| 27 January 2009 (USA)
Nevermore Trailers

The movie stars Judd Nelson as a wealthy but unstable hermit who is convinced he will soon become insane much as his father did; his father actually did go insane and murdered Nelson's character's mother. He hires a private investigator (played by Vincent Spano) to look into his wife's possible motives for helping drive him insane. The wife, played by Jennifer O'Dell, is a sort of trophy wife; Nelson's character is certain that she is out to both drive him insane and rob him of his fortune.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
lathe-of-heaven Well, it certainly is VERY nice to see Judd Nelson actually IN a whole film for a change, and a fairly recent one at that! I really like him very much and I've always felt so badly that he never seems to get any really decent parts and in most films he usually just about literally 'drives through' for a few minutes and that's it (Actually, in 'THE CARETAKER' he literally never even gets out of the car : ) You will be able to tell right from the beginning (after the introductory prologue scene) that this movie is very different. It is not like super weird or offbeat necessarily like David Lynch or anything, but primarily where the dialog is concerned, it REALLY reminds me a lot of David Mamet. The way he structures dialog where the people almost seem to be speaking unusually formally to each other, just not quite so much. When done well, as it is here, it can be kind of seductive because it begins to draw you in and makes you very curious as to what is really behind the words.With that said, unfortunately when all is indeed 'said' and done, I personally think that the ending could have used a little more 'punch', so to speak. I DID like the attitude of his friend there at the end / epilogue, but I think that perhaps considering how sharp the Judd Nelson character was supposed to be, the ending might have been written a little more cleverly. ***SPOILERS - I think since the general storyline was moderately predictable, it would have given the ending stronger impact if we could have had an added twist with Judd Nelson's character getting wise to what was going on and setting up the situation with the sheriff at the end - just my lowly and wretched opinion - ***END SPOILERS I really did like the characters and dialog though; for the most part, it was enjoyable to watch.I really, Really, REALLY hope that this just MIGHT mean that Judd Nelson will hopefully be getting more chances or making more of an effort to have better and more involved roles. Heh, I mean NO ONE does that little deadpan sarcasm like he does... NO ONE! I would say that if you enjoy films where there is a lot of dialog and a nice, slow building story, then you should like this one. If you are looking for more of an intense Horror / Thriller, then this may not be the film for you. I will admit that due to the title I WAS kind of expecting a bit more of a Horror element - but, even so, I did enjoy it quite a bit and I feel that it deserves a little higher rating than the 5.x that it has now...***EDIT 2015.03.26Actually, I just looked and I was pleasantly surprised to see that the rating is up to over '7' now. NEVERMORE (2007) ** JUDD NELSON, VINCENT SPANO, JENNIFER O'DELL, SIDI HENDERSON. Middling yet affective neo-noir w/Hitchcockian underpinnings potboiler about a gradually drifting into madness self-made businessman/genius type (Nelson looking like an unmade bed, yet arguably the best thing about the film) who enlists his estranged college roommate (Spano, a bit one-note) who is visiting for a seminar on drama, to prove his trophy wife former escort girl (O'Dell, equally stiff/bland)is trying to drive him mad for his fortune. A decent effort overall by rookie filmmaker Thomas Zambeck who clearly loves the genre and does the best with a bare bones budget but makes up for it in spades with production design & moxie to spare; familiar and a bit forgettable except again for the unhinged, manic Nelson.
silent_star "i received "nevermore" on tuesday January 20 and decided to wait until Friday night to watch it and it was a very long wait but so worth it. i've never reviewed a movie before, but i just wanted to try and share my feelings with all of you. it's a movie you really have to experience.i love scary, suspense and creepy movies, and i have to say "nevermore" did not disappoint. from the very first scene, i was hooked. it was suspense at it's best. not being partial, but judd was truly jonathan and fantastic and there is nobody else who could have played that role. it was so great to finally see him in a movie where he got more than 5 or 10 minutes. he carried the film beautifully. i also love his wicked sense of humor throughout. this was one of those cat & mouse thrillers, and it was hard to trust anyone. i will not give anything away, but the ending was shocking. i think that tom zambeck did a fantastic job, and i can't wait to see what other things he has in the works. i really enjoyed all of the acting, but outside of judd, i'd have to say that sidi henderson was fantastic as the sheriff. the one thing i hope is that people take the time to get this DVD and give it a chance. i wish that judd would get some kind of award for playing this tormented character but of course he won't. also, i forgot to mention that the music fit each scene, and i really wish there was a soundtrack. i also loved the creepiness of the house and how the scenes were mostly done in the dark. it gave it a very gloomy feel. the special features were also great, and hats off to the whole crew who did such a great job. i'm so happy to finally have this movie, and i'm going to watch it again tonight. i've also ordered a second copy just in case i wear this one out. also a little side note, judd looked adorable with his crazy hair & beard. i was in seventh heaven actually getting to see such close-ups of this amazing man. thanks again tom zambeck for a truly riveting movie!
Jerique Jonathan Usher (Judd Nelson) asks his college buddy (friend of 20 years, hasn't seen him in a decade) Devin Bayliss (Vincent Spano) to stay with him for two weeks. Devin discovers that he has to spy and get information from Jon's stunning wife, Lydia (Jennifer O'Dell, who bears striking resemblance to a young Rebecca De Mornay). Jon believes that Lydia is trying to make him go crazy so he'll be committed and then she will inherit his money.This film was very well written, directed and produced by Thomas Zambeck. I think it's a decent piece of work. It's got an interesting and original story. At times it's boring and some scenes drag on for far too long, but it has it's moments. Some scenes should have been cut down or omitted completely.The acting, considering the main players are unknowns, is very well done. That shows a good talent in the area of directing. There's a twist, sorta, for people who can't catch early on that it's a ploy done by Devin and Lydia. I predicted early that it was them working together and having an affair. That's not to take away from the entertaining film it is.I did enjoy the movie. I felt it did drag on a bit, but it was still entertaining. It had a very interesting opening. I liked the special effect where it was signifying a flashback using black and white, but it showed color in Judd's wardrobe. It reminded me of "Sin City".For the most part, Jennifer's good look and character's seductive advances, is the reason I stayed interested. Lydia's attractiveness is very important. I can't have sympathy and care for a character in danger of being killed off if they aren't good looking (or if they aren't good looking, their personality has to be good). Since Lydia was good looking, I was able to care for her character when she became in danger of being killed by Jon. Ironically, I found myself caring more about the well-being of Lydia and Devin -- the antagonists of the film.It's not a perfect film, but in it's defense, very few are. It must have had a low budget, which is the only guess I have as to why no big names were starring. The good things about the film is the overuse of the robe on Judd's character and the claustrophobic atmosphere of being in the house 90% of the film. Not to mention, Judd's hairstyle creates an intimidating look of "insane." I strongly think that if any of the actors in this tried to go for something bigger, they could become a top actor of modern cinema in very little time. I also think that Thomas' work on this is something that shows a lot of potential and talent. Over the next decade, I'm sure we'll see much more of him in the big blockbusters to come.