| 22 August 2014 (USA)
Munnariyippu Trailers

Raghavan, a simple and lonely man, comes out of jail. His life changes after he meets Anjali, a journalist who wants to prove herself professionally.

Raetsonwe Redundant and unnecessary.
BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
Gutsycurene Fanciful, disturbing, and wildly original, it announces the arrival of a fresh, bold voice in American cinema.
sohansurag "This movie isn't for everyone!" a line that I have used time and again and while it may sound like an easy bail for a movie that I'd enjoyed yet can't recommend others, I can't emphasize the line enough here for one of the best Malayalam movies this year. Munnariyippu starring Mammootty and Aparna Gopinath, isn't going to turn a lot of heads or be discussed among the casual movie-goers. But it was able to etch its impressions in my head and invoke a multitude of emotions, from sheer helplessness to supreme fear, and ending in being haunted even after the credits had rolled in. If you find yourself as immersed as myself in this movie, you are warned and assured you will go through similar range of ires as well.Veteran cinematographer turned director Venu's second offering (since 1998's Daya) Munnariyippu tells the story and life of C K Raghavan portrayed by Mammootty and how a meeting with him changes the life of an aspirational freelance journalist Anjali Arakkal played by Aparna Gopinath. Its extremely slow paced and yet I found myself intrigued with the titular characters. My first impression was that it was gonna go the usual artsy movie route and the ending would be something ironic yet hard to comprehend. As the movie progresses, every turn, even if they are less in number and minute in magnitude, will keep you guessing and try to make you foresee the ending. But its safe to say that predictability takes a backseat here and nothing would prepare you for the ending, not that the ending is what made the movie.You'll be able to say if this movie is for you or not from the titles itself. There was this line about Kafka that Prathap Pothens character utters in the movie. It was sheer coincidence that a movie had something about Kafka just a day after I'd finished reading one of his books. If you are familiar with the works of Kafka you'll see the essence almost instantly here.Bijibal's haunting score is another gem in the crown. It was almost reminiscent of Mica Levi's score from Under The Skin, and by reminiscence I meant the haunting goodness of it. Much like the movie even the score had equal tones of liberating calm and disturbing melancholy.While others near me shrugged in their seats, muttering to themselves "When'll this be over?" and "Why did I even come for this", I was completely invested in this movie, thanks to the awe inspiring performances from Mammootty and Aparna. Mammootty was inexplicably terrific as C K Raghavan, having minimal lines and acting mostly through body language. This will be hailed as one of his most challenging and complex roles ever. Aparna Gopinath effortlessly slides into the shoes of Anjali and brings out the bold that we've usually seen her portray but at the same time we also get to see her charming and vulnerable sides as well.Sharing what I'd exactly thought about the movie in itself would act as a super-spoiler and I wouldn't want in the world to spoil this for you. I could easily tag this movie with a certain genre but then again that tag would be yet another spoiler. Sitting through till the end ain't easy, but when you are sucked into the simple narrative complemented by tight direction, an enthralling script and sincere performances from both the leads, nothing else matters.
