Night of the Templar
Night of the Templar
| 13 May 2012 (USA)
Night of the Templar Trailers

The stage is set for retribution as an eclectic group is lured to a secluded European Castle under the guise of a promised "fantasy weekend." And as they read from an obscure storybook, a nefarious tale of avarice is reenacted for their entertainment. However, they are unaware that they have been gathered for their own personal and befitting executions.

Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
nightroses Oh no, I feel bad for not posting a review ages ages ago. I've watched "Night of the Templar" from start to finish. Paul Sampson worked magic on the medieval scenes with the shields, kind of. We know the Templars were all butchered at the end in real life. A true medieval Templar would have prayed before a killing but he certainly would never have used dental whitener. The modern setting was funny and pantomime, as these people were sitting there wondering whats going on, as the viewer does too. I watched it because it was made by Paul Sampson alone and I was curious. RIP David Carradine who starred in this film. Sir Gregoire himself couldn't rest, because he's an angry spirit wanting revenge so he ended up butchering innocent people including women, and during the wrong century. Also a shame that his horse didn't come back to life.
Michael Ledo The story starts out giving us a Cliff Notes version of the Knights Templar. Lord Gregoire (Paul Sampson), the leader of the Templars is betrayed and killed by some of his own knights. He vows revenge in the 10th generation of the reincarnated souls or descendents or something. The story starts in 1095 or so and then jumps 700 years to the "present."The reincarnation aspect is most interesting since this is the tenth film that David Carradine as been in since he has died in 2009. Shouldn't someone be questioning this? To add to the plot continuity issues, only Lord Gregoire looks like his 700 year old self. Some of the people remember who they were 700 years ago, while others do not. Many of the men from long ago are now women. The film jumps back and forth between the present and 700 years ago. In the present day Jake McCallister is Lord Gregoire. He has anger management issues that makes our hero unlikeable. Isn't 700 years a long time to hold a grudge? Get over it!The present day cast reminded me of something that one might see from a modern "Canterbury Tales" line up including a cross dresser (Billy Drago), Priest (Udo Kier), shopkeeper (David Carradine), a fighter (Mary Christina Brown) and a prostitute (Sofie Norman). Much of the killing is done off screen. I liked the characters they created, they just did nothing with them.There is some mild humor in this film, some which may not be intentional. The 700 year old grudge script was just so bad, there was nothing this group could have done to save it other than to walk away from it. Not as good as "Scorpion Kings 3" for you Drago fans.Parental Guide: F-bomb, brief oral sex, brief nudity (Sofie Norman.)
dunfincin Saw that this film had a very healthy 6.5 rating on IMDb and so sat down to watch it at home with great expectations.This is a very,very bad film and does not deserve a rating anything like the one it has.It has obviously been hyped up by the Director's wife's cousin, the Producer's son's baseball team and the Best Boy's pet spaniel. A plot so convoluted as to be virtually incomprehensible,feeble acting and a script you wouldn't use to wallpaper your toilet await the unsuspecting viewer.This was apparently David Carradine's last film and the poor man must be spinning in his grave to have left this dross as his final legacy to the world or maybe he did it on purpose as his ultimate two-fingered gesture to the rest of us.My advice is that when you read the reviews of this film,you concentrate on the ones with a rating similar to mine and ignore the sycophantic ramblings of the camp followers.I managed about half an hour before I switched it off and darned a pair of socks which was infinitely preferable.
celticmadien2 This movie doesn't have a huge budget, big name super stars or lots of fancy CGI. What it does have is heart. Paul Sampson worked his butt off to get this movie made, he made it the way he wanted to and thumbed his nose at those who didn't like it.So much of today's blockbusters overload the senses with big explosions, super bright special effects and rely on the fact that people have been conditioned to think that MORE MORE MORE is better. The scenery is gorgeous, the castle even more soNight of The Templar is dark and gritty, a welcome change for me. The acting is sometimes understated in the extreme and it WORKS. The research, passion and time taken in getting this film made shows. Paul Sampson earned my respect and loyalty in this film by doing everything himself. He had a hand in every part of the process. I bought this movie honestly not expecting it to be so good. It surprised and delighted me with it mixture of humor, action, drama and intrigue. Fans of Norman Reedus will enjoy this film as well, his part in it can't be missed.