Nowitzki: The Perfect Shot
Nowitzki: The Perfect Shot
NR | 18 September 2014 (USA)
Nowitzki: The Perfect Shot Trailers

This documentary chronicles the life story of the Dallas Mavericks' Dirk Nowitzki and his inspiring journey from Germany to superstardom in the NBA.

RyothChatty ridiculous rating
Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
deepest-blue-1 As the most of us I know Dirk Nowitzki just as a baskteball player but not the story of his career. This movie gives a nice view behind the facade of a career of a humble, extremely ambitious and super sympathetic athlete and some facts about it are really fascinating (Holger). The style of the movie, I think also great, a great mix of original recordings and comments from the present go hand in hand on the career journey of this exceptional athlete. So from my point of view this is a must for every basketball fan.
kosmasp Perfecting a shot - what a great title for a movie, even though it also would apply to pictures, moving or not. In this case, it's about Dirk and "his shot". If someone attempts a one legged fade away jump shot, everyone in the NBA calls it a "Dirk". Which is a testament to what Nowitzki has achieved since he came to America and started playing for the Mavericks.Even if you're not a fan of Basketball, the documentary probably will entice you. Though you will get more out of it, if you're interested in some aspects of the game. The interviews are kept light and the man on display is anything if not humble. Someone who even though he has made it big time, still questions his decisions and tries to better himself as much as he can. Really nice behind the man look and all the people who made him who he is today
ts_89 As I have always been a follower of Dirk Nowitzki and his splendid career, I would love to write a more enthusiastic review, but unfortunately I'm not able to ignore the loveless direction of this picture and its one-sided view.A quick look at Wikipedia would be enough to gather most of the information shown in this documentary, which is also quite disappointing. It just doesn't create a satisfied feeling of coming closer to Dirk or determining the essence of "the perfect shot", which I expected given the fact that this documentary was produced for the cinema.All in all I can't recommend this one, but there are a few scenes which are worth to watch and Dirk's personality is just too likable and his contribution to basketball too major to call this picture pointless – which it is from an impartial point of view. (4/10)
David Ferguson Greetings again from the darkness. Dallas loves Dirk. The reasons why become obvious during this biopic that takes us from Dirk's youth basketball league in Germany through his NBA Finals, while including significantly more information on his family and personal life than we have previously seen. Interviews come courtesy of such well known faces as Kobe Bryant, Don Nelson, Michael Finley, Mark Cuban, Yao Ming, Jason Kidd and former NBA commissioner David Stern.Contrary to many sports documentaries, this is no shrine to its subject. Of course, we can't help but be charmed by the "great guy" superstar, but it's through his life challenges that we come to truly respect Dirk as a man. Director Sebastian Denhardt is one of the most prolific documentarians and filmmakers in Germany, but this look at Germany's most popular and successful athlete is his best and most accessible work to date.The most interesting segments involve Dirk's long time personal coach Holger Geschwindner, plus insight from Dirk's father, mother, sister, and childhood friend. It's during these times that we realize Dirk's "posse" is made of the people who he has always trusted – family and friends. The only two newcomers to his group of "insiders" are Lisa Tyner and Dirk's wife Jessica. Ms. Tyner is the Mavericks staffer who took Dirk under her wing when he was a youngster transitioning to life in the United States.While the film drills home the importance of Dirk's work ethic and commitment to excellence, the most entertaining moments include: Dirk's first meeting with Steve Nash, Dirk as a stick figure on Holger's software, Dirk in a tennis skirt (for Halloween), Dirk dominating on the court as a teenager, Dirk's mother discussing his move to the U.S., and best of all, Dirk stretching the truth a bit while meeting with former German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt … and then admitting it! These days, disappointment seems to be the most common reaction when the curtain gets pulled back on celebrities and heroes. It's refreshing to look into the life and see that the biggest scandals were when Dirk was the one cheated by a former girlfriend, and he stood by in full support of a friend going through an investigation for tax evasion. Dirk shows he is as impressive as a human being as he is a basketball player. What he definitely isn't? A singer … we re-live his "We are the Champions" rendition from the parade. Dirk rocks!