Music in My Heart
Music in My Heart
NR | 04 January 1940 (USA)
Music in My Heart Trailers

A young woman engaged to a millionaire falls for the understudy in a Broadway musical.

Raetsonwe Redundant and unnecessary.
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
MartinHafer Robert (Tony Martin) is due to be deported and so he is rushing to the harbor to board the boat. Sharing his cab is Patricia (Rita Hayworth) is a woman rushing to marry a rich guy (Alan Mowbray). However, when there is a wreck and the cab is delayed, both miss the boat and it changes the rest of their lives.It's strange. For years, I haven't liked singing in most movies and hated that so many classic Hollywood films have songs planted right in the middle of them for no apparent reason. However, recently I have noticed that this doesn't bother me as much as it used to--particularly when the singer has such a beautiful voice. This is definitely the case with Tony Martin. While he didn't make a ton of movies, when he did, his singing was just amazing--among the best you could find. So, as I watched "Music in My Heart", I enjoyed the musical interludes, as Martin's crooning was quite nice.So, apart from Martin's singing, is there anything else that could make this movie worth your time? Well, it might be worth seeing just to see Rita Hayworth in one of her films before her HUGE make-over. This is because she was a favorite actress of studio head Roy Cohn and he personally groomed both her career and her face. He ordered her hairline to be adjusted (owch!), her skin to be lightened and her hairstyle and color changed. Here in this film, she's about midway through her makeover--not as ethnic as she had been but definitely not the glamor girl she soon was to become.Another reason to watch the film is the nice little touches. Lots of wonderful supporting actors are in this one--such as Eric Blore and George Tobias. And, more importantly, their dialog is excellent--providing the sort of clever and cute colorful touches that make a film memorable.So, despite this being a B-movie (due to its short running time and budget), it's very, very good B--almost like a 'B+' film! Enjoyable, fun and well worth your time. And while I'll admit that the ending is hokey, it sure is fun!
jfarms1956 Music In My Heart is a movie that is geared towards the baby-boomer generation. The movie has many musical numbers within it. One of the many things I love about this type movie is the musical entertainment within the movie. This alone makes the movie worth watching. I really like listening the music (singing and orchestral compositions). I miss this in todays movies. The acting and storyline are okay and really do not matter to me. The actors/actresses in the 1940s and 1950s always seem to perform their roles so well that you really believe that they are who they play --not like most of those today. The movie is light in story and plot. It is a good movie to watch in the late afternoon or for a late night movie. By the time you wake up the next morning, all you will remember is the wonderful music. Good entertainment for just a little over an hour. Bring your coffee or wine out to enjoy with the movie along with some cold veggies.
jotix100 Rita Hayworth was one of the busiest women in the business in the late thirties and forties. "Music in My Heart" is one of the five releases she participated in 1940. Her ascent into the stratosphere was obvious. Unfortunately, this movie, while pleasant, didn't quite show her at her best. Paired with Tony Martin, who was borrowed for this film, paid off because both leading stars make a nice couple.The film's weak plot can't hide its obvious faults, but the amazing cast that was assembled for this production make up for the silliness of the premise. We are asked to believe that Bob Gregory, an aspiring singer who has just made a last minute splash substituting for the star of a Broadway show, is going to be deported by Immigration. It shows how sadly dated the idea is judging by the massive influx of illegal immigrants to this country and nobody is sent home!Tony Martin had one of the most melodious voices of his generation. He has an excellent opportunity as he sings a few songs. His rendition of "Pulcinello", and "It's a Grey World", are wonderful examples of what he could do with his voice. He also cast a fine figure opposite the leading lady.The supporting cast does a great job in the picture. The sweet Edith Fellows, is seen as Mary, the loyal sister. Eric Blore, George Tobias and Alan Mowbray, make the film better by their contributions. Joseph Stanley directed.
calvertfan This has to be one of the most underrated of Rita's films, yet is up there with the best. A very short runtime of just 69 minutes, it still manages to dish up a delightful 'boy meets girl' tale - when their cabs collide, of course changing both their destinies. A simple little musical, it gives Rita just the one dance, which is not photographed all that well, but shows what will be in years to come. Any Rita fans out there, you will thoroughly enjoy this I guarantee it. I almost didn't buy it when I had the chance due to not being able to find reviews anywhere, so I feel I have to write this to save someone else from passing it up!