Night of the Dead: Leben Tod
Night of the Dead: Leben Tod
| 28 June 2006 (USA)
Night of the Dead: Leben Tod Trailers

Pregnant and frightened, Anais is not allowed to leave the specialized hospital where her husband, Peter has a medical internship with his uncle, Dr. Gabriel Schreklich, a man with a serum that can resurrect the dead. But things go terribly wrong and the Ghouls take over the hospital. Now, the only way for Anais to save her unborn baby is to get one of the Ghouls to help her to escape.

PodBill Just what I expected
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Scy_Fy_JunKiE I am a huge fan of zombie movies. However it seems like lately anyone with a camera can make a movie. And if you want to that is fine. But for the love of all things good you should NOT be allowed to hype up a movie you were in just because you were part of it. It does no one any favors.Thankfully I saw this on TV and didn't waste the cash to rent it. But for the first time in a long time, I enjoyed the commercials more then the movie itself.Basically the acting was a half a step above adult movies. The sound needed a lot of work. It kept getting some type of buzzing interference at random parts, it may have been when things were edited in, who knows, I wasn't about to rewind and listen again. Overall after the first ten minutes I kept hoping the zombies would just up and eat everyone so it would be over.If you like movies that attempt to be gory with a cup full of red water being thrown about then this may be for you. Dead Alive gore this was NOT.This movie kind of reminded me of Day of the Dead 2 Contagion. But not in a good way. Both were forgettable and just did whatever they wanted with the plot because it was easy or convenient, regardless of how hard it was to continue watching.Top three LEAST watchable zombie films I have ever sat through. 1 out of 10 to offset all the people involved that are giving it high marks.
ericxton OK people first off i chose another film over this one (serum) in hopes that between the two that one would have been better .... i have a theory "if a movie doesn't show stills from the movie itself then its so low budget that they don't want you to know it ..." ...welll that theory has stood strong and never been proved wrong until this movie !!! and i honestly doubt that my theory will ever be proved wrong again but im glad it was this time ...GREAT FILM !!! HOLY CRAP !!! everything about it was great .... good story line ...usual doctor crazy making living dead ..but the story had good solid feeling behind it ...the actors made it work even better and the gore was freaking great !!! thats what im saying when it comes to low budget films !!!! so good job to all involved with the making of this film ...and to all those out there looking for anything to watch about zombies with a better than average feel from todays films about zombies then check it out ...well worth the rent (4), vocalist - GOD IN A MACHINE
elliecarlson As with his last film, Alien Abduction, Eric Forsberg does amazing work with a small budget. I would really be eager to see what he could do with more money. His actors are all excellent and the script has good plot twists and lots of humor. The special effects are turn-away scary, and his monster/ghoul/zombie things show unique individuality not usually seen in this type of film. I really liked the plot twist at the end, something he also did in Alien Abduction and I didn't see either of them coming. Mr. Forsberg is a most talented screenwriter and director, limited only by budget. Somebody give this guy a huge chunk of money and let him make a first rate film, I know he could do it.
mas4reel If you like blood and gore, Eric's Forsberg's "Night of the Dead, Leben Tod" is for you. It is awash with blood and slimed with gore. Plus it's a lot of fun. The audience at Hollywood's Shriekfest laughed out loud -- that is when they weren't gagging, squirming in their seats or covering their eyes. Not only that, but for an ultra-low budget horror film, it has an especially well-written story with sympathetic characters, believable acting, good production values and a kick-butt musical score.Louis Graham is sentimental and mad as the conflicted Dr. Schreklich whose "experiments" are driven by love for his family -- unfortunately with horrific consequences. Deirdre Lyons as the snarling, sexy Schatzi would make a perfect "Fangoria" cover. As the pregnant Anais Sturben, exotically beautiful Joey Jalalian is convincing in both her feminine fragility and in her new-found strength to save her child and husband. Gabriel Womack, who plays Peter Sturben, is an action hero in the making, yet he has the sensitivity to play the soft side of a husband who loves his wife and child so desperately that he will do anything for them, despite pangs of conscience. David Reynolds ("House of 1000 Corpses"), as the doctor's creepy assistant Gunther, not only revels in the blood and gore, but is given an added dimension by his touching relationship with Nurse Krakenhaus played by Silvia McClure. The Autopsy Ghoul, Charles Schneider –- who is also responsible for directing the second unit -- meets his end with a memorably grisly death. And there is nothing scarier than a seven-year old ghoul -- Lola Forsberg as the doctor's daughter, Christi -- that can take down a full-grown man! Tom Devlin and his team from 1313 FX have pulled out their whole bag of tricks to provide the "gore-rific" make-up effects for the film, including severed heads, bashed brains and gallons of blood. His efforts have already garnered several film festival awards. Art Director, Daniel Lavitt, deserves credit for setting the scene with a hospital full of pickled body parts and dinners bound to turn your stomach.The cutting-edge editing by Mary Ann Skweres keeps the story moving and helps to sell the effects by not lingering on them long enough to show any flaws. An unflinching commitment to take the film's bloodiest sequences to the limit is achieved by the quick jump-cuts that add a relentless intensity to the pacing and never let the viewer catch a breath. The orchestral score drives the audience on this bloody joy-ride of a film. Composer Bob Bayless, who has worked with top Hollywood composer Jerry Goldsmith, draws on suspense, horror, drama and rock elements to compliment the emotional complexity of the story while adding a few scares of its own."Night of the Dead, Leben Tod" might make you gag, squirm, cover your eyes or even laugh, but it never compromises the horror that makes it an instant cult classic!The film is produced by Cerebral Experiment with Hollywood Dell Digital Studio providing post production services.