Meet My Valentine
Meet My Valentine
| 06 February 2015 (USA)
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When Tom learns that he has terminal brain cancer, he decides to find a replacement husband for his wife and a father to his daughter, before it is too late. Unbeknownst to his wife Valentine, Tom sets up an on-line dating profile for her, and realizes that he doesn't know much about her anymore. Tom endeavors to get to know Valentine, and learns why he fell in love with her all those years ago... just in time to say goodbye.

TinsHeadline Touches You
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
larkdeb It is hard to comment about this movie without giving away the plot, but this was an incredibly moving story. Scott Wolf's and Courtney Ford's performances were beautiful, raw, and real. Jay Black, as Tom's best friend, pulled off the very difficult role of a comedian within a tragic plot with amazing skill and sensitivity. His character could easily have been portrayed as a two-dimensional buffoon, and spoiled the movie for me. But, he managed to make me laugh and believe his awkward way of showing affection for his buddy and for the girl he liked. The family and friends around the two main characters maintained just the right balance of seriousness and humor to keep the weighty subject matter from getting schmaltzy. The director, Brian Herzlinger, struck just the right tone, and brought out the best in his cast. The only fault I can find in the whole thing is the main character's course of action introduced toward the beginning. Once I hesitantly agreed to suspend my disbelief and go along with it, however, I was richly rewarded with what I think will remain one of my favorite Hallmark movies, ever.
Kirpianuscus except, maybe, the relation between Tom Bishop and his wife. who seems be ...strange for a young couple. the care for the partner after your death is not new idea in cinematography but it needs a subtle, delicate manner to show it. in this case, the problem is the not credible way to present this noble feeling. Courtney Ford gives a so cold character than the temptation of the scriptwriter seems be to transform her in a statue. Scott Wolf did a decent job, but his character is real uncomfortable because nothing seems credible. something essential missing in this film. sure, no surprise , but the premises are too good for a solution who seems be an improvisation result.for a touching story, without many explanations and for the fans of sentimentalș dramas in sauce of lovely end, it is a good choice.
J7H I don't know how this was made into a movie or how anyone even watched it. I'd rather sit through Batman Vs Superman again and not watch another minute of this movie.Like what makes you think your wife would want to get with another guy right away when you die? and is she not capable of picking a man by herself? I'm glad that he loves her so much that he can't trust her to live her own life, and therefore to treat her as an object.My dog can come up with better ideas for a movie than this. He can actually write a better script too. I've never written a review before or rated a movie online, but I just wish if I've never came across it and that I can get back the time I've wasted on it. You can watch at your own risk.
sccalva I don't understand , how some people like this movie. It is not even romantic or funny, its just annoying. The lead character is so controlling. Love without freedom is not love at all. Controlling and deciding all the other's lives and call it "caring". Nice excuse, isn't it? Bit shocked to see many people liking it and writing a good review. I don't know, how would anyone like a dying partner, who tries to choose who should be with his wife, when he dies. New level of being controlling. I think the people who liked it would be happy, if he had found a future husband for his daughter, before dying. and I don't know what is romantic in the movie.Just a dying man with sick ideas.only plus is good looking cast.