Not as a Stranger
Not as a Stranger
NR | 01 July 1955 (USA)
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Lucas Marsh, an intern bent upon becoming a first-class doctor, not merely a successful one. He courts and marries the warm-hearted Kristina, not out of love but because she is highly knowledgeable in the skills of the operating room and because she has frugally put aside her savings through the years. She will be, as he shrewdly knows, a supportive wife in every way. She helps make him the success he wants to be and cheerfully moves with him to the small town in which he starts his practice. But as much as he tries to be a good husband to the undemanding Kristina, Marsh easily falls into the arms of a local siren and the patience of the long-sorrowing Kristina wears thin.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
vincentlynch-moonoi There are some problems with this film, but overall I liked it.Problem # 1: Olivia deHavilland was 39 years old when this film was made, but the part was of a 20-something young lady. She's still lovely and almost pulls it off, but when you think that GWTW was 16 years earlier...well, that kinda stuck in my mind. And, BTW, just why did she have to have a Swedish accent??? Nevertheless, deHavilland is a superb actress, and when you put her age out of the equation, her acting is -- as always -- excellent.Problem # 2: Frank Sinatra became quite a good actor, but in my view that potential doesn't show through here. He is totally unconvincing as a med student and future doctor, although later in the film he seems to be more comfortable in the role.Problem # 3: What did directors see in Gloria Grahame? The first half of this film follows the two med students -- Robert Mitchum and Frank Sinatra -- through medical school. Mitchum can't afford medical school, in part because his father (Lon Chaney, Jr.) is a drunk and has squandered all his money. So, Mitchum marries a sweet girl (Olivia deHavilland) for her limited savings.The second half of the film follows Mitchum into practice in a small city. Here, another solid performance by a veteran character actor -- Charles Bickford as the local doctor -- adds to the stature of the film. This part of the story revolves around Mitchum's floundering to discover his own strengths as a man, which is only resolved when he finally fails -- attempting to save his mentor (Bickford). Unfortunately, he gets sidelined along the way with an affair with an almost laughable Gloria Grahame sham of a role.The most interesting surprise in this film is the outstanding performance by Broderick Crawford. Crawford as a Dr. Gillespie type? It seemed like such as odd role for Crawford, but he excels in it! To be honest, it surprised me at how effective Robert Mitchum was in the male lead, here (although he took second billing to DeHavilland). Lon Chaney, Jr. was effective as the alcoholic father, unfortunately apparently type casting. You'll also see Jesse White, Harry Morgan, and Lee Marvin in minor roles.I think this is quite a good film, and I'm surprised at how little known it is today. Recommended at least once...and maybe even for your DVD shelf.
insomnia Casting actors instead of 'stars', "Not As A Stranger" could have been an interesting, if somewhat typical, portrayal of the long, hard slog in becoming a doctor, and what life could be like as a doctor in a small town. Unfortunately, by casting Robert Mitcham, Frank Sinatra and Lee Marvin, as doctors, any semblance "Not As A Stranger" might have had as a serious melodrama about the life of a small town doctor is just another over-heated, maudlin melodrama, totally lacking in credibility, and typical of Hollywood's penchant of turning interesting subject matter into cinematic dross. The irony is that Stanley Kramer (who as a Producer), oversaw such highly regarded films as "Champion" with Kirk Douglas, "Death Of A Salesman" with Fredric March, "High Noon" with Gary Cooper (incidentally, John Wayne labeled "High Noon", as Un-American – presumably because of the film's pacifist leanings), and of course, "The Caine Mutiny", with Humphrey Bogart.. Kramer directed films like 'The Defiant Ones", which was about racial tolerance. Likewise, "Inherit The Wind" was about evolution, based on the Scopes so-called "Monkey Trials". But the bulk of Kramer's directorial output were such turkeys as "The Secret of Santa Vittorio", "Bless The Beasts & Children", and "The Pride & The Passion" – with another all-star cast, and, you guessed it, Frank Sinatra as a Spaniard fighting the French army under Napoleon! I award this movie 2 stars out of 10
whpratt1 Enjoyed this great story and all the actors who gave outstanding performances, especially Olivia De Havilland, (Kristina Hedvigson) who played the wife to Robert Mitchum,(Lucas Marsh). Kristina came from a wealthy family and fell in love with Lucas Marsh who was going to medical school and gave him financial support in his striving to become a successful surgeon. There are great scenes in the operating room and it was done so professionally that it kept you on pins and needles throughout the entire picture. Gloria Graham, (Harriet Lang) plays the role of a very sexy rich woman who teases and pleases Lucas Marsh and makes him feel very guilty for cheating on his wife. Frank Sinatra, (Alfred Boone) gives a great supporting role as a real close friend to Lucas and they both went through medical school together and each went their separate ways as doctors. There is plenty of drama and if you have not seen this Great Classic 1955 film, you will definitely want to view many great veteran actors at the top of their careers.
itsmebetty One of the best movies I have ever see! The everyday events in our lives and the downfalls are prominent throughout this movie. A dedicated medical student trying to play God once he has hung his shingle out for the World to see, finds that when he has made the ultimate mistake, that he is merely a mortal man only. He then attempts to make amends to his "wife" and deals with fixing the damages, he has caused since their marriage. The dedication to the medical and nursing professions is presented in a marvelous way. When Marsh sees the dedication in his wife's nursing abilities and the death of his dearest friend, then he comes to grips with his superior attitude. Its a magnificent movie, and if anyone throws rocks at it, then they have no concept of life and the snares thereof. YO! Its just plain good! bee jay.... PS...does anyone have a copy of this movie for sale? Thanks.
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