| 01 May 2016 (USA)
Mother Trailers

A pregnant woman, who is taking care of her son with development problems, is at her breaking point when a caregiver from the Philippines steps into her life. Diana suspects that she’s using voodoo against her after the quick improvements of her son.

ThrillMessage There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Derrick Gibbons An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
cocochanel-06283 This movie was very interesting , until one scene RUINED the whole movie. Very disappointed. I'll rather watch grass grow
Evangelos Aktoudianakis Let me start by saying this movie is insulting to any a parent who has an autistic child, and to the autistic community as a whole:Autistic children don't try to murder their parents. Parents don't chain autistic children in bed, or wear them rugby helmets. Maybe 300 years ago, but I am pretty certain that's not the suggested treatment nowadays.Going further (SPOILERS ALERT):How was the old lady (who could not act for her life) able to calm down the child? Noone knows.How was it they were able to dissect dogs and cats inside the house for 2 months without anyone smelling or noticing anything? No one knowsWhy did the mother's friend stay for dinner after the mother stormed out of her own house? Noone knows.Why was she killed since she obviously did not suspect anything? Noone knows.Why did they want the child? Noone knows.Did they plan all along to take the child? How? They never met till that day in the supermarket. Noone knows.Why did they let her live, when she was an obvious witness? Noone knows.What was that whole : the husband sleeps with other women, which was then never explored? Noone knows.Easily The Last Jedi of horror movies, minus the unecessary SJW/Manhating element. A piece in pieces, with people in it acting mediocrely that starts nowhere, goes nowhere in a journey that makes absolutely no sense. P.S. -> And of course, the old lady is poisoning the mother because that's never been done before either.
mani-03171 This movie is irritating and has a really stupid ending. No logic and unacceptable... Mother never opened about the doctors blood test results to anyone. Husband sparking ruthlessly with a pregnant wife supporting a 3rd person, Even after knowing old lady's intention, mother never tried to get out of the house and with her friend and above all she never visits the doctor for the last 40 minutes of the movie.
exs Don't waste your time with this one, it starts as a drama about a mother dealing with an autistic child and then it turns into some sort of satanic or cultist rituals from a Filipino old lady to steal a baby, planned for months apparently.The story development was so unbelievable and annoying that by the end they just rushed the story ending and in less than a minute they "explain" everything and end up with an abstract scene about the old lady escaping with the baby.If the real mother really wanted to be heard and that the other believed her story, she should have used her expensive iPhone to record video instead of only translating audio from Filipino to Spanish, audio that was not saved.Waste of time and money making this awful movie.