PG | 25 June 1982 (USA)
MegaForce Trailers

MegaForce is an elite multi-national military unit that does the jobs that individual governments wont. When the peaceful Republic of Sardun in under threat from their more aggressive neighbor, the beautiful Major Zara and General Byrne-White see the help of Ace Hunter and MegaForce.

Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
cyber_diver The only way to watch this waste of film is with a sufficient quantity of a strong adult beverage and DEFINITELY ONLY watch the Rifftrax overlay version. Even then its a bit painful as you still have to see the corny costumes and what are supposed to be super-vehicles. Try to watch it in black and white (or psychedelic) - adjust the color contrast on your monitor.Amazed that 20th Century Fox released this load of dino-excrement after its success with the Star Wars franchise and other great films. But maybe someone thought it might be a cult classic like Rocky Horror (but Rocky Horror had far superior acting and a script). Most likely the financiers took the hit for wasting $20 million and not the studio, but this was the Marv Davis ownership period, after all.Its amazing that some films are green-lighted - this being a prime example of pouring money into a black hole... hear that sucking sound - matches the movie.Anyway, get the Rifftrax version and the requisite adult beverage of your choice and enjoy a fun parody.
Blueghost And here's why; Megaforce postulates a "futuristic" quick deployment force that is multinational in form to meet any military uprising around the world.It's another European Immigrant ideal of concentrating power to deal with problems in the elite few.This runs contrary to the core values of the United States, and the basic principles upon which this nation was founded.Wow, that sounds high-and-mighty, and almost "survivalist" / "prepper" in nature. But it isn't. This is a stupid film meant to instill the concepts presented in this film to a pre-teen audience.Thank goodness Star Wars was made before this piece of trash. Not only are the ideas and ideals just plain wrong, but it was a poor looking and poorly executed movie to boot. I was a bit old at the time to be considered the target demographic for this film, but the local younger kids who went and saw it ... how does one put it politely? I'll just quote them; " was dumb!"Over the top hairstyles, skin tight spandex, wild Hollywood hair that, even at speeds needed to launch a C-130, still stays in place (that must be some hairspray), and a post Trek Persis Khambahta, all makes for one of the hokiest films ever to hit the screens. "Even for the 80!" *zing*Seriously, someone thought the "future of America" would buy into this crappy idea of a multinational fast reaction force, and and that somehow borders and things like patriotism wouldn't matter anymore.Thank goodness kids are smarter than that, and that this film flopped for not only its content, but the presentation thereof. I still find it hard to believe that this film was made after both Star Wars and Smokey and the Bandit. But there you have it.Watch this thing if you need some unintentional humor on your screen.Otherwise avoid.Watch at your own risk.
jaws1780 But then GI Joe never had it's lead hero bedecked in oh-so festive skintight spandex and blue headband combos (something had to keep that blow-dried 80s mane in place!) Yes when Ace Hunter and his Megaforce boys (a carefully focus-grouped assembly of multiculturalism, including an "aw shucks" stereotypical Texan named...wait for it "Dallas") aren't blasting the evil balloon brigade or performing rainbow colored fog-evasion (they're not going going to let "stealthy evasion" get in the way of being FABULOUS on their missile-enhanced gaudily-painted...I mean "bitchin'" motorcycles, their wooin the ladies (or at least the bald chick from Star Trek '79) with oh-so sensual kiss- to-thumbs-up foreplay (saucy!)If such eXtreme action sounds ridiculous then...well it is. With leaden jokes, nonsensical plot, silly action sequences, spectacularly poor special-effects and culminating to an ending that will have physics teacher cringing and viewers reminiscing their time at the motion simulation ride at their local third-rate amusement park, Megaforce is an abject failure as an action movie. But it can be fun to watch though, at least for camp aficionados. Proving that bad movies win. Even in the 80s!
Steve Nyland (Squonkamatic) I had a sculpture teacher in grad school who would have found MEGAFORCE a working truistic proof of his revelatory comment one day during a pointless, time-wasting studio critique of a student who obviously had no interest in making art when he said "You have to approach art on the level of Beavis & Butt-Head some days. Stuff either sucks, or it rules, and I am sorry but your work this semester totally sucks."Roger would have been a big fan of MEGAFORCE, which I have concluded does indeed rule. This movie represents a high point, a watershed mark in western culture which has never since been surpassed. I will leave plot & character issues to other commenter's -- This movie is either the dumbest piece of crap ever made by the worst director in history, or it is a form of kitsch masterpiece that is astoundingly honest about how utterly brainless it's concept & execution were. The movie has zero pretense to be anything other than exactly what it is -- a stupid, loud, moronic action movie with heroic music, explosions, vehicular stunts, funky looking high tech junk, tight spandexed jumpsuits, helicopters, jingoistic catch phrase dialog that seems to have been randomly chosen from old episodes of The Superfriends, and Henry Silva.Henry Silva is one of those actors whom I marvel at with open admiration: His ability to make the ridiculous seem perfectly natural is on the same level as Boris Karloff, and every role he appears in becomes a Henry Silva performance. Here he is somewhat more animated than the usual cold as a railroad track on a frozen February morning hired killer seen in his more typical work as various paid assassins. You have not truly lived until you have seen Henry Silva blow up people with his bazooka in THE BOSS & DEATH COMMANDO. A lot of people may dismiss him as an "actor", but as a character performer he is right up there with Harry Dean Stanton and Ivor Francis as one of the most ubiquitously recognizable bad guys from decades of TV & movies. Mr. Silva, wherever you are, your work is invaluable, and MEGAFORCE is yet another stunning achievement.Back to the movie, though, this is going to be one of those things you either "get" or don't, like The Three Stooges, Tom Waits, professional wrestling or Rush Limbaugh. You are either going to instantly love it or wonder why anyone on Earth would consider it to be entertaining, let alone having cultural value. Art should always be subjective though, and it should be up to those who consume it to evaluate culture for themselves rather than allow some idiot to do it for you. MEGAFORCE is a lesson in subjective taste: It is either a masterpiece or an embarrassment, will provoke extreme reaction both for and against -- and both sentiments are equally legitimate. It is only those who are not moved that I pity.MEGAFORCE can also serve as a time capsule for people who want to remember what it was like to be 9 or so, and ranks up there with THE HUMANOID starring Richard "Jaws" Keil and YOR, HUNTER FROM THE FUTURE with Reb Brown as amongst the most stupid, ham-boned, addle minded but enjoyable science fiction movies from the 1980's. You are not supposed to learn anything at ALL, and if you do that's your own stupid fault. The movies exist as pure entertainment -- One sight of the Megaforce rolling into battle on their stupid mocked-up motorcycles and absurd missile launcher armored dune buggies while going against a column of military tanks was all it took for me to make my decision. The kinetic explosions & stunts afterward were just icing on the cake: This is easily one of the coolest movies ever made, and if you don't get it you never will.10/10