My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Legend of Everfree
My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Legend of Everfree
G | 01 October 2016 (USA)
My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Legend of Everfree Trailers

When Canterlot Highschool goes on a trip to Camp Everfree, they’re surprised to find a magical force is causing strange things to happen around camp. With the help of the Mane 6 and especially Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle must confront the dark “Midnight Sparkle” within herself and embrace her newfound magical abilities to save the camp.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
jwwalrath-227-85487 Now, the characterization and dialogue is still fairly strong, The colors in this are also gorgeous; the best of the films. However, this film is more obvious. In the past, Equestria Girls managed to differentiate itself from other high school films for young girls by being a bit more creative. Here, though, things get more cliched. This is a more traditional story of saving the camp that's going out of business along with some traditional romantic flirting. The villain and song are also subpar.Not bad, per se and probably still stronger than other films of the type, but still a weaker MLP entry.
lunalovitt First off, this is one of the better Equestria Girls movies. Probably my favorite of what has been released so far. That being said, this movie is probably the one where I find my aggravation levels caused by Twilight's character to be the highest. The entire series would have been better off not having Twilight at all. Sunset Shimmer is far and away a much more sympathetic protagonist and has the most developed and interesting story of any character related to the series.What makes a good character is their story, and one of the reasons why characters like Luna and Sunset are so popular is because they have a base story of redemption. They went to the dark side, but have been redeemed and continuously are trying to better themselves and make up for their past. They are constantly moving forward while characters like Twilight are just... stagnant. I am incredibly disappointed at how Sunset was treated in this movie. First off, her "power" comes off as more of an afterthought than anything that makes sense. (I mean, really, the ability to touch someone and see into their mind? Compared to the abilities of everyone else, this is really bad. If anything it was only given to her to help smooth over bucketloads of exposition. Her power might as well be called "Exposition-finder-ex-machina" because that is ALL it's good for.) It's also pretty weak compared to Twilight who is given some pretty OP abilities that, to be honest, she has done nothing to even earn out of all the movies she has been present (and I mean this of her human character, not her pony character since her pony version actually did something to earn her powers). Sunset has worked the hardest to overcome adversity and is the true fighter in it all, but she's always being relegated to a back seat spot in favor of a character whose only contribution to the plot is allowing herself to be overcome with negativity. Honestly? They should just make Sunset the alicorn of the Equestria Girls series. This is an alternate dimension, after all. Why does everything have to go by the pony universe? If another film is made (and I'm sure there will be so long as there is money to be had) then I hope more focus and ability is given to the characters who actually deserve it rather than just dumping more special snowflake dust on Twilight Sparkle. Forcibly shoving something like Twilight's inept character repeatedly down the throats of viewers is NOT the way to get people to like her more.
TheLittleSongbird 'My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic' is in my opinion one of the best animated shows in recent years. The first film based on it 'Equestria Girls' was an enormous disappointment and the complete anti-thesis in quality as one could get. Was apprehensive about watching its first sequel 'Rainbow Rocks' but was both pleasantly surprised and very impressed. 'Friendship Games' was flawed but still decent.Likewise with the third sequel and fourth overall instalment 'Legend of Everfree'. It's not as good as 'Rainbow Rocks' and nowhere near as good as 'Friendship is Magic', but it is a huge improvement over the first 'Equestria Girls' film. It is hard to say which is better between 'Friendship Games', there are a couple of the same problems while things are done better than the other and others done worse than the other. It was such a good surprise to find sequels vastly better than the original film, considering the general reputation with sequels (with obvious exceptions of course), but the 'Equestria Girls' films, while still not perfect films, manages this feat.There are issues with 'Legend of Everfree'. It does suffer still, like 'Friendship Games' from trying to do too much with a few too many characters and plot strands, but whereas 'Friendship Games' suffered quite majorly in this respect it's only at times with 'Legend of Everfree'.Other problems exist, with the most forgettable song scores of the sequels. Don't remember many of them at all, and didn't feel they were particularly good in their own right, certainly better than the soundtrack in the first film but very meh still. It also has the weakest script of the sequels too. Not awful, there are good qualities in it, but it does have some clunky and unnecessary exposition, cheesiness and repetition which wasn't present in the previous two sequels.Much more could have been done with the magical powers stuff. An interesting angle with the powers appropriately fitting to each character, but not given enough screen time and done with not much imagination.However, there are many good qualities in 'Legend of Everfree'. The animation is vibrant, ethereal and well-rounded, like 'Friendship is Magic', 'Rainbow Rocks' and 'Friendship Games' and unlike 'Equestria Girls', with character designs that are appealing and don't send warning signs about potential bad messaging.While the script is flawed, there is a good balance of humour and emotion, with winning and amusing humour and poignant and never schmaltzy or mawkish emotion. The references are clever and naturally integrated and the messages are well-meaning and heartfelt and avoid being preachy.Story here has its messy moments but still moves along nicely and it doesn't feel like an extended TV episode. It was great to see that the romantic subplots were much better handled than in 'Rainbow Rocks' (one of the very few problems with that film), especially the main one. The characters, though Flash is still a bit bland, are better developed as an overall whole than in 'Friendship Games', have believably done conflicts and flaws and are well-realised and easy to like. Twilight and Sunset Shimmer are particularly well done.Voice acting is very strong, no talent wastes here. Tara Strong, Ashleigh Ball and Rachel Shoichet are particularly good.Overall, just as decent third sequel but could have been better. 7/10 Bethany Cox
kylame I have watch all the movies, there was some likes and dislikes but that's just that. the music was great . about LOE I definitely liked sunset shimmer and her power of mind reading, unlike last one it was an improvement. I liked gloriosa daisy even though she was an antagonist(reformed). and the jokes are funny. there was a county style which I liked ,it was as good as rainbow rocks music, now for my dislikes its not much to dislike, I've never been a fan of sci twi and some crush things and kisses(it was a close one)well I guess that's my only dislikes OH! oh and one more there is literally no pony twilight appearance I almost thought she did ,sadly. now back again this movies is magical! it was great probably a bit predictable on who's the bad guy, but still great. it was an improvement, a fine watch for families, not just for kids but for adults too, you wont get guilty watching it. and jokes were again! awesome...... now its 9 GEIODS OUT OF 10 GEIODS!!!!!ITs Awesome!!!
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