| 01 July 1987 (USA)
Nukie Trailers

A space child, lost in the universe, is abducted by the U. S. Space Foundation. In a desperate intergalactic search for the frightened little alien, his brother Nukie® mistakenly lands in Africa where he is befriended by African twins. Together they journey through the laughter and adventure of talking lions, a greedy witch doctor, a charming chimpanzee, a feisty nun, a compassionate scientist and an outrageous romantic computer named E.D.D.I.

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Infamousta brilliant actors, brilliant editing
Brainsbell The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
pesic-1 How a human being could make this is a mystery.To give this film one star is to give the impression it is better than it is.So just for the record, I would give it zero out of any number of stars. This is the worst film ever made by a human, no contest.There are a lot of films out there that are considered to be 'the worst film made', but they are nothing compared to Nukie. Nukie is bad, really, really bad. It has to be seen to be believed.Another reviewer warned people not to see this film under any circumstances. I couldn't agree more. Don't watch this, even if it's for the sake of ridiculing it. It is that bad.
lepoisson-1 Some bad movies are funny. Some bad movies are so confusing they become a personal challenge to decipher. Some bad movies are so bad they're good. Some bad movies are just pure entertainment. Nukie is none of the above. This is positively the worst movie I have ever seen. The "friend" who lent it to me made me promise I'd watch to the bitter end. Let the world know I endured the entire Nukie (and the ending almost made it worthwhile).Nukie is a painful experience. How could this be written? How could this be directed and filmed? I pass this as a warning...every second of this movie is unwatchable. I certainly wouldn't let my kids watch it - they'd get nightmares.I don't understand the reviewers here that gave this movie a positive rating, unless maybe they had a copy to dump. This movie doesn't even sell on EBAY when listed for 99 cents. 'Nuff said?
jonathan-577 Difficult to parcel this chaotic, incoherent piece of kiddie-corrupting garbage into discrete movements, but let's give it a try. In the first part, alien Meeko is endlessly tortured and mutilated by American scientists while his pal Nukie wanders around South Africa and mutters. In the second part, Nukie gets to know some talking monkeys, humorous tribesmen and their cute kids, a nun, a drunk, and Steve Railsback (probably also drunk). In the third part, Meeko is first hypnotized by, then befriends a talking computer, while Nukie disco dances. In the fourth part, the 'witch doctor' tries various strategies to kill Nukie, including running around in fast motion. In the fifth part we sit around absolutely for ever waiting for the movie to end, and the taking monkey licks the snot that has been running down Nukie's face for the whole movie. Throughout, the actors either shriek each others' names for minutes at a time, or talk and look like they've been hypnotized by a computer too. The aliens' mouths don't move, and their rubber limbs crumple and squeak when they are touched. I'm guessing Pakleppa got brought in after writer Odendal botched the job; it appears to have been edited by a lumberjack with the spins. Actually copyright 1989, which is important: not just because this is exactly the kind of film that sits around for four years before it gets released, but because it means that this South African production was completed before, not after, Mandela got out of prison. This means that the stuff about how the bloodthirsty tribesmen should heed the moral warnings of the wise nun were symptoms of apartheid in its decline, not impositions of the World Bank. Another advertisement for Western enlightenment occurs when a snake bites one of the kids and his brother cleans the wound; Railsback insists on taking him to the hospital so he can receive competent treatment; when he asks the nurse how the kid is doing in the next scene, she goes "I have no idea - but I cleaned the wound." Three cheers for whitey!
danzorz Here's what I can say: this movie is SO BAD. NEVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES SEE THIS MOVIE. I try to see all the bad movies I can, and this tops them all. It's not even funny to mock, it's just that bad. It's a test of patience. Even if you think you wanna see this movie, you really don't. I'll leave you with a bit of the wit from this movie; while the scientists are taking miko's pulse with the x-ray machine, they still don't know whether he's an animal, mineral, or vegetable. Go back over that last sentence again. Yes. That actually does happen in the movie. Honestly, when I finally finished this movie I felt like dying(it took me a while because I watched about the first half hour and needed to stop on account of the utter idiocy of this movie). It is terrible. I can't stress that enough. And now I speak directly to the people who like watching bad movies: I know you've seen movie that people have told you not to see, but skip this one. It hurts to watch.