Mountaintop Motel Massacre
Mountaintop Motel Massacre
R | 15 July 1983 (USA)
Mountaintop Motel Massacre Trailers

After several years in an insane asylum, Evelyn, the keeper of the Mountaintop Motel, is released and resumes doing business. She kills her young charge out of anger, but convinces the police it was an accident - and pushed into insanity, she then proceeds to target her guests, first by releasing vermin into their rooms, but then by using her trusty sickle.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Dagon Originally filmed in 1983 but distributed in 1986, Mountaintop Motel Massacre was directed by Jim McCullough. Sr. You've probably never heard of this man, and neither have I for that matter, as his filmography as director, producer, and writer is extremely limited compared to the other masters of horror in the genre. His son is also in the business, credited as the writer and co-producer for this film. For those of you who are acquainted with 1980's Motel Hell or Eaten Alive starring Robert Englund from 1977, you may be pleased to know that Mountaintop Motel Massacre (that really is a mouthful isn't it?) slightly resembles the two but cannot be considered a reproduction of either.The story begins with a brief introduction of Evelyn Chambers, a middle-aged woman who was admitted to Arkansas State Mental Hospital from 1978 to 1981. The film brings us to present day and we quickly learn that Evelyn runs a mountain-side motel with her daughter Lori. After discovering that Lori has an interest in the occult and secretly performs rituals in the bowels of the complex, Evelyn loses her sense of composure and reason; causing her to relapse into insanity and resort to her murderous tendencies. The death of her daughter raises suspicion among the community, especially that of the town Sheriff and the Reverend Bill McWiley (played by Bill Thurman - I drew a connection to him from the 1985 western Silverado). The Sheriff does not believe that the heinous act was a result of an accident but murder. In the aftermath of Lori's funeral, Evelyn continues doing business at her motel with various strangers from the road looking to shack-up for the night - only there's one problem: Evelyn's mental state is in disarray and her psychotic behavior upon the denizens of the motel has just begun.One of the best features contained within this title is the soundtrack - it's wonderfully eerie. Fans who are curious of this film shouldn't expect a full musical score with a brass and wood section but a more synth-based medium and a few notes played at a time in a slow and ghoulish manner. In some cases, that's all a film requires - especially one with a premise like this. The motel environment is dark and foreboding (perhaps a little too dark in certain areas but the copy I was watching is a VHS rip) and for fun, a macabre and bizarre doll motif is tossed into the tumbler of horrors. Naturally, there's a storm brooding on the horizon and eventually we see a flash of lightning through the windows - just a typical illustration to heighten the experience for the audience. In modern film, this cliché is often mocked or ridiculed; understandable of course but every genre has over-used and vapid expressions of mood.Individuals who have seen Moutaintop Motel Massacre compare it laterally with 2007's Vacancy starring Luke Wilson and Kate Beckinsale. Give it a rest, guys. The two movies aren't anything alike, at all...the only correlation that's apparent is the use of a secluded motel with a crazed owner. Is Mountaintop Motel Massacre a rip-off of Psycho? No. Elitists need to stop drinking the "we hate the mainstream because it's popular" Kool-Aid. I'm not an ardent supporter of all things trendy but a line needs to be drawn somewhere. What can we learn about this rant? Mountaintop Motel Massacre is a film of its own.This film wallows in a Slasher concoction but it's not exclusive to it. The term "mood piece" has been used to describe this movie - it's a perfect label, too. The spree-killings are not ingenious or original and the actor who plays Evelyn is less than impressive. Aside from Bill Thurman, most of the cast started and ended their careers with Mountaintop Motel Massacre; accurately designating it as a B-rated flick. Nevertheless, with a cheap budget and an amateur assemblage of thespians, the end result is gratifying and stands as a deserving inclusion to my collection.
HumanoidOfFlesh Evelyn has recently completed a three year stint in a psychiatric facility.She returns home to her quiet life as proprietor of the Mountaintop Motel.After she kills her occult-dabbling daughter Evelyn completely loses her sanity.Just around the time of Evelyn's breakdown a bad rain storm hits the area and the motel gets a whole bunch of patrons,including an alcoholic preacher,a wise old carpenter,a newly married couple and a businessman posing as a record executive, accompanied by two nubile co-eds.Unbeknownst to the motel guests, an underground tunnel allows Evelyn to access all of the motel's rooms through trap-doors in the floors and she engages in mischief such as placing rattlesnakes,roaches and rats in the guests' rooms.Pretty creepy and slow-moving slasher with some sickle murders and suitably eerie moments.There is also a nice supernatural angle of the dead daughter walking around the property.Overall,this one differs from the other slasher flicks as we know who the killer is from the beginning.
Michael O'Keefe You like movies that are so bad, they're good? You know who you are. Borderline ridiculous even better. MOUNTAINTOP MOTEL MASSACRE features amateur acting, terribly cheap special effects and top notch creepy atmosphere. Evelyn(Anna Chappell),after a three year stay at the Arkansas Mental Hospital, runs the Mountaintop Motel just off the highway and deep in the woods. She oversees a series of run-down cabins renting for $7 a night. Evelyn's head is full of evil voices that push her to killing her own daughter and then on a rampage of cabin-to-cabin slaughter. She employs snakes, rats and cockroaches as tension elevators before she sneaks in and uses her deadly blade. I absolutely loved the rainstorm atmosphere. This motel has a hell-of-a check out time...its bloody murder. Jim McCullough Jr. writes and directs. The cast also features: Bill Thurman, Will Mitchel, Virginia Loridans and Gregg Brazzel.
randymil First of all I would like to start this off with an apology to the creators of silent night, deadly night. I made that movie sound like the worst movie ever and in reality mountaintop motel massacre makes it look brilliant. This so far is the worst movie i have ever seen! I watched this movie for 2 reasons, because i have always had a fear of creepy hotels and the cover looked scary. This movie did not make my fear any worse and in fact I am probably less afraid of hotels. This movie is slow and boring and the only reason i watched all of it was to give a review. We didn't even get to know the characters and I for one didn't care what happened to them. They were morons and this was the worst acting ever. I know most of these movies have bad actors but i have honestly seen better and more believable actors in elementary school plays. And what was with the killing scenes? The victims had their heads turned and you couldn't even see what was being done to them until after it was done. I love scary B movies but if you are thinking of adding this to your collection, I hope you don't make the same mistake as i did and ignore the reviews. Don't say I didn't warn you.