Mexicali Shmoes
Mexicali Shmoes
NR | 04 July 1959 (USA)
Mexicali Shmoes Trailers

A pair of not-too-bright Mexican cats, one shorter-tempered than the other, decide to chase Speedy Gonzales, the fastest mouse in all Mexico.

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
BallWubba Wow! What a bizarre film! Unfortunately the few funny moments there were were quite overshadowed by it's completely weird and random vibe throughout.
Rexanne It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Edgar Allan Pooh . . . Warner Bros.' Looney Tunes Think Tank came up with a far more practical solution to stem the periodic incursion of unauthorized North-Bounders: Land Mines. After spending the first five minutes of MEXICALI SHMOES--pointedly set in a border town--illustrating that even crack law enforcement teams (represented here by felines Manuel and Jose) are absolutely no match for any determined Homeland Invader (epitomized during SHMOES by Speedy Gonzalez), the action of the next minute suggests that land mines will slow if not entirely dry up the incoming Red Tide. (Mr. Gonzalez will be a little less Speedy minus a leg or two.) The remainder of SHMOES' running time is devoted to showing the consequences of NOT mining the Southern U.S. border: murder by gun-waving thugs. Few if any Americans would anticipate the U.N. giving us grief about duplicating the success of the current border between North and South Korea. However, to avoid any appearance of inconsistent favoritism, America probably should mine her Northern Border, as well, to safeguard us against baby seal clubbers gone rogue.
slymusic Directed by Friz Freleng, "Mexicali Shmoes" is a very entertaining Speedy Gonzales cartoon. This time around, Speedy must dodge and outwit two shaggy Mexican gatos.My favorite scenes: During the opening credits, the fat cat Jose plays guitar and sings in a very weak, off-key voice, with the skinny cat Manuel emitting a few cries in between phrases (I'm not fluent in Spanish, but I imagine the "Spanish" that Jose sings is nonsense). The two cats aren't much better during their singing & dancing of "In Guadalajara we go to catch Gonzales..." Upon arriving in Guadalajara, Jose and Manuel trick Speedy into joining them with their little guitar/dancing fiesta before they attack him. And Jose tricks Manuel into sticking his head in Speedy's mouse hole and getting a stick of dynamite blasted in his face.Speedy Gonzales' cousin Slowpoke Rodriguez makes a brief appearance in "Mexicali Shmoes", and the two pussygatos make a surprise reference to the "gringo" Bugs Bunny as well. A fun cartoon!
JohnHowardReid I'm most definitely not a fan of Speedy, but this entry proves to be very amusing, thanks mostly to the antics of the two schmoes of the title, namely a catty duo in the comic tradition of Abbott and Costello.This time, however, the "Looney Tunes" boys work in an amusing variation. The thin cat is the dumb stooge here, while the paunchy feline plays his more aggressive but almost equally dumb partner.Nicely paced with some sharp gags, this one deserved its Academy Award nomination. And I loved the off-key song!Other Speedy cartoons that are worth a look include "Tabasco Road" and "Cat-Tails for Two".
Robert Reynolds This cartoon, nominated for an Oscar, is the best of the Spedy Gonzales cartoon shorts that were made in the Golden Age of Warner Brothers. I saw this cartoon again recently and found it was much better than I originally thought it was years ago. The highlight of the cartoon for me has to be the appearance of "Slowpoke" Rodriguez, one of Speedy's cousins. Hilarious! Cartoon Network may or may not air this one. A bit difficult to find but well worth the effort. Recommended.