R | 21 November 1994 (USA)
Mosquito Trailers

An alien starship crashes in a swamp in a U.S. National Park. Some mosquitos begin to feed from the alien's corpses, causing them to grow to the size of a vulture. These mutant insects became very agressive, killing every human being they find. Will the few survivors fight successfully against this nightmare...?

Ehirerapp Waste of time
Konterr Brilliant and touching
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Leofwine_draca An annoying first half of the film, with the over-emphasis on comedy and stupid jokes, soon gives way to what becomes an enjoyable B-movie monster romp, the kind you thought they'd stopped making but which still crop up every now and then. MOSQUITO must reference about a million horror films (from the inevitable ALIENS to WAR OF THE WORLDS) and has such a sense of jokey fun (including in-jokes such as a reporter's name being Alan Smithee) that you can't help but enjoy it.It's a good, old-fashioned movie brought up to date in the 1990s, but sadly the special effects remain old-fashioned. In fact, I've actually seen better special effects in films from the 1970s. They range from some cool stop motion to some funny close-up models which are shoved through windows and the like, to some totally atrocious animation which pretty much ruins the film when it crops up, and even drawings are used in some scenes.The cast is full of B-movie characters, from the pair of intrepid heroes to the black character in dungarees (who surprising, and happily, survives this film), to the slightly psychotic - yet good - criminal. The criminal in question is played this time around by Gunnar Hansen, the big actor famous for his role as Leatherface in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre. Hansen's presence leads to the biggest movie in-joke of all time, when he picks up a chainsaw and remarks "Haven't handled one of these babies in twenty years. Feels good!".Other in jokes include references to EVIL DEAD II amongst other horrors. MOSQUITO is cheesy, cheap, and cheerful. There should be more monster films like this, and less like THE RELIC! For a similar type of giant insect horror (in a slightly gorier fashion) check out TICKS, the spiritual brother of this film.
Joshua Cimarric-Penczek This is by far the 2nd best made for TV movie I have ever seen (behind Tremors 2). The acting sucks. YES IT DOES. But the effects aren't half bad! The 'paper' mosquito's appear when they attack the RV. I call them 'paper' mosquito's because they look like paper! The clay-mation mosquito's look OK, but they're out of place. But the Robotic mosquito's are GREAT! Such as the mosquito on top of the stove, and when the meteorologist is about to die at the end. I don't know why people say this movie has bad effects.Back to the acting. It's horrid. But only by some people. Gunnar Hansen delivers a fine performance while Ron Asherton is not so well. Not much more I can say.The plot is The mosquito's grow big because they drink alien blood. Yah. Alien blood. Why not just be effected by a nuclear power plant or something? But an ALIEN? Hmmm....Only 4 people on screen die. But they're great. Blood gushes out. Great stuff. When that one dude gets stabbed in the eye by the mosquito's needle, thats awesome. When Junior's head goes KA-BOOM, that was cool. The gore makes you cringe. And thats a good thing.The music theme. Also horrid. In a bad way. When Rex is running away from the mosquito in the forest, the background music make it seem like its funny. Along when Earl goes down into the basement. It's like violins from a comedy movie. Over all, great movie. Watch it. No, really. Just watch it!
Theo Robertson One wonders what the producers were thinking of when they set up the premise of " Mosquitos become infected by sucking the blood of an alien crew who have crashed in to the Deep South causing them to grow " . If you're gonna have aliens in a movie then surely giant mutating mosquitos are unnecessary to the plot ? Likewise why introduce aliens if they're just going to kick start the plot ? Why just not use a chemical leak ?The latter point draws to your attention that this is a very retro type of horror movie with giant insects killing people that we'd often see in the 1950s . Perhaps that's why the aliens were needed ? so that the audience would be made aware that it's not really a film that should be taken seriously and is in fact camp B movie nonsense The characters are all clichéd stereotypes such as hunky and courageous male lead , nice girl establishment heroine , noble ethnic minority figure , nasty redneck criminal , comedy character with nearly everyone else marked down as red shirt who's just there to be killed . It's a somewhat cheesy , perhaps too cheesy to be a total success as this type of undemanding film and it is very predictable but it's hardly the worst film I've seen over the last few weeks on the Zone Horror channel and the producers and the rest of the crowd should feel a sense of pride with that
Woodyanders An enjoyably pulpy, trashy, competently mounted and energetically executed 50's style over-sized killer insect creature feature done with wonderfully sleazoid 90's type gore, nudity, profanity and general self-aware film buff fanaticism. An alien spaceship crashlands in a lake located nearby by a forest summercamp community. Bacteria from the spaceship infects the local mosquitoes and causes them to grow into hideous, butt-ugly, way lethal and voracious gigantic mutants who promptly develop an insatiable appetite for human blood. In short time lots of folks have been sucked dry, leaving the standard collection of mixed bag everyday schmo reluctant protagonists -- a hunky dude and his feisty girlfriend, a rugged, quick-thinking take-charge scientist, a constantly sniveling spineless clod, and a gang of bumbling criminals led by a portly, pony-tailed Gunnar Hansen (Leatherface in the original "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre") -- to destroy the bugs before they multiply and feast on the entire human race.Made on a modest, but well-used spare change budget in Detriot, Michigan, directed with tremendous go-for-it gusto by Gary Jones, acted with comparably infectious aplomb by an enthusiastic cast, with several slam-bang stirring insect attack set pieces (the sequence where an unrelenting swarm of flying mosquitoes attack a speeding camper especially smokes), a tasty plenitude of moist, squishy, blood-spilling and slime-slinging splatter, somewhat variable, but still funky special effects (the giant rubbery insects are really cool), a nice smattering of winningly witty B-movie in-jokes (a TV reporter named Allen Smithee, Gunnar wields a mean chainsaw in one scene, and there's a right-on raunchy send-up of the inevitable "have sex and die" backwoods fright flick cliché), a crackling forward-ho pace and a whole-hearted affection for gleefully junky $1.50 cheeseball horror cinema, "Mosquito" eagerly delivers a handy helping of good, gruesome, delightfully blunt and unpretentious straightahead dimestore monster fun.