New Alcatraz
New Alcatraz
R | 21 May 2002 (USA)
New Alcatraz Trailers

Paleontologist Robert Trenton is called to Northeastern Antarctica near the Indian Ocean to help the FBI build an underground maximum-security military base and prison for the world's most dangerous criminals and terrorists, which is dubbed "New Alcatrax" by the staff. While building the prison, the staff accidentally awaken and unleash a prehistoric Boa Constrictor from its 200 year hibernation.

TinsHeadline Touches You
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
dj_oldfield-3 This movie met all of my expectations. While it is certainly not something that I would have gone to a movie theater to see, I believe that it offers an enjoyable use of a couple hours.Since pretty much everyone before me has been ragging on it, I suppose I should say my piece.1. Dean Cain, while not in the Brad Pitt/Morgan Freeman category of actors, does offer a pretty solid character in most of his roles and this (in my view) is no exception. I think that his mannerisms were pretty natural considering he may as well have been sharing a row-boat with badger for how safe he was.2. A lot of people felt that the snake was poorly done, and perhaps they had higher definition on their TVs (which wouldn't surprise me). The scenes with this snake are very short and not very frequent. As far as problems, I would say that the biggest one is that somehow the scenes made the snake look smaller then it was suppose to be (comparing them against the size of the hole it made in a wall). The snake looked to me to be about three or four feet wide, and the hole in the wall was at least six feet in diameter (probebly more like eight).Sub Note: The movie indicates that this snake makes a tunnel through ice that is roughly wide enough for two grown men to walk through side by side, and is about 30 paces long. My imagination cannot accept that as a possibility (even a drill would take a very long time to force through that much ice), and that did kind of weaken the plot for me.3. Pretty much all of these characters are undeveloped. I am guessing that this became apparent to the director at some point, because there are poorly timed arguments between the two co-stars which were (in my view) an unsuccessful attempt at giving them substance beyond the monster experience.When I am going to watch a movie about a giant snake, I am basically more concerned with his eating habits then the character development. I suppose this is a large part of the reason that I enjoyed this movie, and a large part of the reason that it achieved a 7/10 from me.
luxdeluks Boa rules. It stinks so much that I really started to like it. Full of such incomprehensible idiocy that you will simply stare and wonder is it you who is really in need of treatment. They even classified it as horror. That's already funny.Okay we have the New Alcatraz located somewhere in the antarctic below the ice. It's interiors are really huge (lot's of halls) but actually have nothing to do with prisons. Are they gonna put the prisoners in giant standing lines through these halls? Great stuff is that it's for prisoners from all over the world and, although it just opened, it only has 6 of 'em! And they're supposed to be the worst of the worst. Yeah right! Dean Cain is more terrifying than all of 'em together. So imagine you are the warden of this complex and in the middle of a drilling through stone procedure, the drill expert says we shouldn't continue 'cause it could all blow up, what would you say? Off course it would be: "continue to drill" because otherwise a giant prehistoric snake preserved in pure nitrogen gas wouldn't come out! Basically all character reasoning in this movie doesn't make much sense to me. That's what I really like here. The characters are really shown as retards.Two biggest holes of this movie are Dean Cain and the snake Boa itself. Firstly Dean Cain who is supposed to be the main character and ends up being overshadowed by a much less known actor who stars as one of the prisoners. What I mean is that obviously Cain just took the role to make extra bucks, "acted" his role and went home. The guy probably thinks he's famous after starring superman. Yeah right. The prisoner guy thus comes out as the hero of the flick and dies in the end. You can even sense some sort of laughable sympathy towards that character. I really respect these b-grade actors who at least take things seriously and act as they act and give us something to laugh about unlike Cain who is simply annoying. Now about the snake. First of all the film makers rely too much on the low budget cgi effects and thus everything is dark and you can barely see Boa. Disappointing. Also, one of the funny things in this movie is that most of the people die by explosions they themselves caused, much less from Boa. Could this be some sort of hidden message about true human nature? A philosophical under layer created by the screenwriter? If so I'm Merry Poppins.Basically I would divide the movie in two parts: the first 45 minutes and the last 45 minutes. The first is really fun in it's badness 'cause there's not too much Cain and more unknown bad actors, especially the prisoners and one guard who's a real chicken. The last 45 minutes are kinda boring, Boa being almost invisible like in the whole movie and too much big empty halls which still fascinate me.Well Boa is bad but can be enjoyable. Some dialogues are simply too bad to be true as that also goes for some scenes. Guys this is New Alcatraz with only 6 prisoners and a prehistoric snake. Damn this is really astoundingly retarted.originally written for:
spd916 The movie is best described as any typical poorly produced horror type movie where the characters will do the stupidest things to get themselves killed for no reason (eg.-walking into places knowing that you'll be killed or not taking anyones obvious warnings). The acting itself was not bad but the movie doesn't make much sense as to how a giant snake can move around the prison but can't really be seen until at least the last 45 minutes of the film. Some scenes were just written poorly. for example, dean cain promises a prisoner her safety when she was freaking out about the snake eating her and 5 minutes later, all he did was shoot her (but not the snake) so she wouldn't have to deal with the pain of being eaten... I guess that's still keeping his word. I'm no animal expert but this snake goes around this prison eating a bunch of people...don't snakes eat and then go hide and sleep it off since they're most vulnerable when they are full?? I don't think it's even worth the time watching this film. if dean cain would show some skin, perhaps it's still worth the rental.
