Monster from Green Hell
Monster from Green Hell
NR | 17 May 1957 (USA)
Monster from Green Hell Trailers

A test rocket carrying wasps to outer space, to study the effects on them of weightlessness and radiations, crashes out of control back to Earth, into the jungles of Africa. The two astrobiologists in charge of the test mount an expedition to the Darkest Continent to retrieve their experiment, only to find the wasps have grown to giant size which are panicking all forms of life as they quest for food.

Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
azathothpwiggins Test animals are shot into space, returning to crash-land just off the coast of Africa. Oh no! Native people are being attacked by some unknown creatures! Giant, buzzy bugs are on the move, sending humans and animals alike, fleeing in all directions! This occurs in the jungle of the title. Dr. Quent Brady (Jim Davis) finds out about the chaos, and sets out for the continent. He's convinced that r-a-d-i-a-t-i-o-n is to blame. A safari is organized, and Brady and company wait before beginning their arduous trek. Meanwhile, others perish needlessly. After three weeks (!), the safari finally gets underway. This is one long, drawn out safari! These people are walking 400 miles! Thankfully, tons of wild animal stock footage and Brady's dull narration stand in for any real excitement! Lots more walking takes place. Enough walking to make even the viewer's feet hurt! Where are those big bugs when we need them? The safari plods on, burning up valuable film time. Various hardships strike, having nothing to do w/ monsters. Still more walking. An outpost is reached. Brady enjoys an organ recital in the bush. On and on it goes. By the time the group arrives at their destination, it hardly matters. MONSTER FROM GREEN HELL is an endurance test, much like holding hot coals in your hand. A must for the movie masochist! The pain is exquisite! EXTRA POINTS: For the cheeeze-tastic, jumbo-sized, mutated wasps. Their fleeting appearances are the only joy to be found here...
oscar-35 *Spoiler/plot- The Monster from Green Hell, 1957, giant Wasps in Africa.*Special Stars- Jim Davis, Robert Friffin, Barbara Turner, Eduardo Ciannelli, *Theme- Things from the atomic age can attack mankind, beware! *Trivia/location/goofs- Bronson Caves in Gower Park, Hollywood Calif. Stock footage from Spencer Tracy film, Stanley and Livingston'.*Emotion- The very basic and pathetic stop-motion animation of the attacking insects make this film somewhat ordinary and not very memorable. The cast of falling-stars is interesting to try and act their way out of this stinker.
Space_Mafune After a nuclear rocket, containing wasps from a scientific experiment researching the effects of sending the insects into space, crashes in an uncharted part of Africa nicknamed "Green Hell" by the natives, the frightening result is gigantic mutated monstrosities the result of prolonged exposure to radiation. Now with word that these monsters are terrorizing that portion of the African continent, the scientists responsible for the experiment travel into the heart of Africa hoping to put a stop to this newfound threat.Dull. Dull. Dull. A better word could not be more apt to describe this turgidly paced movie filled with scenes of folks walking, and walking, and walking some more. Although this film is only 71 minutes in length, it feels more like three hours. Sure there's some half-decent stop-motion animated monsters but they are particularly disappointing in comparison to other stop-motion efforts of the era and the stock footage used from STANLEY AND LIVINGSTONE (1939) perks things up slightly as well towards the end but aside from those short moments of excitement, well there's lots and lots of walking. Did I mention that already? Did I also mention this movie is almost a surefire cure for insomnia?
tilleycs I agree with comments from a previous user, this movie is for completest only! Only watch this if you're crossing it off a list or you REALLY love monster movies; otherwise, it will be 1:15 of sheer agony and mind-numbing boredom. Typical "giant insect" movie from the 50's, complete with the required "giant monster/insect head rising slowly over the top of the hill while the natives run down the hill and away from the monster" scene. Nice twist using wasps as the insect, but they were slightly hindered by the fact that they couldn't, oh, fly! The stock footage is soooo obvious.I found it profoundly ironic that the monsters are supposed to be from "Green Hell", but there's nothing green IN this movie! It's all black-and-white! :) Not a good movie if your date/spouse doesn't share your love of old monster movies.