R | 29 June 2007 (USA)
Nitro Trailers

Max leads a good life with Alice and their son Théo; that is until Alice is threatened with death while waiting for a heart transplant. Max promises Théo that he will save Alice, but to keep his word he must find a heart, and fast. Since time is running out and he must find a solution, Max decides to reconnect with his troubled past. His decision will change his life in ways he could never imagine

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
fireblazer666 This movie was great. The acting was excellent. Usually foreign films aren't that great. This was. It's about a man who sacrifices everything for the love of his life and the love of his life 10 years ago sacrifices hers to save his new loves life. Excellent film. Also about street racing. It's not like fast and furious or any of those movies. It a lot more deep into the human emotions. You get to see what a person is capable of in the most trying of situations. It's a fast paced movie, with in depth emotion, good acting and a decent plot. I can't think of a movie that's done what it has. The street racing aspect of the movie was a minor detail. The real them is about the main character giving everything so the woman he loves will live. It implies strongly that she does and also implies he goes to jail over it. The gangster he kills turns out to be a cop and you can see remorse for his actions in the sense that he was hoping to kill someone deserving to die.
Maciste_Brother NITRO is a French Canadian wannabe action in the FAST & FURIOUS kind that fails on all levels: action, story, acting, believability. It's one groaner after another. The story is totally silly and because the main star is about 5 feet tall, it's simply impossible to be impressed by any of the over-compensating machismo going on. The night racing scene, with the ugly woman in cut-offs, is priceless. Watching everyone act ghetto during what was supposed to be the film's highlight was truly embarrassing. The strip club scene was hot & compelling thanks to those quick edits which told us that it was supposed to be hot & compelling because the lack of acting abilities from its main star wasn't helping the director. The characters were all one dimensional and uninteresting. Only the cinematography was OK.Seriously, this film is to be avoided at all cost.
pethel01 Well sometimes people miss understand a piece of art completely. For commercial reasons this is if a product is labeled not exactly what it is really containing. Call it action and it gives you a market for example. Other example, "The Wrestler". For some folks, younger folks maybe it is an action movie defined by the fighting components. For me as an elder man this components are part of the story but not the story itself. Just decoration and necessary to tell the real story. I watched "Nitro" by coincidence. Some of this funny Canadian variations of US mentality. I thought. Let's waste some time and watch it. Tarantino is named here. I as European will never understand this director and his art as an US American understand it. For me his kind of art is not really necessary. For me "Nitro" has nothing to do with this. Like "The Pet" has nothing to do with sex, bondage, S/M or anything porn. The film smashed my easy watching attempt completely. It is a very very hard story told in a surprising way. But i could stand it, was not forced to switch off. Cause also for me it's a story about love. And it's limitations. The limitations of our human existence. Whom do we really love, other persons or ourself? What is our struggle for, to help beloved persons or to cover our needs and pain? It's a film about the absolutely tragedy of some people linked by love or what they believe love is. Without any terms of religion. A story of loosen souls shifting around in a world they can't stand. A story of how to accept what you can not accept, death. And a very sad story, stays there anything left of their love? A movie that ask questions and leave them open. A very unusually movie.
luclambert Some might consider this a spoiler even though nothing is said about the movie so beware. I am a Quebec resident and i'm so sick and tired of producers that think that to enjoy a movie, you should leave the theater enraged, upset and full of frustrations.The movie had potential to be a great movie but somehow, it was all blown away at the last 10 minutes. Why? I say why do they have to do this. A movie should be enjoyable, taking you for a ride to eventually come to a climax so that when you have watched the movie, you are left in awe and good feelings.Not this one. Just another of those producer that believe you should leave the theater upset enough that you just might hit the first person that you come across.Throughout the years, i have seen so many movies made in Quebec that follows this line, that now, I became a bit segregationists.I just finished watching this movie. Maybe this is why i am so very upset at the moment. Taking me for a ride and letting me down.I will never watch another movie produce by this Alain Desrocher but one thing is sure...... I'll never forget his name