R | 04 May 2010 (USA)
Meadowoods Trailers

In a sleepy and uneventful small town, three college students, bored and desperate to make their mark, plot a savage and merciless murder. Electing to keep a video journal to memorialize their bizarre pact, they plot in secret, devising a homemade death chamber that will allow them to see, hear, feel, and linger over their intended victim's torment and final moments of life. Then, chosen at random, a fellow student becomes this victim when she is to receive perhaps the most brutal and horrifying of all fates. The default leader of this macabre trio directs the physical and psychological terror, even as contention and hostility within the group threatens to jeopardize their twisted plan, culminating in a violent and chilling conclusion.

GrimPrecise I'll tell you why so serious
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Noutions Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .
Huievest Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
Isnam777 Just to let you know off the bat, I'm in no way associated with this film. I just randomly watched it one day. That said, I actually think this is a very well-made piece of independent, low-budget cinema. I really don't see where all the hate for this film comes from with other posters on this site. I guess they were expecting something else. This is a horror film that uses subtlety and emotions to tell a story about the evil that meaninglessness can create.The story is about three college friends who decide one day they want to murder someone and film the entire process so after they die their crime will be revealed, leaving their little mark on society. Their motive: they feel life has no point and that the only way they can make a difference is to commit a horrible act. We have Travis, the de facto leader, who on the surface seems like an amiable, carefree kid. We later see under the surface a twisted determination to keep the trio in tact as they get closer to committing the actual act. We next have Stephanie, who perhaps is the real motivating force behind the trio. She shows us repeatedly she is devoid of any compassion for others. She is angry and empty and uses this to fuel their mission. Towards the end, however, she displays some humanity concerning her other two accomplices that shows some spark, no matter how small, that she may still feel something. The last of the trio is Ryan who documents the events with his camera, bringing the story to us. Ryan starts out as a follower, someone who seems to be along for the ride for the sake of loyalty. As the movie progresses he becomes increasingly aware of how imminent and real the crime really is. When he begins to develop feelings for the intended victim he threatens to abort the entire plot, and this doesn't go unnoticed by his accomplices. I felt this was a fairly mature attempt at human drama, addressing universal issues of meaning, friendship and empathy. Of the trio, props go out to Thorp (who plays Travis) and Roe (who plays Stephanie) as they really embody the characters they're portraying. Another actress who really did a tremendous job was Schactler (who plays Kayla, the intended victim). She brings a much-needed degree of humanity and warmth to the film, not to mention the terror she conveys at the climax is palpable. Overall the shortcomings of the film can be overlooked thanks to the story's strong focus and some amazing acting. This film is short on gore and heavy on character development. If you're not a fan of the found- footage sub-genre you may want to steer clear and if you're expecting horror in the form of violence and jump-scares you'll be disappointed. Those seeking an interesting story, intriguing characters and a strong sense of building dread should give this one a chance.
Jesse Sisk This movie shows how college students are today. It portrays the intellectual aspect of what plotting murder is. Whats it like to die? Whats it like to watch someone die, and Whats it like to take someones life? Plus the acting is by far the best I have seen in a 15,000 dollar movie. They put heart and soul into making this movie and they got their point a crossed. It goes to show anyone can kill in a heartless manner to know what its like.It also shows how ad they wanted to be something but how far would you really go? I would recommend this movie to anyone looking for a psychological thriller into the unexplained mind of our generation today!!
roderick04769 This movie was a complete waste of time. Honestly, the best part of the movie was when the credits were shown. Reminded me of the 'blair witch project,' just worse. Both movies had shaky cameras, but a blank screen for 10 minutes of a movie is a little much. There is audio of people talking, just no screen, complete waste of time! The summary of the movie should be as follows: If you have spare time, and a few extra bucks, rent this movie. It will bore you until you fall asleep, or bring you to the edge of your seat, due to wanting to walk away from being bored. All in all, even after spending $1.05 to rent this movie for a night, I honestly think I overpaid!
arussell4 This movie was one of the worst movies I have ever wasted my time on. If you pick it up in a store, put it back fast. It is absolutely terrible and I cannot believe that someone actually wasted money making it. The acting is terrible, the story is terrible and it actually contained nothing but a black screen near the end of the movie. Had to listen to the victim and watch a blank screen for 10 minutes straight. It makes you wonder what the hell was going on in the mind of this director and also, where in the hell did he get these actors to play in this incredibly boring film (if that is what you can call it). It would be more entertaining to sit at home and watch reruns of Lassie. It is possibly one of the worst movies ever made.