R | 19 June 1990 (USA)
Mom Trailers

During a time when the city of Los Angeles is terrorized by animal attack style murders, a kindly elderly lady provides a nomad with room and board. It turns out that he is a werewolf and is responsible for the recent killings. He bites the elderly woman, turning her into a hungry werewolf. Now her adult son must try to prevent the both of them from doing any more harm.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Forumrxes Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
tavm This is one of the most unique among horror movies I've watched for the past several weeks. A man accepts becoming a border at a sweet old lady's home but he's not quite the normal border she assumes he is. Next thing you know, she has some unusual appetites...I'll stop there and just say this was thrilling, touching, and, when Stella Stevens shows up as a hooker named Beverly Hills, occasionally funny as Hell! All I'll say now is I highly recommend Mom!
a_chinn Oddball horror/comedy about a sweet grey haired mother who is bitten by a werewolf or some sort of creature of the night (played by the always great Brion James) and transforms her into a bloodthirsty creature of the night, much to the consternation of her yuppie adult son who only wants to help her and stop her from killing. The film really grabbed me with the opening of Brion James as a blind man attacking a prostitute played by Claudia Christian. James then goes on to ingratiate himself to the titular mother who invites him into her home, only for him to attack her and turn her into a werewolf. The dark humor around a sweet old lady with blood dripping down her matronly house dresses is pretty funny and does go a long way, but the rest of the film isn't all that clever or interesting. Art Evans and Stella Stevens also appear in the film, but horror/comedies rarely seem to work and outside of seeing a kindly old lady viciously killing, there ins't a lot to recommend here.
FlashCallahan During a time when the city of Los Angeles is terrorised by animal attack style murders, a kindly elderly lady provides a nomad with room and board. It turns out that he is a werewolf and is responsible for the recent killings. He bites the elderly woman, turning her into a werewolf. Now her son must try to prevent the both of them from doing any more harm.There are elements to this film that really hint to the Little Red Riding Hood legend, and it makes such a pigs ear of it, by trying to be clever and reversing it, it's virtually unwatchable.Briton James is the best thing about this film, and if it were a standalone movie about him being a werewolf drifter, it could have been good.Except the film makers thought it would be funny to get an old woman, put contacts in her eyes, and have her hiss every now and again.All the while being chased around by her increasingly annoying son.After James is disposed of, it really hits the one star territory and becomes a horrible mess.Not worth your time, not even worth using your eyes to even read the cover or synopsis. Terrible
HumanoidOfFlesh An old lady's boarder Nestor Duvalier(Brion James)turns out to be a cannibalistic monster terrorizing Los Angeles,and promptly turns her into one too.It's up to her son to stop the carnage."Mom" is a perfect flick for few laughs.There is a good amount of gore,but if you're searching for suspense-packed horror avoid this one at all costs.All in all "Mom" is worth checking out for some undemanding horror fans,so if you get the chance watch it.My rating:5 out of 10.