Mine Games
Mine Games
| 01 December 2012 (USA)
Mine Games Trailers

A group of young friends make an incomprehensible discovery in an abandoned mine, but the more they try to change the future, the more they seal their fate.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Thebe Bashaleebee It's not the best in the mind bender category. I rated it an eight to offset the low IMDb rating. I'd give it more like a 7, if I were to be honest.The acting was okay. Nothing really cringe worthy. I happen to love this type of premise, which is somewhat mind bending and converges alternate realities.If you liked Triangle or Coherence, you would like this. I think it's right on par with Triangle, but not as good as Coherence, but that is my opinion. If you are a time traveling or alternate reality mind bender junkie, you will absolutely enjoy this ride. Understand, it's not the best in that category, but it's well worth the watch.
bowmanblue 'Mine Games' tells the tale of seven (typically good-looking American) teens who, while on vacation, stumble upon a mine. And, when they go into the mine, they experience dark, spooky and/or violent visions. It's at this point where any sane person would be heading home there and then. These seven people don't. They just return to their nearby house to 'think things over.' Then, rather than deciding to leave, they return to the mine where the visions get even more nasty and intense.Guess what happens next? They think it's better to stay and think about things rather than running for the hills. This continues for the best part of the film, i.e. every time they go to the mine, they simply go home again, despite the obvious thing to do being to get the hell out of here.In fact, I was on the brink of switching it off. I only stuck with it to see how many more times they would do this 'rinse and repeat' formula. In the last ten minutes or so the film does explain all the little things you might have wondered during its ninety minutes runtime (besides the fact that no one thought to leg it!), so I can see the 'point' the film-makers were trying to make.You may already tell by now that I didn't think much of the film. There are definitely a million better horror films out there. At least I know I'll never watch it again. Unlike the seven protagonists in Mine Games, for they would – no doubt – turn a bad film off, sit there for a moment, then watch it all over again. And then again. And again. And again.http://thewrongtreemoviereviews.blogspot.co.uk/
Spikeopath A bunch of friends on vacation in the country discover a disused mine and find something most strange down in its depths.It starts off in conventional fashion, pretty looking youngsters head off to a large cabin in the woods and after nearly running someone down in the road, they arrive at their destination but nothing is as it seems. The story then spins into another dimension, cribbing from better movies like Triangle and Identity, only the screenplay isn't strong enough to make a success of it, even confusing itself in the process.Things aren't helped by director and co-writer Richard Gray padding out the movie to meet the required run time to call it a feature length production. In truth there just isn't enough material here to extend beyond a one hour Twilight Zone episode, better editing and a better screenplay was definitely needed here. Gray over stretching his ambitions somewhat.The cast of up coming Hollywood starlets give a mixed bunch of performances, while the low budget is often evident. Neither of these things, though, hurt the film as much as the aforementioned issues. There's a modicum of interest value here for those who like the films already mentioned above, but it's not a comfortable recommendation at all. 4/10
Boloxxxi Engaging psychological horror thriller mystery about a group of young people who get caught in a "loop of time" in a remote area in the woods. What makes this interesting is that they actually meet their selves in the loop which is an intersection of the present and future or present and past, depending on perspective. So they meet the future condition of themselves in a nearby mine but don't understand it; don't realize they are in a loop ahead of, and behind themselves in time. The loop begins (and ends) with an accident as they near their vacation destination: an elaborate cabin in the woods. Possibly this looping of time could have been a harmless anomaly and meeting yourself of the future or the past (again, depending on perspective) might have been a weirdly pleasant and innocuous experience except that one of the members of the group (4 guys, 3 women) has mental problems and is taking medication for it. Schizophrenia, I believe. I will say no more (Did I hear a sigh of relief?). Love, Boloxxxi.