kannan luko Munnariyippu is an investigation thriller directed by Cinematographer turned director Venu. Venu is turning into direction after a long interval of 15 years.Munnariyippu stars Mammootty and Aparna Gopinath in the lead roles. Munnariyippu is penned by director Venu and scripted by new wave script-writer R Unni. Venu also handled cinematography for the movie and is edited by Bina. Music for the movie is composed by Bijibal. Director Ranjith Produced the movie under the banner of Gold Coin Motion Pictures.First of all let's just say there are no obvious good guys or bad guys in this movie – just people. Well rounded, interesting characters who are all involved in one way or the other to the main storyline of the film. The story follows a freelance writer/journalist named Anjali Arakkal (Aparna), who is ambitious and intelligent. She makes her living being a ghost writer for people who don't particularly have the skills to write for themselves and though this pays the bills, Anjali wants to make it big as a writer.In her quest to do so, she meets a journalistic giant who entrusts upon her the job of ghost writing the auto biography of a friend of his – the Superintendent of a jail (Nedumudi) who is about to retire. Though not thrilled with the job she takes it and it is while she is in prison meeting with him that she meets an unassuming enigma of a prisoner named CK Raghavan (Mammootty).Raghavan is a simple but captivating fellow who is in for a double homicide, which he says he never committed. Though he had the chance to leave, Raghavan has chosen to not opt for parole and is happy in the prison.Obviously Anjali's attention turns to him, and she writes a feature based on the translation of various musings of Raghavan. This feature gets her noticed on a national level and soon she is offered a book deal by a major literary agency for Raghavan's story.The plot then follows a mysterious Raghavan who never reveals his truths, a frustrated Anjali, her friends, corporate competition and third parties all gunning for the story behind the man with all the secrets.Mammootty is at his best. Mammootty lived CK Raghavan. When we go out of the theatre we take a part of CK with us. The mannerisms and dialogue delivery of Mammootty made the character more alive. Aparna Gopinath is one of the best thing about the movie. Anjali is very strong and independent. Well, the role of Anjali was taken to the next level by Aparna.Then we have the huge array of veterans and a delightful cameo by Prithviraj, all complimenting the tone and vibe of the film. In fact, the performances of many being so good is another reason why you are pulled in to multiple directions if you try to figure out where the story is headed. There simply are no weak links in the cast.This a grown up movie. That does not mean it is artsy or does not have commercial value but just the opposite. Munnariyippu reminds us all what film making is all about and does so exactly because it does not rely on cheap applause or shortcuts.Munnariyippu once again establish the truth that the script is the back bone of the movie. The film does not fails to engage the audience from the very beginning to the very end. Venu did a fantastic job as a director and cinematographer. The frames are simply brilliant and intriguing. R Unni is one of the best script writers in the new wave of Malayalam cinema. Well, he keeps his legacy. Munnariyippu can be counted as one of his best scripts till date. The dialogues are strong, deep and incredibly simple!FINAL VERDICT: Munnariyippu is a feast for the movie lovers! This is one of a kind movie and will be a cult movie for sure. Munnariyippu is one of the best movie which resets the belief that good cinema exists. Munnariyippu is a must watch for movie lovers. For fans it's a chance to see their favorite star in an entirely different avatar.((Review Inspired from's and Chithramala's review of the same movie.))
Amruth Kiran Prasad Just awesome. I have no words to describe. A movie you must watch. Increases your thinking. Best movie in Mammootty's career till now. The point is this : "Living a life without considering our interests, freedom etc is pointless". Mammootty was living as C.K. Raghavan in this movie. - Unni R's brilliant script is the unparalleled positive thing about this flick, no gimmicks, no masala, nothing but pure class. The dialogs he has written are mind blowing and you'll realize the depth of many only after you leave the theater and start thinking about it. At a point during the second half,we can't really predict how the movie is going to end because there is lots of missing links and also very less time.But the script is so brilliantly written that all our doubts are cleared at the very end.
nishanthks373 First and foremost,The movie is not an entertainer.Everyone may not like the movie.So,please don't go with your family for enjoying.Its a slow paced movie which is the highlight because it shows the real daily life of the main character C.K.Raghavan.Mammootty has done a great job as C.K.Raghavan. Credit should be given to director Venu for molding Mammootty into Raghavan,especially after a lot of disastrous films from the actor.After ABCD,this is Aparna Gopinathan's comeback in a strong role as Anjali,a free lancer journalist who wants to be famous but is still a ghost writer.She has done a brilliant job in coloring the screen against a dull life of Raghavan.None of the other actors have any meaningful role in the movie.Nedumudi Venu,Prathap Pothan,Renji Panicker and Joy Mathew all did pretty well in their respective roles.They all promised a lot but actually there was nothing in their roles.Prithviraj appears in a cameo for the movie.His role actually had some meaning changing Anjali's view of life and he did it neatly.Even after expecting a slow movie,the second half felt little dragging. At a point during the second half,we can't really predict how the movie is going to end because there is lots of missing links and also very less time.But the script is so brilliantly written that all our doubts are cleared at the very end.