Navajo Joe
Navajo Joe
| 25 November 1966 (USA)
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The sole survivor of a bloody massacre vows revenge on his attackers and on the men who killed his wife.

Console best movie i've ever seen.
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Luecarou What begins as a feel-good-human-interest story turns into a mystery, then a tragedy, and ultimately an outrage.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
gavin6942 A Native American warrior called Navajo Joe (Burt Reynolds) seeks revenge on a gang of sadistic outlaws who has massacred the people of his tribe.If this film is known for anything, it is just how much Burt Reynolds hated working on it. The story, in its simplest form, is that he thought he would be working with Sergio Leone and instead got Sergio Corbucci. Beyond that, his protests seem a bit over the top. Yes, this is a bad movie. But is it really the worst one he ever did? Ultimately, it does not really seem terrible in a technical way. Just bland, boring, nothing really special. If Reynolds was not in it, it would be forgotten. The worst part is actually the soundtrack. The Navajo Joe theme is played way too many times and is not very good the first time.
Scott LeBrun There's style to spare in this revenge-minded Italian oater, from director Sergio Corbucci of "Django" fame. While some viewers may have difficulties accepting star attraction Burt Reynolds as an American Indian, the film does ultimately pay one back. It's stirring, robust entertainment, exquisitely designed and shot. It's quite visceral and violent, but also has a rich array of characters, and nicely executed (pardon the expression) action set pieces. Corbucci and screenwriters Fernando Di Leo & Piero Regnoli do their best to give us a memorably enigmatic main character, keeping his screen time to a minimum at first.Burt plays the title character, whose peaceful tribe was massacred by outlaws. He stays on their trail, determined to get back at them. In the process, he also makes a deal with the citizens of a town to protect them from the outlaws, who are led by the scuzzy Mervyn "Vee" Duncan (genre regular Aldo Sambrell). The townspeople are expecting a hefty payday, and Duncans' gang has been alerted to the existence of the money by a scheming local.Apparently, Burt is embarrassed by this one (!). He's actually done far worse, in this viewers' humble opinion, and has nothing to be embarrassed about. He does his best to acquit himself in his heroic role, and keeps his charisma dialed down, although he does get chances to show off some physicality. Sambrell tends to steal the show. Films like this often depend on the entertainment value of the villain, and he doesn't disappoint. He even gets a showcase moment near the end to explain why Vee has a hatred for Indians. The very fine supporting cast also includes Nicoletta Machiavelli, Fernando Rey, Tanya Lopert, Pierre Cressoy, Nino Imparato, and Lucio Rosato.Ennio Morricone (utilizing the pseudonym Leo Nichols) once again proves how valuable he was to this genre, composing a typically atmospheric soundtrack with a fair amount of vocalizations as well as music."Navajo Joe" is not a truly great example of the Spaghetti Western, but it provides an ample amount of diversion.Seven out of 10.
martin-dearlove-564-397785 Aside from Reynolds, the acting in this film is pretty mediocre. The dialogue is one dimensional as are the characters. None of it is helped by it being dubbed.Aside from a few notable exceptions, Spaghetti westerns do little for me. From the unrealistic gunshot sounds and stereotyped characters to the over acting and obvious story lines, they are generally low quality products. This Western is not one of the exceptions. I have a feeling that the growth in Spaghetti Westerns was one of the main reasons that Westerns virtually died out.It isn't the worst film I've seen, not even the worst Western. But it's certainly not one I'd bother with again.
MartinHafer "Navajo Joe" is an Italian-produced western starring Burt Reynolds. It was his only appearance in a 'spaghetti western' and, according to Reynolds, it's a terrible film. I wouldn't call it a terrible film, though seeing him sporting a black wig that makes him look a tad like Frankenstein--THAT'S terrible!The film begins with a gang of scum killing Navajo Joe's wife. Soon, this gang arrives in a nearby town and begin killing and burning the town--just because they can. Next, they plan on robbing the train-- but by then, Joe has shown up and he's ready to kick butt. He makes Rambo look like a pussycat by comparison and stabs and shoots the gang and saves the train. So are the locals happy? Nah...they hate Indians and Joe is treated pretty badly. And, ironically, they treat a beloved town member quite well--even though, he's secretly in league with the gang. Oops. What's next? See the film for yourself to see.If you aren't familiar with this genre, you will probably be surprised by all the killing--far more than you'd see in American westerns up until "The Wild Bunch" (1969). Because of this, the film is, at times, pretty mindless. However, compared to other Italian westerns of the day, it's about average and worth a look. However, you'll no doubt hate Ennio Morricone's theme song "Navajo Joe". In fact, it is one of the worst western songs I have ever heard. It's so repetitive and the words so silly that I think it severely detracted from the film. While his themes for films like "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly" are considered classics, "Navajo Joe" is no classic! This song, and the wig, give some credence to Reynold's contention that it's a terrible film...but overall it's still not bad...and better than the Cannonball Run films!By the way, pay attention during the scene where Joe is beaten up by the gang. Despite punching him a half billion times in the face, Burt's face is still pretty and unbruised! And, judging by the sound effects, both his face and the attacker's fist should have looked like hamburger! This is a very odd counterpoint to Reynold's excellent stunt-work throughout the film.