| 19 March 2009 (USA)
Missing Trailers

Hyeon-jeong's sister is missing and she fears for the worst. Via her sister's cellphone, Hyeon-jeong learns that her sister stayed in a countryside vaillage. She goes to the village to find her sister and stops at the local police station for help. Because of the little evidence she has, the police refuse to offer help.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Artivels Undescribable Perfection
Glimmerubro It is not deep, but it is fun to watch. It does have a bit more of an edge to it than other similar films.
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
suite92 The lead in the film is on a weekend trip with her married boss. The place they are to stay is next to the property of an old farmer. The farmer kills her boss, then imprisons her.The farmer is a want-to-be songwriter, and he regales her with a song that he wrote using a karaoke machine while feeding her cake and coca cola. He uses frosting as a lubricant.After ten days, the protagonist's sister follows the small number of leads she has to the correct area. The police tell the sister to get lost; there was not enough evidence for them to devote police resources to mount a search.The protagonist's health starts its slide, but the kidnapper insists on oral sex. That does not go well. The sister finds the farmer, but does not find the confined protagonist.After more digging, the sister gets more of an investigation, but the farmer was prepared for it. The police dismiss the sister's interest. Later the sister runs the farmer down by accident; he lures her to his place, and imprisons her.One of the locals finally figures it out, and tries to extort some of the farmer's land from him. The farmer is a bit careless in disposing of the sister's van; this gets the cops involved again. So, that turns out to be enough to turn the tide of fortune against the farmer.What are the final consequences of the actions of the principals?------Scores-------Cinematography: 7/10 A bit jerky with frame jumping at times, but often sharp and well-done. In most streaming delivery I watch, I see none of this.Sound: 8/10 Fine. Few problems.Acting: 5/10 What was the character of the farmer's mother for? She could have been just mentioned, or actually have something substantial to say. The size of her presence was just awkward. The lady of negotiable virtue who served as supplier of just the right piece of information could have been done by an actor with a bit more experience. The performance by the actor who played the farmer was the biggest negative. I did not believe any of that performance.Screenplay: 6/10 The story was not too improbable, but it could have been better executed.
ebiros2 This is a "snuff" movie that involves young beautiful women, and a perverted serial killer.An unsuspecting couple ends up in the chicken farm of a murderous killer. The value of the movie is in the beauty of the women involved, and how the authorities eventually figures out or don't figure out what's going on at the guy's chicken farm. This is a pretty solid crime story. The production is good, and the story is also good. It's interesting to watch nice people talking to the antagonist completely oblivious to what's going on. The serial killer guy could have been bit more surreal. He's too one dimensional. Because of this, the story starts off good, but flattens out from the middle part on. The victims are also underutilized, and don't do much to make the movie more interesting.So the movie turned out to be somewhat mediocre despite the good ingredients that it had.
Paul Magne Haakonsen I picked this movie up on the sole reason that it was a Korean movie, and usually Korea make fairly nice movies. "Missing" was another nice movie to come out of Korea.The story is quite simple and doesn't really hold any surprises or twists, which is a shame really. Why? Well, because the story becomes a bit too uninspiring and linear. However, the fact that it is based on a true story does manage to pull the story up a notch. The story is basically about an old man who captures and tortures girls, only to kill them, and the people around him are clueless to his deviant behavior."Missing" has a relative small cast list, but it doesn't matter. Those people in the movie did a good job with their respective roles. The movie was especially carried by the girl playing the first woman to be captured. Her performance was really good, and she did manage to portray a woman in a dire situation quite well.There are a couple of semi-brutal scenes in the movie, but nothing in comparison to some Japanese movies. But the harsh scenes do work well, because they are not in-your-face with gore and effects, and leaves your mind to fill in the blanks that the camera doesn't show. So that was a good aspect to the movie as well.One thing that was tacky and sort of stupid, was the way the movie ended. I mean, come on, it was just too much. And also on the DVD cover it said "all the ingredients of a Friday 13th". Yeah, I hardly think so... But don't let that scare you off.But all in all, "Missing" is a good thriller and provides good entertainment. If you are a fan of Asian movies, then you should check out "Missing", if you haven't already seen it.
sitenoise The crucial part of a scene where an axe is planted into someone's head is not how it goes in but how it comes out. That's where the director lets you in on what they're doing, what kind of film they're making and how good their chops are. You might think just based on the fact that we have an axe planted in someone's head that it tells you all you need to know about what kind of movie we're talking about, and you'd be right, up to a point. Billed as a serial killer thriller, Missing is a slasher movie, but it's not. It's got all the ingredients of a Friday the 13th style gorefest but seems to be targeting an older, if not wiser, demographic. I'm a bit surprised to read that this film has done reasonably well at the box office.Missing is based on a true story. In August and September of 2007, a seventy year old South Korean fisherman killed four women in Bosung, South Jeolla Province, South Korea. All the publicity for the film lets us know that it's been fictionalized but I don't know if that is referring to the axe implantations, and other acts of that ilk, or the fact that the killer in the film is a sixty year old ex-restaurateur cum chicken farmer. Wikipedia doesn't have an entry for the guy so we'll have to wait to find out the facts.South Korea's done pretty well with serial killer films based on true events. Memories of Murder and The Chaser come to mind. Missing isn't up to the caliber of those films, but it doesn't try to be like them either. It's not played from the point of view of a cop, or ex-cop's, investigation. It's a bit more simply voyeuristic. The first act observes the plight of one of the victims along with some collateral damage. It's got a gratuitous up-skirt shot, cameras that pans out from a girl's behind, a "Women in Prison" style shower scene, something somewhere between Deliverance and Last Tango in Paris, and an attempt at some Lorena Bobbitt flavored revenge. When you add all that up you should get something a lot less than what Missing ends up being. There is nothing remarkable about the style of the film but the production values are what you'd expect from a mainstream South Korean offering. It gives us exploitation within a mainstream frame.Along with the cheap thrills of a crap horror movie we also get many more earmarks of the genre: an almost discovery that comes too early in the film; a freak accident that kicks the film into third gear; cops who refuse to help because there's insufficient evidence to do so; and above all, characters who don't act the way they should, like not running away or successfully killing the bad guy when it seems they have the chance, not to mention an ending that's tackily tacked on in order to have a sequel. (I don't think it's just a nod to the real thing) Missing is the most un-Korean Korean film I think I've seen. It's like a Hollywood film, only better. Watching it, I wasn't thinking it would be ripe for a Hollywood remake. I was trying to figure out what Hollywood movie it was a remake of. So much of it is so familiar. It doesn't reach for the epic proportions of a Se7en or a Silence of the Lambs, nor does it have any of the new wave stylings of the French extremists, but it also doesn't sink to the depths of a standard Hollywood slasher. It's not a great film, maybe not even a good one, but it's pretty good at being unlike what it seems to be. It should mildly satisfy gore hounds and horror enthusiasts while not completely turning off those who, if you were to mention something like a Fargo moment, might be prone to immediate dismissal.The film is well cast too. Veteran actor Moon Seong-geun (Virgin Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, Green Fish) plays the old man killer as utterly normal and utterly evil. Jeon Se-hong (Temptation of Eve) is sufficiently bodacious as the younger sister and first victim put through the grinder, so to speak, and Chu Ja-hyeon (Portrait of Beauty, Bloody Tie) plays the older sister who goes looking for her with enough intelligence and good looks to keep us on board for the duration. And there's motorbike riding coffee delivery girls in hot pants. But don't think you have this film figured out. It might surprise you. There will be blood.