Mozart's Sister
Mozart's Sister
| 19 August 2011 (USA)
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A re-imagined account of the early life of Maria Anna 'Nannerl' Mozart, five years older than Wolfgang and a musical prodigy in her own right.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
YouHeart I gave it a 7.5 out of 10
pointyfilippa The movie runs out of plot and jokes well before the end of a two-hour running time, long for a light comedy.
Griff Lees Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
sedativchunk I found "Mozart's Sister" on Amazon Prime Video to stream for free. I'm a musician myself of almost a decade playing guitar, bass, and drums. Several years ago in high school I was in an advanced choir that covered some of Mozart's work. Since then I was always fascinated with Mozart. Who was he, why was he such a musical genius? Why did he die so young? The history and sound of Mozart continues to fascinate me and when I seen this film on Amazon Prime, I had to check it out.Mozart's Sister revolves around the story of Nannerl Mozart (Maria Anna Mozart), the older sister of the musical genius that is Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Despite my fascination and reading into Mozart, I knew nothing of him having a sister. I watched this film all in French with English subtitles, but that didn't hurt the quality of the film. Mozart's Sister is a great film. The camera work, costumes, music, and the works, all 110% authentic. There are no visible flaws of any kind in the film work.The whole movie revolves around a teenage/young adult Maria Anna Mozart. We get to see how she herself was a magnificent instrumentalist and composer that nearly rivaled her brothers musical abilities. But because of sexism and social status in mid 1700's Europe, she was often pushed aside and disregarded in favor for her brother's work. We also get to see the rest of the Mozart family, Mozart's father who taught them music and his mother.All and all I enjoyed this film. But I will say, it's not for everybody. If you're not into Mozart or his history, foreign films with subtitles, or movies about mid-1700 music, then maybe you should pass. This does feel like something you would watch in a schoolroom more than something you would watch on a Friday night. Also, "Mozart's Sister" has it's dull moments at times, and the movie never really evolves into anything more than Marianne's early years. We don't get to see her grow up, go through her brothers death later in life, or anything along those lines. I felt if we got to see more of her older life it would have been more grabbing. Still, good movie, average rating of 7/10, good movie with great cinematic/sound work, good acting, just had a few low points that stopped it from being a great movie.
richard-1787 This could have been a much better movie than it turned out to be. The premise is obvious from almost the very beginning: Mozart's sister Nannerl had talent as a musician and composer, but it was put under a barrel by her domineering father, who chose to devote all his energies to promoting the career of her younger brother, the unquestioned genius WA Mozart. Boring because obvious - unless something interesting had been done with it.And that is the problem with this movie. Nothing was ever really interesting. The characters were almost all shy and retiring. That may be realistic, but it doesn't make for an interesting movie. Remember the very strong characters created in Amadeus, and contrast them with 1) Nannerl Mozart, 2) Mozart and Nannerl's mother, 3) the daughter of Louis XIV who befriends Nannerl, 4) Louis XV, etc. They were all of the shy, retiring type. That doesn't make for a dynamic movie.There are never any great dramatic scenes between Nannerl and her father where she complains about the attention lavished only on her younger brother. Indeed, there is precious little real drama here. Just a lot of shy, unhappy characters caught in their shyness. It's hard to get involved with that.There was nothing wrong with the acting, and everything wrong with the script. It should have been thrown out and replaced with one that created interesting, dynamic characters that made Nannerl's (perhaps) unfair treatment come alive and engage the audience. That didn't happen.The costumes and sets are nice. But if the sound were turned off, you'd miss nothing of interest.
kingdom-krud I didn't know what to expect with the movie Mozart's Sister, but I was surprised - it was very good - even watching it with subtitles. The movie gives a very believable and intimate picture of father Leopold Mozart's young family - with prodigies Wolfgang at age 11 and older sister Anna Maria (Nannerl) at 14 - and mainly involves their travels seeking musical glory. It has all the stuff you'd expect in a 1760's family including musical practice, family fun and playful laughter, adventures, and also Wolfgang and Nannerl's wish to compose. Good script, well paced and interesting plot, and a focus on Nannerl make this a winner. I might watch it again!My Rank: 8 / 10.
WakenPayne The title explains all the things wrong with it I'll explain all of them in more specific detail First off this film ends in complete mid-air, this is not somebody asking for a "Happy Ending" like in so many of our movies today. The movie doesn't end happily like in American movies today nor does it have a sad ending and tie up all the loose ends (the one movie that immediately comes to mind is that German Nosferatu remake).Second off The fact that Mozart fanatics will enjoy might make people say "what the hell? Isn't that what Mozart movies target audience is?" well, no the true signs of a good adaptation or any other style movie documenting almost true events is if the people behind it can turn audiences who don't know that much about it into fans.Finally the Too long for it's own benefit, The movie has a refusal to be interesting in places and that made the movie seem much longer than it actually was and that made it seem too long for it's own benefit.The plot to sound basic is that on a tour arranged by Leopold Mozart to show off his son's talent to royalty, eventually Nannerl falls in love with The Dauphin Of France, only problem is he's getting married. After some irrelevant scenes finally the wife says she loves him and he pretty much tells Nannerl to leave and never come back.I have an Achronism I feel as if I should point out in this movie. Nannerl Mozart was born in 1751, Wolfgang in 1756. The movie is set in 1763 and throughout they say Nannerl is 15 Mozart is 10, in order to be correct this movie should be set in 1766.I think that Amadeus would be a better film to watch than this.