Microwave Massacre
Microwave Massacre
NR | 31 August 1983 (USA)
Microwave Massacre Trailers

Construction worker Donald is having a hard time getting anything good to eat since his wife has decided to only cook gourmet foods. That and her constant harping causes him to snap, so he whacks her. Somewhere in the confusion he comes up with a new use for the microwave oven, and begins to eat much better. Soon he's experimenting with different recipes. And different meats.

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
Pluskylang Great Film overall
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Matt Smitty 6.5 this is very good for a video nasty.. the only reason i give it a good rating is because i am rating it according to what it is, a cheaply produced video nasty. Video nasties are cheaply produced movies that rely on gags, novelty themes, shock or raunch because the producers cannot afford anything else. These novelties are used to paint a unique and effective ambiance to go with the story. If these novelties were not used, the movie would be so cheap and boring that you would be better off reading a book. The video nasty category often takes some getting used to but when you do it can be a very fun and interesting category.All this considered, this movie had a very good story line, good acting and good editing. It must have been a pretty decent b movie on cable for its time.
RyanEardley01 Microwave Massacre I can easily say was garbage but there is something special about how bad it is its just so memorable. Jackie Vernon plays Donald a man who just wants a good meal and hates his wife May and her cooking so he decides cannibalism is the best option and boy the effects and makeup are the greatest they are so bad its incredible. The comedy in this movie hits but in all the wrong places and Jackie Vernon performance is brilliantly bad it seems like he didn't care but at the same time I know the movie a comedy and I think that might have been the aim with his performance. The directing is something of pure genius how bad all the camera work is and even finding a lot of mistakes with continuity and even seeing crew members at one point. The movie is awful its not a masterpiece but god I enjoyed myself watching this and I highly recommend this disaster.
Mark Turner I'm old enough to remember when MICROWAVE MASSACRE first made its way to video, yes VHS, years ago. I owned a video store at the time and horror films always rented well. When I saw the artwork for this one and read the description I laughed, ordered it and put it on the shelf for rental. I also watched the movie. Before it ended I wondered what I had been thinking when I ordered it. The movie was as bad if not worse than the title.And yet in the passing years the movie has garnered a cult following among fans of bad movies. Those who revel in the worst film has to offer have found a gem to add to their collections. Seriously, the movie is terrible for so many reasons and yet it's the sort of movie that you feel compelled to watch from start to finish. It's not one of those intentionally bad movies, it is one where those making it really thought they had something but the end result could not have been what they intended.The story involved mild-mannered Donald (Jackie Vernon), a construction worker whose wife May is intent of elevating herself and Donald to a classier lifestyle. She displays no class in her decorating style, in her attitude, in how she talks and definitely not in the cuisine that she forces Donald to eat every day. A prime example is a crab sandwich that is, yes, an entire crab between two slices of bread.After a night of drinking Donald goes home to find May has cooked some strange new concoction. In a drunken rage strangles May, killing her. When he wakes the next day he discovers what he has done and now must cover up the evidence. Cutting up her body he cooks it in May's huge microwave and then wraps the pieces in tin foil. He stuffs the body parts into the freezer in the garage, not noticing that one piece has fallen into a garbage can he used to throw away the food May froze in the freezer. When he gets hungry later that night he takes that particular piece inside to eat and is surprised at how good it tastes. As he unwraps it while eating he discovers it is May's hand. But since it tastes better than what he's been served lately he continues eating.This leads to Donald finding other victims to kill, microwave and then eat. He also shares the food with his co-workers who enjoy it as well and suddenly become friendlier towards Donald. The body count rises and Donald's hunger is satiated. The movie ends rather abruptly, or should I say mercifully. And lucky for us it didn't end with anything that looked like a sequel could happen.So much is bad about this movie. The sets seem like they actually filmed it in someone's house, which if you watch the extras you discover they did. Jackie Vernon shows why he was a great stand-up comedian and a lousy actor. Not only does he display no range of emotion he can't even show surprise and make it believable. The rest of the actors fare better but not much. The cinematography is low level at best. The props are recognizable but unrealistic. As I look back I find nothing that works or is well done here.And yet the movie has a certain charm for fans of really bad films. You get the impression that the people behind it were really trying to make something but didn't possess the skill or talent to pull it off. When you watch the extras you get a glimpse into those people and what they thought about the movie they were making at the time.Arrow Video has once again saved a cult film from disappearing forever and you have to give them credit for doing so no matter how bad the movie is. This is the kind of movie that you put on during a party and have a good laugh over. What is mind numbing is to think that this movie was given a 2k restoration by Arrow. In addition to that it includes a brand new audio commentary track with writer-producer Craig Muckler moderated by Mike Tristano and a brand new making of featurette that includes interviews with Muckler, director Wayne Berwick and actor Loren Schein. It's important to note that the featurette is more entertaining than the film itself. But fans can rejoice that it's now being offered in this pristine version. If bad movies make you laugh, make you smile or make you appreciate good movies just that much more than by all means you need to watch this film. And thank Arrow while you're at it for delivering it to your door.
Coventry This movie is wrong on so many levels. "Microwave Massacre" is totally absurd and amateurish nonsense that doesn't feature anyone or anything that makes the slightest bit of sense. Some crazy friends presumably gathered together a couple of hundred bucks and decided to make their own movie. But instead of a spirited B-movie homage or creative gore flick – like, say, "The Evil Dead" or "The Dead Next Door" – this is just a load of embarrassing and irritating rubbish. I sincerely hope that everyone who was even distantly involved in the production of this film still thinks back about this little escapade with shame. The terribly annoying construction worker Donald, who loves old-fashioned baloney and cheese sandwiches, is depressed because his wife just bought a gigantic microwave and now just exclusively serves disgusting experimental TV-dishes. One drunken night, Donald just can't take it anymore. He kills the wife and microwaves her body parts into meat sandwiches. Donald quickly turns towards killing younger girls, as he craves for flesh that is less sturdy to consume. Can't blame him for that. "Microwave Massacre" is a slapstick comedy instead of a cheap horror tribute. Tiny little problem, however, is that the film isn't funny at all. The continuously bad jokes are only interfered to show random sleazy footage and overlong boring monologues. The acting is unbearable and the "gore" is pathetic. There are certain things in life which I'll never understand, like The Pythagorean Theorem and a handful of quantum physics formulas, but I've learned to accept that. Something I cannot and do not want to understand, though, is how this piece of crap can possibly have such a loyal fan base.