My Life Without Me
My Life Without Me
R | 26 September 2003 (USA)
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A fatally ill mother with only two months to live creates a list of things she wants to do before she dies without telling her family of her illness.

Cebalord Very best movie i ever watch
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Scotty Burke It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review
sagar raj Seeing the IMDb rating, I expected this one to be at least watchable. But my, was I disappointed! The movie is one of the most unimaginative ones I have watched for a long time. And to top it all, it completely lacked conviction. I know movies are supposed to be fantasy, but this one tried to treat a sensitive subject in a very shoddy way. Comparing anemia to cancer? really? The writer/director needs to think again. If I come across them, I would sure ask them about the climate on their planet. I am sure it must be quite different from that on Earth.And whats with all the selfishness of character portrayed in the movie? Yes, you might be dying, but that does not mean that you have to fulfill all your carnal desires before you kick the bucket. It is really depressing to think about this aspect of human nature. I am just thinking, what if the lady would have liked to commit a few murders and added that in her "to do list"? Would that also have been acceptable just because she was to die?I really need to watch some good movie to get this one out of my system.
fraghera I don't watch a cool movie for a long time, don't know why but there are a lot of funny movies shoot for money but aftermath they gives you nothing.This is not a this type of movie.Director and players are not far famed at least I didn't know one of their name before seen this movie.You should watch this movie with your girl-boy friend if they exist, cos after ending it will change your mood, trust me.I don't wanna talk about story of this film, just see it if you still didn't.
PoppyMonroe At the beginning of the movie Anne says "you never saw yourself as one of those people who like looking at the moon or who spend hours gazing at the waves or sunset.." The irony is that this sums me up to a T... this is exactly who I am... if you're anything like me I'm sure you'll enjoy this movie too. This movie is more of a contemplation of life... not of what it could be or it should be, but what it is... being able cope with leaving it all behind and thinking more of the ones you'll leave behind than of yourself. Anne is able to do what most of us can't even fathom.. accept that this is it, this is all it will be, make the best of everything and appreciating the simple things This movie isn't about travelling the world, doing every crazy thing imaginable, deluding yourself into thinking one more year of life REALLY makes a difference and ignoring the emotional toll it will have on your entire family... it's about leaving them with the best memories possible and saving them the heartache when the odds are stacked against you. The movie relies on the simple things like everyday relations between the characters to get it's point across, and it's the ease with which we can relate to Anne and the maturity with which she handles the situation that tears at the heart string. Yeah she may not be an entirely selfless character, but we understand exactly why she makes the decisions she does, and not one of us question her motives.The title 'My Life Without Me' perfectly describes this movie... imagining everything you've ever known, everyone you've ever loved, continuing life without you and doing your best to leave them with the best memories of you and coping with your death.
atanas_n1-1 a great movie about real people, beautifully played, very well shot the lines the characters got are great too, as are the characters them self it's interesting how the movie manages not to drag you down, how it manages to stay positive, while the main character is dying ... beautiful - watch it if you get iti watched it by incident ... just cached it on TV and the title sounded interesting to me. now i'm very happy i stayed with this movie--- Ann: "Now you feel like you wanna take all the drugs in the world, but all the drugs in the world aren't gonna change the feeling that your whole life's been a dream and it's only now that you're waking up."
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