| 06 October 2015 (USA)
Nocturna Trailers

Two New Orleans detectives become embroiled in a centuries-long feud between two secretive factions of vampires while investigating a runaway child's case. Torn between their everyday lives and the dangerous lure of immortality, the detectives must race to destroy the evil Moldero clan.

Nonureva Really Surprised!
MusicChat It's complicated... I really like the directing, acting and writing but, there are issues with the way it's shot that I just can't deny. As much as I love the storytelling and the fantastic performance but, there are also certain scenes that didn't need to exist.
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
lojitsu A-Z Horror Movie of the Day..."Nocturna" (NR - 2015 - US)Sub-Genre: Monster/VampireMy Score: 4.9Cast=3 Acting=5 Plot=5 Ending=6 Story=6 Scare=3 Jump=3 F/X=6 Monster=8 Romance=4Two New Orleans detectives become embroiled in a centuries-long feud between two secretive factions of vampires while investigating a runaway child's case.The vampires in this movie were really well done!! It's not much or a horror movie, but like "Vampire: The Masquerade" it was more of a war between clans than vampires killing people. As a standard vampire movie, there were some unique points that would make it worth seeing. But not so much if you just want the blood and the gore. For that reason, I give it a meh.
rca-22834 This was a fantastic film. loved the new Danny Agha, kid was amazing, also great camera work, Estella Warren was beautiful as always. looking forward to a sequel *fingers crossed. All year we've seen mirages of good films. Here is the real thing. To transport picture goers to a unique place in the glare of the earth, in the darkness of the heart—this, you realize with a gasp of joy, is what movies can do. Any review is irrelevant to this movie; it is either above criticism or beneath contempt. But for those who park their sense and sensibility at the 'plex door, there's plenty to enjoy in the performances, the rowdy innocence of the whole thing. over all I give this film 10 out 10 and would recommend it for any one who's "seen it all" and is looking for a fun little film to catch, makes great for date night and a bottle of wine.
acerbic-1 Some films are terrible, some are hilariously bad, some are plain unwatchable, but this one is just... meh. It's not driving you up the wall with curses to the creators, mind you, its just not very good.Overall - watch this flick if you are a dedicated vamp fan or have an hour to spend, but don't expect quality much higher than of a film and arts student's work.For some reviews its a good taste to list different aspects of a movie - story, sound, effects, acting, etc. and evaluate them independently, but this one is a very leveled piece - everything is mediocre, from setting and costumes to cast and acting. No component is particularly good or bad. Just meh.Now will be heavy spoilers with story details.1. ProloguePrologue shows us some vampires killing a man and looking for a girl. It was overdrawn - too much attention to a guy who will be dead and irrelevant for the rest of the film. Explicitly showing us what happened there kills all the suspense and mysticism for the following cops-on-a-crime-scene sequence.2. IntroductionsTwo police detective paired - a novice and a veteran, both very archetypal. The novice is all do-good and aspiring to help innocents no matter what, the veteran is tainted by darker aspects of the job and suffered a personal touch with the supernatural community in the past. Their first case puts them in the middle of an ancient intrigue between two clans of vampires.This part I liked the most - the interaction of two main characters, the creepy derelict out-of-time charm of vampires' parlour... all nice even if bit over-the-top, which could be forgiven as stylistic choice of the film's director.3. Hospital sceneThat jarred me. For supposedly secretive types vampires attack very publicly and with collateral damage - the other cop guard died, I think. Hundreds of years of experience supposedly teach you to approach things with more strategic patience, even if you are on a more vicious part of the spectrum.4. The dealFairly OK, though I'd expect to hear much more questions asked by the detectives and more of setting's exposition from vampires. But apparently some details were revealed behind the scenes, because the next day, with no explanation to the viewer, the cops start investigating into a ..5. A car's previous owner.For a reason that will become apparent only after they find him. The guy's suicide was a great move, it added much required grit to the story. One of the strong moments.Unfortunately, after this the writing goes rapidly downhill. I won't even bother to list the disappointments, only one good thing is worth mentioning - vamp blood toxicity. I liked it as a counter to "vampire is your best medkit" trope some shows fall to.
mrtssn There are some movies you just know with the first look they are going to be bad but you still want to give the director/actors a chance to save it. Unfortunately Nocturna is beyond that point.His strings pulled by the mayor the police chieftain assigns the rookie under the wings of the veteran detective to protect the newbie from the "evil" of the city. Having no idea what's going on in his city the rookie and the veteran respond to a murder call which also appears to be missing case for them. Despite his lack of experience and observation skills the rookie decides not to listen to his partner's advices and takes the kidnapped girl to the forbidden neighborhood. This is when he sees the "unnatural beings" and the story starts.As someone who likes vampire movies, i must say for the details the setup is different from the others. Vampire blood heals and gives the drinker some vampire abilities… But it is also poisonous for humans! The thing is in these kind of scenes make up and visual effects are so amateur that takes your enthusiasm to continue watching. OMG, at least don't use plastic heads for the chop offs!!! The nonsense and the lack of logic in this movie has no limits! *** SPOILER ALERT*** Vampires with "demonic suggestion abilities" decide to force their way into a hospital surrounded by cameras instead of just talking their way in!!! Why did the police chieftain unexplainably die?! I still don't understand why there was a sacrifice needed in the end for the other characters to escape! Why script writer why?!!! ***Acting… I don't know where to start. OK first of all i am surprised that Mike Doyle accepted this role. But putting him aside the acting was TERRIBLE! Danny Agha (Roy Cody), who is acting as our rookie detective should consider ending his acting career. I am pretty sure there are better jobs for him!Even the stunts are awful at getting shot or killed!I think it is safe to say that Buz Alexander failed at his first try as a director. He failed at both the story and the directing. In my opinion we got ourselves another Uwe Boll.This movie deserves no more than 1/10! Not recommended! It is a waste of time