| 03 December 1992 (USA)
Noël Trailers

The story of Noel, a cheerful Christmas ornament with a certain "happiness" that rubs off on the families he lives with.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Horst in Translation ( "Noel" is a 23-minute animated short film from 1992, so this small screen release will have its 25th anniversary next year. It is an American English-language production, but there is a major Japanese impact on this little film as well and it goes way beyond director Masaki Îzuka. The writer is Romeo Muller and he worked on many successful small screen releases in terms of the holiday season. this one here is one of his final career efforts. He died shortly after this one was released. The cast includes Charlton Heston as narrator and big American film buffs may find other known names in the voice acting cast, such as Emmy winner Roscoe Lee Browne.This is the story of a Christmas ornament, a Christmas tree ball ornament to be more precise. He is very joyful and very positive and looking forward to the season every single year when he can shine on the beautiful Christmas tree to make everybody happy around him. The other ornaments are not as positive though, which probably makes our "hero" stand out here. Actually, it reminded me a bit of Toy Story, even if it's all about ornaments and not toys. The idea is similar. Of course, due to the runtime we don't find out that much about the other ornaments, but this is perfectly fine. As a whole, this is a relatively innocent, yet still entertaining short film from the early 1990s that is certainly also suitable for very young audiences. It is nothing too heart-warming or extraordinary, but the (very old-looking) animation may bring back sentimental feelings in many. I recommend checking it out, preferably in the days before Christmas. Thumbs up.
stevienichole_88 I first saw this movie when I was 4 years old. MY father, having shared a love of Charlton Heston with his own mother in movies like "Ben Hurr" and "The 10 Commandments" recorded this movie for me on a battered VHS that already contained recordings of "Bambi" and "Beauty and the Beast". Red was my favorite color and I instantly fell in love with this adorable bouncing red ornament, I was so taken that my mother even hand painted me a red ornament to look just like Noel, oh how I cried the Christmas that got broken :( I would watch this movie religiously every Christmas until I was about 14 and we got a DVD player. Whatever happened to that old VHS I'm just not sure and when I became a mother I was heartbroken I wouldn't be able to share this much loved holiday movie with my own children. I was certain such an old and obscure little TV movie would impossible to find online but to my surprise and delight I did find it the sound is a bit off but being able to see this cherished childhood classic again and to share it with my boys is just Priceless :)
Autumn-Miller2 I give it an 8 because I really can't remember it that much, but I remember that I loved this movie. It's such a great kid/family movie. I saw it when I was much younger and truly wish to see it again. Unfortunately, I haven't really seen it on T.V. when they play the Christmas movies (and this movie is so much better than half the ones they play)!! The main character, Noel, is such a sweet character that basically understands the true meaning of Christmas and spreads it to those that do not feel that special feeling inside anymore. I'm probably going to grab this one on Amazon or something, just because I haven't found it on T.V. Anyway, it's a feel good movie. Just really cute! =)
TheUnknown837-1 I saw this Christmas special on television some years back, when I was younger. I haven't seen it again in its entire form since then. I managed to catch part of the ending recently this last holiday season, and it still looked wonderful to me. Unfortunately, I could not catch the whole thing a second time, but I still remember the movie as being fun, lovable, and cute for a children's film. It is about a cheerful Christmas ornament named Noel who has a happy feeling inside of him, and unlike other Christmas ornaments, he loves Christmas. Over many years, he befriends the many Christmas trees, the children who live in his home, and so on. It's a very nice and original idea that played itself out well. Bottom line, even if the movie doesn't appeal all that much to the older audience members, it appealed very well to at least one young child. And that was what it was meant to do. I still long to see it again.