Mother Is a Freshman
Mother Is a Freshman
NR | 12 March 1949 (USA)
Mother Is a Freshman Trailers

Widow Abby Abbott is having serious money problems and has to dip into the family trust in order to pay for her daughter Susan's college tuition. The catch: Abby must also become a co-ed or she can't touch the money. After passing her entrance exams, Abby goes to college and becomes very popular, especially with a handsome English professor whom Susan has a crush on.

Artivels Undescribable Perfection
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Steineded How sad is this?
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
mark.waltz After being "The Farmer's Daughter" and "The Bishop's Wife", there was no place for Loretta Young to go but down, and that she does, as a lowly freshman at Pierce College, just so daughter Barbara Lawrence (the dewey faced young actress of "All About Eve" fame) can continue her education because of a scholarship the college offers ironically to Young's surname. Of course, there's a romantic mix-up with mother and daughter as they both love the same professor (Van Johnson).Young's transformation from matronly widow to buxom freshman is the highlight of this generic sitcom, a silly comedy with nary a laugh. Lawrence is a bit infantile and testy in spots as the well-meaning but immature co-ed with too many stars in her eyes to see the truth right in front of her. In a confrontation sequence with Young, she acts just like the later day Shirley Temple. Rudy Vallee is wasted in a rejected suitor role (Ralph Bellamy must have wisely turned it down) and it is really a stretch of the imagination that him and Johnson were fellow students together.
lhallak1 This film is a late classic film era gem even though it's a light comedy. Loretta Young glows in Academy Award nominated costumes by Kay Nelson, filmed in superb Technicolor thanks to Natalie Kalmus, as the mother of a college-age daughter played by Betty Lynn who needs money to continue her college courses. Mother comes to the rescue by taking advantage of a $3,000 endowment left by her grandmother, Abigail Fortitude, at Pointer College in Jefferson, CT. Both mother and daughter are soon enamored with English Literature Professor Richard Michaels, played by Van Johnson. The storyline is light, but the film captures 1949 college atmosphere and mores delightfully. Ah, the innocent days of college life! The story is a heart-warming blend of mother love, first love angst, and romantic twists and turns among two generations of women in the same family. It's not high drama but If innocence and modesty rate with you, you'll love it. Loretta Young plays the mother of a college student with wisdom and aplomb, making this film one of her "must-see's" for her fans of all ages. 1949, the year this film was released, was also the year that I was born, so it's also a delightful post-war film which baby-boomers will appreciate. The DVD release is gorgeous! So settle back with some popcorn and enjoy!
earlytalkie "Mother Is A Freshman" is a slice of college life from a bygone era. The school itself looks like the kind of traditional schools that were around for generations. The cute story finds Mama going to school under a scholarship that only she can share with her daughter. Loretta Young was never more appealing than in this genteel comedy. Van Johnson plays the Professor that that both Mama and daughter (Betty Lynn) are unknowingly competing for. Rudy Vallee is along for the ride as a stuffy friend of Loretta's. The whole production is underscored by some nice, nostalgic music and wrapped up in pretty Technicolor. You could do a lot worse than to see this charming comedy.
jotix100 "Mother is a Freshman" is a delightful comedy, a vehicle, no doubt, for its star, Loretta Young. As directed by LLoyd Bacon, "Mother is a Freshman" offers the kind of genteel entertainment that was harmless. The film, directed by LLoyd Bacon, offers a trip back to a more relaxed time.Abigail Fortitude Abbott, is a widow living in Manhattan's Upper East Side. She seems to live in splendor, even though her funds are next to nothing. Her daughter Susan is going back to college in Connecticutt and both women must find out a way how to survive until the next payment to their inherited funds. They discover that Abigail's grandmother had a scholarship named after her for qualifying young women. What's the harm in trying? Next thing you know Abigail and Susan are on campus together.Abigail wants to major in English Literature, so she must enroll in Prof. Richard Michaels' course. Prof. Michaels falls head over heels in love with the attractive new student. Little does Abigail know, but Susan, is crazy for Michaels as well. After some tension between the two women, common sense prevails and Abigail ends up with the professor and money in the bank.Loretta Young had a magnetic personality and dominates the story. She was not a beautiful woman, but she photographed well and is always an asset in whatever she decided to appear in. Van Johnson is wonderful as Prof. Michaels. Rudy Vallee has some good moments as Abigail's lawyer. Betty Lynn plays Susan and Robert Arthur is Beaumont Jackson, the young man in love with Susan.The film is an excuse to spend 81 minutes in good company.