Neo Ned
Neo Ned
R | 22 April 2005 (USA)
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Like most kids, Ned idolized his father and dreamed of following in his footsteps. Unfortunately, his father was a two-bit crook who spent most of his life in jail. Without a family of his own, Ned falls in with the Aryan Brotherhood. Soon after, Ned is placed in a mental hospital where he is mesmerized by a young black girl who believes Adolf Hitler was reincarnated in her.

Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
DeuceWild_77 Charming lil' unseen flick made in a tight budget, tells a story of young neo-nazi skinhead, Ned Nelson, caught in a mental ward after he was involved in a murder of an African-American. There he meets & befriends a young single mother, a black girl that thinks Adolf Hitler reincarnated on her. The apparently impossible relationship between the two comes to live when the reckless & intolerant Ned starts to develop a feeling of caring for her... "Neo Ned" is a nicely watch for a Sunday afternoon film, in the vein of Johnny Depp's "Benny & Joon" where two misfits find love in their own wicked world full of disillusions, violence and abuse. The director tries to not be preachy as usual in a movie involving skinheads, just showing us a modern days' fairy tale oscillating between melodrama & comedy but always with an upbeat feel.Two times Academy Award nominee, Jeremy Renner, one of the best actors working today, delivers an honest, committed and often naive performance as Ned, a skinhead with a heart of gold suffering for lack of parenthood that just wants to belong. The scene in the bus stop when he was kicked out of the Mental Ward it's downright emotional and beautiful played that may drop a tear on the audience (i cried...). A funny fact is that Ethan Suplee who played the neo-nazi Seth in "American History X", here plays the benevolent and comprehensive guard at the Mental Ward. In short, "Neo Ned" needs do be rediscovered, a movie made after the Renner's breakthrough role in "S.W.A.T.", but before his critical & commercial success in Kathryn Bigelow's "The Hurt Locker". Renner may be a bit too old for the role (the actor had almost 34), but he delivers, for sure. Recommended !! DVD REVIEW -NEO NED (2006) ** Jeremy Renner, Gabrielle Union, Sally Kirkland, Cary Elwes, Steve Railsback, Ethan Suplee, Eddie Kaye Thomas, Richard Riehle. Jeremy Renner is an up-and-coming new character actor with definite acting chops who, this past year, made an indelible impression on me in two disparate roles, as a sexual harassing co-worker to Charlize Theron in the drama "North Country" and as a former fire-fighter coming to grips with depression in the indie "Twelve and Holding", both excellent work by the talented thespian, who shines here in this little seen indie as the metaphorically titular character (the Neo- referring to his skinhead Nazi tendencies and eventually for his re-birth at a mental health clinic) Ned, who has had a rough life. His real mother, a flibbertigibbet flake (Kirkland), lost him to the tragic life of foster care (he barely escaped a family's mass suicide) while his father is in prison, he wound up befriended by peer-pressuring thugs in the unlikely form of a skinhead gang that eventually leads to the murder of a young black man. Although not implicit for the death Ned is sent instead of jail to the clinic where he meets a beautiful young black woman named Rachael (Union, in one of her surprisingly stronger efforts and also another talent to continue to watch), who has everyone there under the impression she is the re-incarnation of Adolph Hitler (!)Tentatively feeling each other out and realizing that both are completely at unease with their guises, the two begin to bond and fall in love until Ned is unceremoniously dismissed from the premises (no one sees any progress and he has been a nuisance to the staff and patients). Instead of taking his one-way ticket on a bus to nowhere, Ned instead returns to the clinic and follows the patients to their scheduled field trip at the local zoo, where he sees Rachael and lies to her that he is 'cured' and persuades her to join him in a new life. But Rachael is also not who she appears (a victim of a sexual abuser while a young girl) and the happy life the two design for themselves doesn't turn out to be what they anticipated.The film, directed by novice Van Fischer moves along predictably - kind of like a made-for-TV mix of "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" meets "Badlands" but without the rampant wave of violence for violence sake, with some subtle touches (i.e. Ned's fading swastika on his t-shirt suggesting his tendencies are all but non-existent), but the screenplay by Tim Boughn feels bare-bones where rich character development and a better transition from scene-to-scene could've been forged more thoroughly. But the acting is uniformly solid, including cameo-esquire work by Elwes and Kirkland.
bjpphoto I saw this film through the Palm Beach International Film Festival and I absolutely loved it! It is a love story for those of us who don't like love stories. At first, when I read the synopsis I rolled my eyes at the thought of a Neo Nazi man falling in love with a Black woman who believes that she is Adolf Hitler. After viewing the movie, I see now that it involves so much more. Ned is a young man who more than anything wants desperately to be a part of a family and he finds that in Rachel even though she is literally the complete opposite of him and his beliefs.Both Jeremy Renner and Gabrielle Union do a phenomenal job with their characters. Renner's portrayal of Ned is almost childlike as he yearns for attention- weather it's positive or negative. You can't help but to fall in love with Ned and Rachel and after a while you find yourself routing for them. Overall I think this is an amazing film and I think that everyone should take the time to watch it! I love this movie more and more every time I see it!
fmg05 I was able to see this film at the Tribeca Film Festival last week and walked away incredibly impressed with Jeremy Renner. I'd seen him in Dahmer so expected another good performance, but was truly blown away. The Village Voice compared his performance to DeNiro's in Taxi Driver and I can see why. Gabrielle Union was also good - this film is nothing like her previous work. I admire her for playing this part and also for defending her decision to do so. I think the director Van Fischer should be commended for spotting this interesting screenplay, having the vision to create such a compelling story of love, and being able to make it actually happen. If you like quirky romances, this film will satisfy you and then some.