Nate and Hayes
Nate and Hayes
PG | 18 November 1983 (USA)
Nate and Hayes Trailers

Nathaniel Williamsen is taken to an island mission with his fiancee Sophie. Their ship, the Rona, is captained by the roguish Bully Hayes, who also takes a liking to Sophie. When Sophie is kidnapped by slave trader Ben Pease "Nate" teams with Hayes in order to find her.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Wordiezett So much average
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
generationofswine Nate and Hayes or Savage Island...which did you watch it as? Movies like this were awesome...huge from the Golden Age of the Silver Screen into the '90s when they started to peter out until, well, until they vanished leaving us with nothing but Super Hero films to fill the void......I have nothing against Super Hero films, but I love adventure films too.I can see where folks would not like it, especially the people that take themselves too seriously. It is stuck in a genera that is at once extremely pulp and kind of serialized. Even if it's not a sequel, you know the story.The Goonies, Romancing the Stone, Jake Speed, Firewalker, Vibes, Big Trouble in Little China, Young Sherlock Holmes...and of course the crown, the king, the Indiana Jones movies.They are all close enough to one another to really fit into the same mold. The characters change, the concepts stay the same and....we love it.Enter the Roguish hero and the damsel in distress in an exotic location to find X marking the MacGuffin, but first they have to work their way through obstacles both natural and man made in the form of a nasty antagonist and a couple of henchmen. Throw in a semi-bumbling sidekick and you have what I like to call "High Adventure." "Nate and Hayes" follows that outline and if you are the kind of individual that is still young enough at heart to love adventure will inevitably like this movie.If you are the kind of man or woman that takes everything extremely seriously and refuses to play at all, not matter what it is. If you are the type that would use the word "compete" instead of "play" or "game" than you are going to hate this movie.
tone143 Right out of the gate,you know this is copping off of Raiders(any knob could see that).A super-cheese fest written(oddly enough)by one of the funniest screenwriters ever,the late great John Hughes--some of his wit managed to infuse itself onto the screen here,but it's a bare fizzle.If it'd been written as a all-out satire of Raiders & 30's & 40's thriller serials,it might have worked.You know,there are a lot of bad films out there,and why I've decided to pick on this one,I don't know.In fact,I've only written 2 or 3 negative reviews--I'm more likely to sing the praises of a great film,not having the need to elevate my insecure ego all the time.But maybe that's what I'm doing...but seriously,this IS a weak film--Tommy Lee Jones is a great actor,and I'm sure he wouldn't care much if this one disappeared off of his resume.
jeffreylish Dude. I haven't thought of that movie in 20 YEARS.... my brother just called me out of the blue and asked me that. We were about 10 and 8 respectively. We were HUGE fans of Indiana Jones.. We had the complete set of Tops trading cards..("attacking the guards!")We watched the move NATE & HAYES many many times. They did a good job of playing to the Indiana Jones Phenomenon..we loved it...Im going to watch it again & see if I still feel the same way. Stay Tuned. . . . ............. ............... .............. .......... ................... ................ ......... .......... ........... ..................... .................... ..................... ............... .................................... ............... ................... .............
InvisibleSwordsman Some comments regarding the film "Nate and Hayes" have made note of it's similarities to "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom", but called it superior to Spielberg's film. I can only assume the people who said that haven't seen "Nate and Hayse" in a LONG time. Sure, "Temple of Doom" is a flawed film, but it's far more slick and eye-popping then this pirate romp, which shares the same flaws regarding story and dialog. When I was a kid, I put "Nate and Hayes" in the same category as the Indy films - After seeing it again as an adult, I can't say that I still do."Nate and Hayes" is one of the better and more creative of the early 80s "Raiders" knock-offs, largely due to it's setting, and the charismatic performances of Tommy Lee Jones and Michael O'Keefe. In addition, there are some rousing action sequences. But director Ferdinand Fairfax simply doesn't have the skill or flair of authentic Spielberg. In addition, the film is chock-full of hokey touches which, at times, seriously undermine the proceedings.In the end, "Nate and Hayes" is a fun little movie.