Nick Damian HA HA HA...this movie is sooo a bad way.Many unanswered questions.Why were there only roughly 15 guards at a prison in a frozen wasteland?Why did they all speak to each other by last name only?Why weren't they cold when walking through a gigantic block of ice?Why was there only one person with access to the gates of the prison?Why were there no caretakers or cooks or anybody else that works in a prison facility around?Why after "2 weeks" were the inmates still healthy and energetic looking? Had they been knowledgeable of the snake, there would have been massive panic.Why were the inmates still alive if the rest of the staff at the penetentiary killed? If the snake was able to crush through several thousand feet of ice, why not through plexiglass to eat the prisoners?Why was Dean Cain and his "wife" talking of creatures that lived below the ice right at the time of the giant snake escaping from the hollowed out rock? Did they have subconcious knowledge of it or were they actually demons who had given birth to it and therefor had first hand knowledge of snakes living in permafrost environments?If the snake will go where it's warm, why didn't the snake tunnel it's way north to a warmer climate?If this is a BOA Constrictor, why did it first strike it's victims with it's fangs, instead of crushing them and breaking bones and swallowing them whole? Boas will CRUSH their meal till it is lifeless and then devour it, and not seek out till it has totally consumed the meal.Why did the snake not stay where the warth of the fire was instead of darting off across the cold building after new victims. They were heading to the warmest part of the structure...the snake was there, but it chased them. Had the snake stayed where it was warm, it would have only been in the drilling and heating chamber.Why after flying across the ocean and jumping into sub-freezing temperatures did the army and the two professors still have warm hands and faces while walking through very cold blowing wind?Why did the snow look like cotton and NOT stick to the clothes or to any metal objects? Or heap up in the corners of the wall where the wind was blowing it too?Why did this entire movie look like some lame attempt at putting back pieces of previous ALIEN, STAR WARS and STAR TREK sets together to create a backdrop.Why was the snake able to live and GROW in a hollow rock that has been sealed for thousands of years with no food?Why did the snake make noise? Snakes have no vocal cords and therefor make no vocal reverberations.Why was Dean Caine's character not emotional after he thought his wife to be dead?Why was his wife very emotional when she spoke of a child which was not even relevent to the story?How did the criminals eat during their entire stay at the fortress and why were they still wearing the same clothes without looking like they had slept in them for two weeks? What was the reason for the criminals in the first place...they served no purpose except for a quick meal.Why did the criminals have to argue with each other when the only thing they had to do was either kill the snake or run?Why was the Warden so high up on himself and demanding when he could have just hopped the plane and escaped?Why didn't the survivors use all the firepower in the storage room that was accessable to them, instead of leaving plenty of weapons behind?Why didn't the survivors think of using the explosives from the mining crew had left them?Why? Why? Why? Why are there sooooo many holes to this story? Why was it made? Why were the characters so poorly developed?Why was the script so poor quality? And why wsan't it actually filmed in somehwere that was cold (a big freezer warehouse? Northern Canada in Winter? Why were there so many useless characters that served absolutley no point in the film?