Mickey's Rival
Mickey's Rival
NR | 20 June 1936 (USA)
Mickey's Rival Trailers

Minnie's old friend, Mortimer Mouse, drops in on Mickey and Minnie's picnic. His practical jokes and coming on to Minnie soon have Mickey stewing, and their car isn't happy either. When Mortimer gets a nearby bull enraged and takes off, the car comes to the rescue after Mickey gets tangled up in a red blanket.

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Motompa Go in cold, and you're likely to emerge with your blood boiling. This has to be seen to be believed.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
Vimacone Mickey has long been regarded by critics as having a one dimensional personality. This is true for the most part as personality animation didn't come into fruition until the mid-30s, which is when Mickey started to be rivaled by characters with more personality. In this short, he displays a more three-dimensional and flawed personality. As he and Minnie go on a picnic, a former boyfriend of Minnie, Mortimer, joins them, to Mickey's chargin. While Mickey is visibly jealous, Mortimer comes across as a showoff and unlikeable; Even his anthropomorphic car has a haughty personality. One wonders how Mortimer's relationship with Minnie ended the first time around.It has been said that Mortimer was the name Walt initially chose for Mickey, but his wife didn't like it and chose Mickey instead. Considering the murkiness of Mickey's origins, this story might be apocryphal, but who's to say. Assuming the story is true, the plot and circumstances make for an interesting inside joke.This is one of the few shorts, where Mickey come across as more human and thus more relatable.
OllieSuave-007 In this Mickey and Minnie cartoon short, the couple are out in the country for a picnic. However, their quiet time together is interrupted by the cocky and loud-mouthed Mortimer Mouse, who swoons over Minnie and shows off his nice car. Needless to say, Mickey is jealous and an intriguing love triangle ensues.It's a classic love competition between the three mice - even Mickey and Mortimer's cars were also in a little competitive bout. Mortimer proves to be a shallow and inconsiderate bully, making you want to root for Mickey. However, more chaos follows as a bull escapes his fenced-in area and wrecks havoc on the picnic goers. What results is pretty predictable, but the overall cartoon lacks some humor and action.Grade B-
chrisbishop5000 Oh dear! I can't imagine a soul (at that era, at least, when he was a lot meaner) who would dare to intimidate Mickey Mouse! Usually, it's Mickey who causes all the mischief and the other person never wins - our wonderful Mickey Mouse is always the one winning looking superior but here in this short there seems to be a dramatic reversal! Mortimer Mouse is Minnie's old boyfriend and he waltzes in on her picnic with Mickey leaving quite a mess with all the food, he tears off the buttons on Mickey's shorts, he offers a handshake and that electrocutes poor old Mickey! There's more! - He acts charming and gentlemanly towards Minnie to win her affections deliberately making Mickey jealous! And she succumbs! However, don't let this news of Mickey Mouse being victimized put you off because it's a classic - and such great fun! There is plenty of imagination, cheerful music and the VERY old style of Disney animation that has been seen by many, many generations and in this 71 year old short Mickey is seen with those traditional mega-sized eyes!
Shawn Watson Mickey and Minnie are out in the country for a nice quiet picnic. But that's soon rudely interrupted by the arrival of Mortimer Mouse, who promptly gatecrashes their pleasant afternoon.Mortimer is a loudmouth show-off with a big car, Minnie instantly swoons over him (how shallow is that?) even though he takes great pleasure in tormenting and humiliating Mickey. He even sets a mad bull loose on him, which destroys any remaining hope of a relaxing picnic. Chaos follows as per normal. Not that funny though.Isn't it weird how much Mickey's car looks like Benny the Cab from Who Framed Roger Rabbit?