Nate & Margaret
Nate & Margaret
| 08 June 2012 (USA)
Nate & Margaret Trailers

Nate, a 19 year old film student, and Margaret, a 52 year old spinster, are best friends in an odd, quirky, totally working kind of way... until Nate's audacious classmate Darla sets him up on a date with James. Nate's new life shakes apart his friendship with Margaret, just as she is trying to start a career as a stand-up comedian. Written by Anonymous (

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Suradit Without much in the way of supporting evidence, we are expected to accept: (a) some mutual admiration society spontaneously formed between a naive gay boy-man and some older challenged woman with no discernible personality, (b) that Margaret could manage as a stand-up comic while being rather slow-witted and inarticulate throughout the movie, (c) that Tyler and James could bond and then their relationship could self-destruct so rapidly.I'm not saying these improbable situations might not have arisen in reality, but nothing was done to make them seem real & plausible to the viewer. It may be easy to see why Margaret would be drawn to friendship with a cute young man given that she appears to be otherwise friendless, but that he would not have formed more important & natural friendships at college with peers seems improbable since he does seem to have some normal social skills, is decidedly attractive & good natured, and there's nothing maternal or supportive coming from Margaret to warrant more than an incidental acquaintance between the two.Without revealing too much detail about the pivotal event in their relationship, when Nate becomes very frustrated & agitated and goes into rant mode directed at Margaret, it seemed that that gun was cocked & loaded and ready to be fired for quite awhile. The alleged love and respect he felt for Margaret must not have run very deep considering the volley he lets loose at her, making the film ending all the more implausible.Much too much of the film is given over to the supposed development of Margaret's stand-up skills over time. Again, any evidence that progress is being made is totally lacking. She seemed as unfunny when the talent scout approached her as she did when she first appeared before stunned audiences of one or two. Her insipid material and mousy delivery did not justify more than a yawn and a rush to the exits.The whole Nate and James thing was poorly developed both as a relationship between the two and as a wedge between Nate & Margaret.To sell the Nate and Margaret pairing, more proof of their dependence on one another needed to be developed to convince viewers, and the Margaret character needed to have some believable substance. It would all still have been somewhat incredible, but it might at least have engendered a sympathetic response from some in the audience. An annoying waste of time with little to redeem it.
Hovis100 Nate and Margaret My sister and I watched "Nate and Margaret" after reading several positive reviews. Reviewers generally regarded the movie as a quirky, sweet friendship film. WARNING: We found "Nate and Margaret" to be one of the worst, most self-indulgent movies we have ever seen. After watching one-third of it we wanted to stop but were compelled to see how much worse it could get, and it did. It had no charm, poor acting and the Margaret character was extremely unsympathetic and irritating. The relationship made no sense -- why were they 'best friends'? What was Nate's fascination with dour Margaret? Her attempts at humor (comedian?) were excruciatingly embarrassing. Why did the heckling turn into laughter when her routine hadn't improved? Why did the manager want to promote such a losing act? Why was he attracted to her? Did we mention how bad the acting is?Nate's first gay love, James, is extremely unattractive. Although we are positive to the gay agenda, there was an over attempt at "political correctness", inserting gay characters (such as lesbian neighbors awaiting a baby) unnecessarily. Did we mention how bad the acting is?All of the characters were trite, stereotypical unauthentic and superficial.Did we mention how bad the acting is?This movie had no charm or love in it. Nothing interesting happened in the entire film. We cannot understand any of the positive reviews. The movie is a complete waste of time. In fact, you may be wondering why we are wasting our time writing this review. We are too! If it hadn't been so bad we wouldn't be.Did we mention how bad the acting is?Summary: "Nate and Margaret" was irritating and annoying. Rating: 0.00 stars
runamokprods Sweet, good hearted little indie about the unlikely close friendship between at 19 year old gay wanna-be film-maker and his neighbor, a 52 year old wanna be stand up comedian. While there are rough spots – the low budget shows through, not all the acting is everything it might be, some plot twists are either obvious or a bit of a stretch – this film deserves lots of credit for dealing with something as delicate and complex as friendship. There are obvious parallels to the great "Harold and Maude" (especially when a folky singer who sounds a bit like Cat Stevens starts singing under the opening scene), but really the two films are very different. "Harold and Maude" was both far more farcical and more tragic, and dealt with romance. This film is quieter and smaller, dealing with the subtle humor and sadness of day to day life. A simple, lovely effort.
JetBoy The trailer doesn't do this film justice. It's a fun, well-made film that feels honest. Nate is earnestly played by a very cute Tyler Ross. Balancing him is Natalie West as Margaret, whose acting and script fit together so perfectly. The writing makes the story fresh and funny, honest and heartfelt. The acting brings it to life in a way that feels true. The film is very professionally edited, making it seem the work of seasoned experts. The genuine chemistry between the actors shows.Nate is a film student. Margret is a coffee shop waitress and aspiring stand-up comic. Their friendship is deep and meaningful; they obviously have been the most important figure in each others' lives for a while.Nate's first romantic relationship (with Conor McCahill's excellent James) provides the source of the conflict, as James wants Nate all to himself.