PG-13 | 10 October 2009 (USA)
MegaFault Trailers

When miner Charley 'Boomer' Baxter sets off a series of massive mining detonations in West Virginia, a gigantic earthquake is soon rocking the North Atlantic, exposing a deep seismic fault that runs the length of the North American continent. Joining forces with government seismology expert Dr Amy Lane, Boomer must now race against time to stop the chasm that is threatening to tear America - and the entire world - in half.

Colibel Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Erik Rupp I'm a sucker for disaster movies. It's a genre that is wildly entertaining, even if the movie doesn't have the best character development, dialogue, or even realistic science. But at a certain point, as was reached with Megafault, you hit rock bottom.Bad dialogue, bad acting, a ridiculous plot, garbage science, bad special effects, and almost non existent direction kill any chance that this movie had of even being marginally entertaining. The, "Action," scenes are tedious and boring. A vast majority of the action sequences in Megafault drag on far too long, and repeat themselves over and over again until the sequence mercifully comes to an end.The plot and resolution to the movie are absurd, and one wonders just how quickly this script was written, and with how little care. No wonder the main cast phoned in their performances. At least they got paid (not enough, I'm sure, but they did get paid). Hilariously, the incidental characters are played less convincingly than some of the worst voice actors dubbing Godzilla movies play their characters.Yep, Megafault is Megabad. It's not terribly surprising given the production companies involved (Asylum/SyFy), but a better movie was there to be made if the producers and writers had cared enough to make it. They could have come up with a passable script and made a movie that was cheesy but entertaining, but they didn't even clear that bar. If you're on the fence about watching this one because you enjoy disaster movies, skip it. It's not that far removed from what Ed Wood would have done given this level of filmmaking technology. On the other hand, if you enjoy truly bad movies like some people do, give it a spin.
johnwmarcus I just watched this after DVR'ing it from SyFi channel. I thought it was a good movie. The actors played the movie with skill and demonstrated their craft with dignity. All of the poor reviews are just piling on by naysayers. I thought it was worth my time. Yes, you have to suspend disbelief quite a bit. Helicopters don't take off in seconds, and earthquake strikes don't follow people. And earthquake strikes don't actually open up a bunch of endlessly deep chasms. And you cannot engineer a country wide canyon in two hours with conventional explosives. But fantasy and SciFi must allow for an extensive amount of suspension of disbelief. And tight budgets of a made for cable TV movie must allow for a lower level of special effects. At no point was I distracted by the special effects. So enjoy the movie. Eric LaSalle was particularly worthy in this role. As was the late Brittany Murphy. The movie is memorable enough.
boynascar This honestly the worst movie I have accually sat thru. I thought that with this cast it couldn't be as bad as all the reviews have been.... Man, was I wrong. This movie is just AWFUL from the time it starts, to the time it (thankfully) ended. Horrible cgi, horrible script, s many "Goofs" I couldn't even keep up.... Please read the reviews and DO NOT WATCH...... Either stare at the sky for an hour or so, or wash your bricks one by one on your house. But do not waste your time.I gave it a one because it wouldn't let me go lowerSeems like I need a couple more lines of review to allow this to be posted. So, I will write a bit more until it lets me post. I want to make sure this is posted so I can discourage anyone else from watching this nightmare of a movie. I thank god that Brittany didn't have to hear all of the reviews that this movie received. I'm sure she would have been disgusted on this production. NOT the actors fault at all, the writer, director as well as the cgi. The director should never work in cinema again, EVER, AS WELL AS THE DP...... Producers should give the money they made off this to a charity
DianaFox Wow, that was bad, bad, bad. It was one of those movies that was so bad, that it would be faster to list what was good rather than what was bad.The bad - acting, writing, plot, character development, SGI, basic scientific principles.My favorite idiotic comment was when the military man proudly exclaimed that the enemy wouldn't even know that a satellite-induced earthquake was actually an attack (as opposed to an act of God), since the "ice turns back into water". Um, don't you think that they would notice the GIANT COLD BEAM coming out of the sky??!!?? The good - Yep, just like some parts of a standardized test, that line "is intentionally left blank". No redeeming qualities at all. I can't even justify giving it a one out of ten. I was forced into being that polite because the system won't let me give the score it deserves.Suddenly, Howard the Duck doesn't seem that bad after all.