. This is one of the big redeeming factors here where most low budget efforts fall flat. Don't get my wrong, I'm a big fan of badly acted low budget features. But in those instances the bad acting is the reason I laugh. I have a very MST3000 sense of humor. But not so here. Mr. Griffin has managed to corral some real talent and it makes all the difference. One laughs at the jokes, not at the acting. With him, not at him. So do yourself a favor and pick this one up. Unless you're devoutly religious, you'll have a great time. And even if you are and have a sense of humor, you could still find yourself in stitches.
donfoley Wow, this movie rocked! When I was at the theater watching it, I was not alone in loving it. The whole place was laughing and enjoying this wonderful comedy. The acting was spot on, and I did not see any "bad acting moments" that can some times plague indie films. The pacing was great, I never once felt it drag or lose my interest. And some of the leads of this movie were so good, so funny, that I know this movie is going to pick up a lot of buzz! Richard Griffin is an amazing director, that just gets better and better with every film. Go see it when you can!!I will be buying this when it comes out on DVD to share with all my friends who did not get a chance to see it in the theater!
Marc Bode My cheeks hurt from laughing so much..It really delivers the comedy more so than the top comedies released nationally that lose attention and get boring with a story.This movie has not a dull moment and can surprise you with some very good acting.Keeps things moving and keeps you entertained.I had an opportunity to see it in the theatre with a full audience reacting as they should with outloud laughter and applause.You really get to know the characters and enjoy the story and comedy as it moves forward. And there's surprises along the way with the straight up blood and violence. thumbs up 5 times! Marc Bode