R | 07 October 2011 (USA)
Mimesis Trailers

A group of horror fans find themselves unwilling participants in a nightmarish role playing game that pays homage to a classic horror film.

StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Loui Blair It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
a_baron A disparate group of people including a young girl attend a lecture by a horror film-maker. Invited to a select after party, they wake up in bizarre surroundings. One of the first group - two buddies - are attacked by a zombie, and is very badly wounded. They are joined by a woman, and make it to the house where in the disjointed introduction the householder - a farmer - and his apparently disabled wife are murdered. All very confusing so far, and obviously supernatural, though it turns out these zombies are anything but. The clue to what is happening is in the film's title; mimesis refers to life imitating art, in this case a group of sickos have decided to recreate the classic 1968 horror film "Night Of The Living Dead".Clearly "Mimesis..." scores for originality, but if zombies are beyond belief, so are the logistics and leaps of faith the viewer is supposed to make here. In the original film, everybody died. Does that happen here? If you stick around to find out you won't be disappointed, but you probably won't be enthralled either.
cashiersducinemart It's refreshing to see a film that knows the true meaning of the word "homage" -- something done or given in acknowledgment or consideration of the worth of another -- rather than "rip off," which is something we see far too often in films, especially horror movies.Douglas Schulze's Mimesis is a clever homage to George Romero's Night of the Living Dead on one hand and a modern "thrill killer" movie on the other. After an opening scare starring Courtney Gaines, the audience is taken to a horror convention where Alphonze Betz (Sid Haig) rails against the media blaming horror movies for real life horrors. In the audience are Russell (Taylor Piedmonte) and his unlikely pal Duane (Allen Maldonado).Russell is a horror fan while Duane is more keen on meeting some of the hotties at the con including Judith (Lauren Mae Shafer), a goth girl who invites the boys to a party later that night. Thinking he'll get some, Duane convinces Russell to drive out to the spooky farmhouse where they encounter some out-of-place regular people and a number of silent, spooky dudes all made up in makeup. Before the party gets too "dick in the mashed potatoes" crazy, Russell and Duane are down for the count, waking up dressed in different clothes and hanging out in some eerily familiar settings.There's no "They're coming to get you, Barbara!" line in Mimesis but much of the rest of Night of the Living Dead is there as our protagonists find themselves cast in a living remake of the film, complete with flesh-tearing zombies.Thus, Mimesis becomes a film with disparate characters trapped in a farmhouse with a menacing presence outside but the presence isn't supernatural, it's psychotic. Additionally, the script by Schulze and Joshua Wagner is incredibly self-aware, playing with and against the plot of NOTLD along with more current films where strangers toy with innocents (Them, Inside, High Tension, etc.).
Paul Magne Haakonsen Well, to fully appreciate this movie for what it is, then you have to be an avid fan of the zombie genre, and especially of "Night of the Living Dead". I can say that I am both those things, but still I found this movie to be somewhat disappointing.Sure there were some great moments here and there, and it was especially great to revisit the house and feel like being back at the location of "Night of the Living Dead". On that account, the movie makers managed to accomplish something great.However, on the story part of the movie, then the movie makers didn't really fully deliver anything solid. The idea of re-inventing something from a movie into real life does seem interesting, yes I will admit to that, but ultimately this movie failed to leave a lasting impression. What turned out to be not so great was the way that it was executed and the way that these "zombies" looked. Not to mention the motive behind it all, it was just a little bit too campy.I was initially lured in to watching this as it allegedly was a zombie movie, plus it had Sid Haig on the billing list. Yeah, he was in the movie around perhaps five minutes or so, so don't get suckered in to this with these factors as I was. You'll just end up sorely disappointed.As for the acting, well people did good enough jobs with their given roles, it was just the script itself that didn't give the actors and actresses much to work with."Mimesis" is not really a good movie if you are looking for some zombie entertainment. The movie does, however, have some entertainment value if you are a hardcore fan of the "Night of the Living Dead" movie. But as for a regular zombie movie, then "Mimesis" failed on a grand scale. And you might just also find some enjoyment in "Mimesis" if you are the type that appreciate low-budget indie movies.The best thing about this entire movie was the tribute it paid to "Night of the Living Dead" and the entire atmosphere they managed to build up, because it was really like re-visiting the classic movie (in either the original or re-make version).Having seen it once, then I can honestly say that I will not be making a second watching out of this, because there simply isn't enough entertainment value in it.
sanfoerd Caught this clunker at its premiere in 2011. Then I completely forgot about it until I needed to look up some information about its crew. When I came to IMDb and read three glowing reviews, I wondered what those reviewers were smoking that night. I remember Mimesis as a very low budget horror flick that neither horrifies nor entertains. Ridiculous premise, dumb plot, wooden one-dimensional characters and all the usual zombie film clichés. Bunch of twenty-somethings cower in a farmhouse while (spoiler alert) phony zombies shamble around outside, trying to lure them out and pick them off one by one. Problem is, there is only a handful of "zombies", they move as slowly as tortoises and lack any weapons that might pose a real threat. Here's a tip for the guys in the house: open the door and stroll down the road. You can even walk backward and thumb your nose at the zombies as they recede into the distance. This is an altogether failed homage to the Night of the Living Dead, listlessly directed by Douglas Schulze, who did not impress me as a very capable director. One good shot in the movie, the rest bland and boring. And the performances, with a few exceptions, were just plain awful. Production design totally lacking. The film had decent makeup effects, though. Awful sound. Cameos by Sid Haig and Courtney Gains do nothing to save the film from the obscurity it deserves. Overall, Mimesis looks and feels like a high-school film project.