No Way Jose
No Way Jose
R | 06 June 2015 (USA)
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Jose Stern, an erstwhile indie-rocker relegated to playing children's birthday parties, is on the verge of turning 40 and at a crossroads in his life.

Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Murphy Howard I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Sasha Reydman I am an immigrant, so for me "American" film industry kind of simple, predictable, boring, like pop music, it is product line, but for sure there is some diamonds, and No Way Joe is one of them. It is not for sale! There is amazing music! "coach" song - awesome! Lots of information to think about Good actors, good camera man.I wish there will be more movies like this, and not "popcorn" movies that kills your time and then you leave with empty head and wont be able to recall after one year what this movie was about... This movie will leave something in your head and in your heart, for sure! Unfortunately people don't like to think, and movie with guy that jumps and shoot for 2 hours more popular than movies like "no way Jose" You can see it by rating and budget. But there is always people who not run after money, they make movies like this and make this world better! Love you guys!Thank you!
gavin-grimm I'm not sure what kind of mid-life crisis Goldberg is having but this is 97 minutes of unwatchable rambling garbage through no real story line or anything interesting at all. It's very clear that the actors involved think their jokes are clever and funny but really they're all just laughing together and no one else understands a thing they're saying. I sincerely regret renting this, not so much for the $ I spent, but more for the wasted trip to RedBox. I shut it off at the 50 min mark while fighting back alternating yawns and nausea. I'd ask for my money back but I desperately want to avoid hearing or seeing Goldberg again. Ever. Steer clear.
Larry Silverstein I'm sorry to say, as some reviewers have already noted, there is very little to laugh at in this Adam Goldberg led indie. It seemed like between the ad-libbing and inside jokes by the cast that they were probably having a better time than the rest of us.Goldberg, who directed here and co-wrote the script with Sarah Kate Levy, stars as Jose Stern, a neurotic guy having all kinds of problems with past and present female relationships, as well as a career as a singer-songwriter that's now relegated him to entertaining at children's birthday parties.One positive was that I thought Anna Belknap gave a strong performance as the highly intense Kate, wife of Jose's former band-mate Gabe. Also, in a bit part at the end of the movie, I thought the clown, portrayed by Steve Agee, was funny.In summary, for me, there was more annoyance than laughter here, plus I thought the ending was just an "in your face cop-out" to the viewer.
Seemp deHond Jose lacks purpose and never committed himself fully to anything. He is singer in a band, Jose and the Joses, that plays at children birthday parties but refuses to write children's songs for example. He still borrows money from his sister who made moderate fame with You Tube make-up tutorials. When the real motives behind his name change to Jose come out and break up his relationship he has to re-evaluate his life. The movie works as an underdog character piece with pointy dialogue. It reminds slightly of Greenberg although less strong and slightly listless in it's execution. The performance of the cast alone is worth it though. O'Reilly and Goldberg deliver as a couple so do Siegel and Belknap as supportive friends. Being mediocre, it still has some true gems. Band membermGabe losing himself in solo is touching and Jose's conversation with his sister summer are truly phenomenal moments to name a few.