Moonlight Serenade
Moonlight Serenade
| 01 January 2009 (USA)
Moonlight Serenade Trailers

A jazz musician performs alongside a coat check girl with a beautiful voice in this musical drama from director Giancarlo Tallarico. By day Nate earns his living as a financial manager, but when night falls, he helps the girl with her singing career at the jazz club, where she performs one night a week. In time both realize they share something special other than the music.

Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
GrimPrecise I'll tell you why so serious
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
john32935 This film disappoints in every aspect. The acting is middling (even the almost always wonderful Amy Adams and sadly-underused Harriet Sansom Harris), the script is ridden with clichés, the production values are amateurish, and the plot is terribly predictable. It is a credit to Ms. Adams that her screen presence alone kept me watching until the end even though she is rarely given anything to do in this film (besides exhibiting a fine singing voice) that would merit such dedication. Without her, I probably would not have made it past the first 20 minutes. The only positive thing going for this movie is the fine selection of American standards sung throughout which could easily be otherwise obtained from other artists and various other sources.It is easy to see why the studio sat on this film for more than 4 years before finally releasing as direct-to-DVD once Amy Adams had become a rising star.
mollidew This is an old-fashioned style of movie. It moves slowly and is the type of movie where the underdog wins out and the surprise of talent totally different from their profession comes out. It is not a new idea and is something out of movies I have watched many times but it didn't take away from the movie. The only criticism I have is I felt the characters were not developed enough so you got a better handle on who they were. It was predictable but even though cliché, I enjoyed the movie anyway. It was nice to watch a movie without violence, profanity and nudity.I wasn't quite sure what Nate's job was and I got the idea he was a stock broker or something like that. The offices, even though facades, looked fine. They actually looked like many I have been inside. The average person who has no film making background isn't going to notice how shots look so much. That was fine to me. I was concentrating on the interactions of the characters.As for the singing, jazz isn't my cup of tea really but I do listen to some and the standards were nice. I disagree with others about the character Nate. I felt his voice was very smooth and he sounded much better singing the music than Amy Adams even though she is a favorite of mine but not for her singing. I have a musical background and always felt she has an odd singing voice and is a little whiny sounding. She didn't always hit the notes as well. I figured the two main characters were doing their own singing since I knew Amy Adams did in Enchanted where the music was more suited to her voice but still even there she has sort of a whiny sound when she sings. She is cute and perky and her personality tends to sell the films. I don't think young people would like this movie much and if rating, would give this movie bad reviews most likely. It is not action packed and on top of it, it is a musical that showcases jazz and older styles of pop music. I felt the acting was fine with what they had to work with. Independent movies are usually low budget and I can't see why it would need a higher budget given the storyline. It's not a bad movie but more suited to television I think.
wittachick I truly like Amy Adams, I think she is a dynamic and versatile actress - but I'm not so sure who told her she could sing! In Enchanted her singing was tolerable because her character needed to have a child like innocence to her voice - so letting go of a note here & there was totally fitting.However she is no where near talented enough as a vocalist to pull off a character who is supposed to be believed as a legitimate Jazz singer! Who ever the casting director - and producers were must have all been tone deaf! The story and use of the music in the movie was unique - however the casting was so pour, that even the fact that it was low budget would have been OK if better actors had of been cast!
joelburman Since being a big fan of Amy Adams I just watched this one without knowing anything about it and was pleasantly surprised. I normally don't like movies with this kind of musical theme. I like that they keep the script simple and realistic and most characters felt genuinely real. A different approach was also the use of the songs in the film. They weren't set up like individual numbers like in most musicals, instead they came on and of without warning and in a somewhat repetitive way but it really gave another depth to the mood of the film. The only thing seem a little lowbudget was the camera-work (mostly tripod shots) and the office sets who were very studio looking in a bad way. Finally Amy Adams shines like always and really show how versatile she is as an actress being able to play both drama and comedy.