Nudist Colony of the Dead
Nudist Colony of the Dead
R | 05 August 1991 (USA)
Nudist Colony of the Dead Trailers

Judge Rhinehole orders the Sunny Buttocks Nudist Camp closed down as an affront to the community. The members of the camp enter into a suicide pact, but vow to return for vengeance. Five years later, a group of campers on a retreat argue with each other about religion and sing big production numbers as the group begins experiencing an attrition problem.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
gabrielsaland I didn't know what to expect from the title,but from the moment you start to watch, you'll know will is going to follow. This movie is filled with horrible tongue in cheek humor that is so funny...because it's so lame...and some of it is downright heard me. The musical numbers are also very clever and they are also very catchy tunes. I actually looked forward to each one and, as others have said, you will be humming them later. This movie is so bad that is good. It's not a waste of time. Watch it and enjoy it!
arfdawg-1 Zombie nudists attack campers five years after the closure of the Sunny Buttocks nudist colony in various musical numbers.One of the oddest films I've ever seen. There's barely any nudity in this movie. I bet it could get a PG 13 easily. And BTW, it's a MUSICAL.I guess they wanted to do something like Rocky Horror n a budget. A real low budget.It's really dumb and not very good, but oddly watchable. I'm surprised it doesnt have cult status. I can't give it a high rating, but I can suggest you see it for yourself.
Leofwine_draca NUDIST COLONY OF THE DEAD is a random, cheaply-made independent comedy horror film about a group of youths menaced by the evil spectres of former nudists who committed suicide due to the closing down of their camp. It's ridiculous stuff indeed, a film which doesn't really pay off the titular promise. The only nudity is presented early on along with a cameo from Forrest J. Ackerman (playing a judge, thankfully not among the nude). The film then descends into messiness and somewhat incredibly is a cheesy musical for much of the running time. It's quite dreadful.
vijayasekar I never had any issues watching a different kind of movie! Trust me,his is one such - Funny (an Adult Comedy, of course). When I saw this movie, I was really surprised. I have seen Walking-Dead movies (most of the time it was pointed towards Gore, Horror, sometimes Comedy and even Spoof) but this is one movie which was made Funny! This movie is no-logic-just-fun in a very peculiar way. But trust me, it seems intended. When you watch the scenes before the Titles, you'll be able to realize that the Director has made sure to give a preview of what kind of movie to expect. The best thing I can suggest is watch the first set of scenes (Court scene and the following one) and if you find them to be funny (especially dialogues), continue to watch it.I was smiling throughout the movie. Even made me laugh sometimes! The dialogues and one-liners were quite good. They fit to the tone of the movie and each one strictly sticks to the character. All the songs were funny (in the same peculiar way). Even kept me humming "Inky-dinky Doo-dah Morning".Loved it and I do recommend it to people who like a movie not because it is like what they wanted it to be but for what it is!Note: This movie is not intended for people who hate religious criticism.