Meteor Apocalypse
Meteor Apocalypse
NR | 23 February 2010 (USA)
Meteor Apocalypse Trailers

A gigantic meteors enters Earth's orbit and begins to disintegrate, showering the entire planet with debris.

ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
LJ-26 I turned on the TV just to find that it was Disaster Saturday on Syfy. I love cheesy disaster movies, so I was excited. Boy, was I disappointed! This film is one of the worst films I've ever seen. "Planet 9 from outer space" is Oscar material compared to this. I have nothing good to say about this film.It starts out with a meteor heading for earth. My first face palm came in the very first minute, when the Nasa tech with a shaky hand presses ESC on his keyboard to launch the bomb headed for the meteor. Alas, all the governments attempts to blow it to pieces fails, and it hurtles towards earth. This thing is HUGE, it's an ELE (extinction level event), and we should anticipate that life on earth will die out.Fast forward to our "hero" who's afraid of heights, and for some reason HAS to go up on the roof. Why, no-one really explains, but he has to do it before the water rations. This fear seems to be really important, but I am not sure why. The meteor hits, and contaminates the water (?), and although it takes 12 days before people gets sick, his colleague dies within 10 minutes of the film starting.There are looters who wants to kill people for no apparent reason, especially at the government lab. One of the techs is left behind working on a cure for the water contamination. It might kill people, but they are making lots of it. There is a lot of running and horrible events happening, and two FBI agents that cannot hit a barn if they were bolted to the ground, while all the bad people are marksmen. The hero picks up a woman on the road. She's about ready to die, but manages to stay alive for most of the film. For some reason, they have something that looks like an epi-pen that seems to revive people somewhat, or kill them, if they are a bad guy. Our hero uses this on the woman, and this seems to save her life (for now at least). Our hero drags her with him, and she is able to follow him in the blistering heat, most of the time on foot. They also finds lots of water on their way to LA, for some reason. You don't ever hear them complain about being thirsty or see them drink more than a mouth full of the water.After a lot of bad movie making, our hero eventually leaves the woman when she is no longer able to follow, and climb some rather awesome and barren mountains. He meets the last people from the detention centre leaving LA, and lo and behold, the final two are his wife and daughter, who despite having been sick from the beginning of the movie, is still alive. At NASA they arguing about something and one of them says "There is nothing we can do!" A woman chewing her pen says "Yes, there is." At that point we see the meteor the size of a city block falling on LA, not a lot of dust or anything, and then a helicopter lands to take our hero and family to safety. The lady on chewing her pen is on the phone, and get the message "We got them" while our hero and family laughs. It is finally over.This film is so bad, I got through all the hoops of coming here warning people about it. Avoid at all cost! It is so unrealistic it's not even funny. As disaster movies goes, it IS a real disaster. It's so bad it's not even funny. It is off the scale bad.
MartianOctocretr5 Streaking through space at immense speed, extra-terrestrial rocks seem to have it in for famous landmarks. First they head to Nevada to attack Vegas and nearby Lake Mead. Other famous sites all over the world soon get smashed as well. In between, meteorites zero in on cars and zap them just for fun. The cast were fine; it's just that this disaster movie's writer seems to think that meteors target objects on the ground like birds of prey would do. Visually interesting, but about as likely as four poker players all being dealt royal flushes on the same hand in an honest game. The meteors shower down after (insert routine plot device here), and it makes the water icky, so carry lots of bottles water. It makes you get sick, especially when you're running around in the desert. Oh, what in blazes was up with the dune buggy chase? It looked like one of those old go-cart racetrack joints you go to when you're 12 years old. Also, it made no sense at all.Not to be taken seriously, but entertaining in its silly exaggerations. Be advised to remove your cranium and store it in bottled water while watching.
jacobo88 the cover of this movies seems as a real action film with great Special effects, but IT IS NOT. It has been one of the worst movies i have ever seen.If you want to loose friend or give a bad impression you have to recommend this movie as good to watch.Poor script, bad director, bad characters, very bad effects. After the first 15 minutes I started to slow forward the movie, after 30 minutes i was begging the movie to end. This movie should be banned or be in a category called: worst ever. Its a shame for the main character to act in this movie, he should stay in TV episodes as he has been all the time.
bill-drendel Avoid this film at all costs. It is unbelievably awful. I rented it thinking it would just be some mediocre sci-fi flick to watch late one night when I was bored, but I was very wrong. It's not just bad. It's horrendously awful. I never finished it and probably won't. An unwatchable bore with no redeeming qualities whatsoever. Bad writing, bad acting, bad directing, bad, bad, bad. Did I leave anything out? I get the feeling that there is some sort of religious theme lying in wait, but I did not actually wait to find out. I only took the time to review it here to save any unsuspecting viewers from wasting their time or money on it. Guess I'm an altruist of sorts.