Murder Over New York
Murder Over New York
NR | 13 December 1940 (USA)
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When Charlie's old friend from Scotland Yard is murdered when they attend a police convention in New York, Chan picks up the case he was working on.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
blanche-2 Charlie Chan (Sidney Toler) is full of clever sayings in Murder in New York, from 1940. Also starring is Sen Yung as Jimmy Chan. They make a delightful team. Jimmy shows up unexpectedly while Charlie is in New York to attend a conference. He and a friend of his want to attend the World's Fair.It's not long before both Chans are on a case, when a friend of Charlie's, a detective, is murdered. Soon they're in the midst of the investigation of a sabotage ring, people being killed by poison gas pellets, an airplane crash, and plenty of suspects. The police ask Charlie to stick around and help. I don't think he gets to his conference, and Jimmy doesn't see the World's Fair, at least not yet.Donald McBride, Ricardo Cortez, Kane Richmond, Robert Lowery, Marjorie Weaver, and Joan Valerie are all featured.It's a fair mystery, enlivened by Charlie's witty dialogue. Frankly, any one of these films that has something to do with the war basically have similar plots: sabotage, missing formulas, spies, that type of thing.Sidney Toler is in good form. I have to say I prefer Warner Oland, who seemed to exhibit more energy and was more upbeat. Toler's humor comes from his sardonic line delivery and good chemistry with the actors. Both brought something special to the role.Whether the story is bad, good, confusing, whatever, with stereotypes abounding, somehow these films are always enjoyable.
SanteeFats There are many Charlie Chan movies out there. They are generally pretty good. Either of the two actors that played Charlie Chan did a good job even though neither was of Asian heritage by any stretch of the imagination. These movies used logic and some humor, usually provided by the number two or three son and some from Chan himself (watch his face at times during the films). As usual for these movies Chan solves the case using unorthodox means and by miss direction including asking questions that direct the suspects attention where he wants them to go. Charlie is in New York for a convention. His Scotland Yard friend is killed and the hunt is on for the killer. After the usual search the guilty party is apprehended and every thing is fine.
Lechuguilla As he unmasks the murderer at the film's end, Charlie Chan (Sidney Toler) looks directly at the killer and says: "Desperate attempt to silence ... reveal you to be head of sabotage ring". It's the standard whodunit ending, with all the suspects gathered together in one room. I correctly identified the murderer, but before that person is revealed, a plot twist kept me on edge.For a Chan movie, the story here, which involves WWII espionage, poisonous gas, and warplanes, is reasonably interesting, though predictably implausible. There's just the right number of suspects, all of whom are well defined. Efforts at suspense are a bit hokey.And Chan, as usual, seems to be able to make correct deductions based on the flimsiest of clues. Indeed, for the viewer, the best way to solve the case is to use intuition. Logical clues are few and far between. The film's weak link is the presence of Chan's annoying son, Jimmy. Overall acting is a tad exaggerated, especially at the end.A fairly typical story in the Chan series, "Murder Over New York" is worth watching if one is a whodunit or Charlie Chan buff. Most other viewers will find the story too implausible, too thin and insubstantial.
Chris Gaskin Murder Over New York is one of the better Chan mysteries and I've just seen this for the first time.In this one, Charlie Chan is visiting New York to attend a police convention. At the same time, people who are involved with aircraft plants are being murdered and he decides to help with the investigation, along with his Number 2 son. These murders turn out to be the results of sabotage at the aircraft plants and Chan helps to identify the murderer...Charlie Chan is played well by Sidney Toler and the rest of the cast includes Sen Yung as his Number 2 son and Marjorie Weaver.I rather liked this mystery and is worth having if you like this sort of thing.Rating: 3 and a half stars out of 5.