Mighty Fine
Mighty Fine
R | 25 May 2012 (USA)
Mighty Fine Trailers

Set in the 1970's, MIGHTY FINE is the story of Joe Fine (Chazz Palminteri) a charismatic, high-spirited man, who relocates his family--wife Stella (Andie MacDowell), a Holocaust survivor, daughters Nathalie (Jodelle Ferland) and Maddie (Rainey Qualley)--from Brooklyn to New Orleans, in search of a better life. Unfortunately, Joe's spending spree is wildly out of touch with reality, as his apparel business is teetering on the brink of collapse, a fact he refuses to accept. Written and directed by Debbie Goodstein, MIGHTY FINE is told from the perspective of an adult Nathalie remembering the events of her youth, and is inspired by Goodstein's memories of her own father. MIGHTY FINE ultimately shows how coming to terms with the past without judgment is the most fruitful way to move toward the future.

MusicChat It's complicated... I really like the directing, acting and writing but, there are issues with the way it's shot that I just can't deny. As much as I love the storytelling and the fantastic performance but, there are also certain scenes that didn't need to exist.
Huievest Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
a_chilson Mighty Fine is an incredibly look behind the doors of the collapsing psyche of a man who just wants what is best for his family. It can be read as mental illness, the stress of the economy during the latter 60s or just what it meant during that period regarding expectations. I believe, a better picture than the T.V. shows currently showcasing today with their happier motif's. This gets to the heart of the darker side while still clinging to its great intentions. The acting is superb, flawless. The overhead narration from the youngest daughter really sets up the movie and my favorite character of all was the Mother, because I feel that we all in some way try our best to make sure everything is 'fine' in the bad times. A must see. I only wish it was showing in my area so I could see it again!
arizonarachel I watched this movie as part of a special preview group of moms through MomCentral, and I was struck at how dark and dramatic it was. I was expecting something lighter (as it was being screened to a group of moms) but was thrilled that it wasn't some 'feel good' movie. I prefer darker, intense movies and this delivered.If you like indie movies that are edgy and dramatic - I think you'll enjoy this.The plot centers around a family who appears perfect on the surface but is hiding a dark secret - I don't want to go into any more detail. But it's a great movie, although i wouldn't show it to my kids!
mattnem05 I recently had the opportunity to see a movie premier online. I must say that the experience really was, well very nice. The movie itself was very good. Not one that I would normally go to, I tend to go to movies for escapism like Avengers and Battleship. But this movie proved me wrong. The subject matter is one that hits quite close to home, thankfully not exactly but close enough. The dad, Joe played by Chazz Palminteri is a business owner who moves his family down south to New Orleans. The rest of the family Stella, Andie MacDowell, the mom and the daughters Natalie, Jodelle Ferland, and Maddie, Rainey Qualley are along for the ride. But things are not going so well, and Joe's old anger management problems surface again.
newlycrunchymamaof3 I recently got the opportunity to watch the brand new movie, Mighty Fine, starring Andie MacDowell and Chazz Palminteri, one of my favorite actors, by the way. I convinced myself that despite this movie's sensitive subject matter, I would be able to maintain composure. I told myself that no matter what I saw, I wouldn't allow my emotions get the best of me. I couldn't have been more wrong. This movie was powerful, moving, and incredibly hard to watch, especially for a survivor of domestic violence.I began watching this movie, perfectly fine. Sure, there were some red flag moments. I legitimately felt for the wife and daughters in this film, which portrays the classic, emotionally and physically abusive household. I felt bad when they got belittled and yelled at...I wept for them when it turned physical in nature. It brought back painful memories of my first marriage. The ONLY good thing to come out of that relationship, if you can call it that, was my son. He is the ONLY "good and pure" thing my ex-husband has ever done. My ex was physically, mentally, emotionally, and even sexually abusive towards me. It was this way for YEARS, and he always tried to blame ME for his sick, sadistic behavior. I will not go into detail here, but it was BAD. The best thing I have ever done, for me or my son, was to find the courage to leave.My biggest problem watching Mighty Fine? To be completely honest, it's that I wasn't MORE disturbed. The movie depicted the father as a "monster" with severe mental illness...He treated his wife and children like second class citizens...Yet the whole time I was watching, all I could think was "This is nothing compared to what I have been through." I would definitely recommend the film, Mighty Fine, to anyone who wants to learn more about the commonly hidden world of emotional abuse. This movie is raw, honest, and to the point. It doesn't sugar-coat anything. My only wish? That my own experiences weren't so much worse than the depictions in the movie. It brought to light how sadistic and truly abnormal my own experience has been, and that left me in tears. Emotional abuse is an issue that NEEDS to be addressed, and Mighty Fine is a great start and a wonderful ice-breaker.