Mirror, Mirror III: The Voyeur
Mirror, Mirror III: The Voyeur
R | 01 October 1995 (USA)
Mirror, Mirror III: The Voyeur Trailers

A young man discovers a mysterious mirror and begins to have disturbing visions of forbidden passion and brutal murder. But when he also finds a beautiful woman back from the dead and a detective with a thirst for revenge, the real terror has only just begun. The mirror sees all...but what shocking secrets will it reveal?

XoWizIama Excellent adaptation.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
merklekranz "Mirror Mirror 3 " confirms that Billy Drago should stick with the typecast psycho villains he usually plays. His whispering acting technique is totally lost in this excruciatingly boring film. Watching the paint dry on artist Drago's canvases would prove more interesting than this mess. It's something about a mirror, an old house, and a drug dealer's wife brought back from the dead. When the plot synopsis on the back of the DVD box takes up only six lines, you know things are going to be rough. Other than Billy Drago, there is nothing here of interest, except a few unexciting sex scenes with a couple of really bad actresses. Avoid at all costs. - MERK
homecoming8 "Mirror, Mirror" is not a classic but an OK movie in the horror genre. It deserved a decent sequel, there certainly was room for another good one. But it was NEVER made. "Raven Dance: Mirror Mirror II" was downright boring with a stupid story. A disappointment but certainly not the worst in the series: "Mirror Mirror III: The Voyeur": What The Hell ??? This is basically unwatchable, even cheap porn movies have higher production values than this ! Like the subtitle implies: this time there is lots of (boring)soft sex-scenes. Nothing to get excited about unfortunately. No tension, no excitement, no special effects: why do they make garbage like this ?? One point worth mentioning: Billy Drago is in it. He was absolutely great as the vicious bad guy Ramon Cota in "Delta Force 2: The Colombian Connection". But let's face it: besides that, his career is not great. Here, he is totally lost, but at least he is an ACTOR. That can't be said about the rest of the "cast". With the exception of Mark Rufallo: he did Part 2 and for some reason he returned in this one. Thankfully, his pick in movies increased considerably since than..
justinwilliams371 There is nothing redeeming about this film. First one was OK. The second one was great purely for the presence of Roddy McDowell. The leading lady has a good figure but that is only interesting for the first minute or two. It is poor, poor, poor. I have seen better school plays. Although made in the mid nineties, the film quality is reminiscent of the early eighties B movies. The dialogue is as cheesy as it comes and the acting, oh dear. With regards to this film someone has definitely lost the plot. There isn't one. Really, stay clear if you can, but if you are willing to sit through it just to complete the series, then disengage your brain.
whammy666 Wow, I bought the Mirror, Mirror boxed set. Part 1 is a classic. Part 2 is good. And I had not seen 3. I heard it was bad but wowwwwwwwww. It is bad. This is one of the worst films I have seen in my life. It looks like a 2 year old made it. No, a 2 year old could of done better. I am amazed by this crap. The acting sucks. The directing sucks. The special effects suck. The quality of the film sucks. I cannot say one good thing about this film except Jimmy Lifton's score is still around and that is good music. I cannot think of another positive thing about this film. UGh all it is is these 2 people having sex for an hour and a half then some people die. The mirror does look the same as in the other films but that does not matter. Nothing on Earth can save this miserable piece of crap. 1/10