Me and My Sister
Me and My Sister
| 16 March 2005 (USA)
Me and My Sister Trailers

Louise, who has just written a novel, comes to Paris to meet with a potential publisher. While in the city, she stays with her older sister, Martine, who in many ways is the exact opposite of Louise: she lives in a fashionable neighborhood, is cold to others, and has snobby friends, while Louise lives in a small town and is thoroughly unpretentious. Louise's apparent happiness -- and similarities to their mother -- gradually gets on Martine's nerves.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Lela The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
Bob Taylor Alexandra Leclère has made a wonderful first feature; I was entertained throughout this funny and sometimes bitter film about a provincial, somewhat naive and emotionally open woman (Catherine Frot) who visits her older sister (Huppert) who lives with her husband and son in Paris. Martine can't stand Louise's gaucheness, her forgetfulness (forgetting her wallet at home before visiting a dress shop) and the way Louise has of opening her heart to strangers. The dinner party at Martine's flat is wonderful: Louise is telling the guests of her past love, while Martine gets drunker and more aggressive every minute. The last laugh is on Martine, of course: her husband has been having an affair with her old friend Sophie.I have had harsh things to say about Isabelle Huppert in the past, but here she is wonderful. She plays the frantic jealousy of her character to perfection: there is a scene (shocking, violent) when Martine reads the letter from their mother to Louise, in which the mother rejects her daughters, saying she does not want to see or hear from them again. The triumphal anger of Martine and the distress of Louise are palpable.
moonlight17-1 The film "Les Soeurs fachees" is very moving. It really comes alive because of the two extraordinary lead actresses. Especially the wonderful Isabelle Huppert. She is amazing the way she can express emotions, during the movie, without saying a word. You can read it all in her beautiful face. During the movie you get to know, nearly in every scene, how different these sisters are. The cold, unhappy Martine and the nice and friendly Louise. It proofs how important are goals for you life, and it's never to late to change something,to become happy. A wonderful true french film, refreshing, charming, sad, might make you laugh and cry. Loved it. I would definitely recommend it to everyone who loves great cinema with talented actors, and dislikes Hollywood Studio Movies.
mmunier Well I have not seen the movie yet and will have to wait 10 hours for this to happen. My point to come here is to talk about the lack of thinking behind the tittling in English. "My sister and I" is not even search able for this film and returns an Italian film. I had to look at Isabelle Huppert's credit to find it and had to be or at least understand french to get the right movie. I wish original tittles were also given in reviews. I will not suggest a more appropriate tittle although i could think of a couple and have to admit that literal translation does not work too well here. I did like what other have written about it and am looking forward for a spicy time tonight :) and will come back to put my five cents of thoughts on it. MB*********************************************************June 2008!I'm not permitted to make another entry so I added this here. I'm quite surprised on two counts, 1) My 2004 comment came up with the main page! and 2) There are so few entries for this tittle, it really deserves better. "Me and My Sister" (In French "the sisters crossed with each others")was screened on our Sydney TV last Sunday. I had an idea I saw it before! But decided to watch it again. I can't remember exactly my feelings about it when I first saw it at the cinema (that I was supposed to report on!). However I did enjoy very much the second viewing. The contrast of these two characters is so well exposed and acted out. The provincial sister is actually quite thick and although the Parisian resort to extreme nastiness you can't help to feel for her who lives so much in such a superficial world, yes she's only a facade of success. She's pitiful but fits well this superficial world. But she's not naive or stupid and so get much hurt from her "Simple Simone" sister oozing with goodness and who turns into a high achiever. I thought it was an interesting ride and not boring in the least. The ending tries to tell you that blood is thicker than high emotions - So be it. Thank you for some much better written entries I read a while ago and to which I can well associate with and would have like to write myself as an ex Parisian but who spent more time in rural regions I have experienced a little of both "status"!- Even during my military service, and here obviously talking about men, the Parisian snobbery was still apparent and sometimes subject of "down to earth" reactions! But here no such a thing, yet it's riveting at times. MM
writers_reign I'm very surprised to find not a single comment on such a class act. Okay, it's a new release but it IS five days old now. Anyhow it's so good to see that Isabelle Huppert has temporarily abandoned her apparent avowed intent to plumb the depths of sleaze in her ongoing trawl through the sewers of the world and return to what she does better than most actresses anyplace, anytime, anywhere that this could be a stinker and it would still be a breath of fresh air. As it happens it's anything but and Huppert and Catherine Frot are twin delights. Huppert is the chic, snobbish wife living in the right arrondissement, checking accounts in all the right places and the right kind of husband to pick up the tab. The wonderful Francis Berleand scores as the unfaithful husband who can't stand sister-in-law Frot; normally that's not a problem since Frot lives in the provinces but now she's written a book and has come to town to rubber-stamp a publishing deal and will spend three days with Huppert and Berleand. What we have is a very low-key take on Neil Simon's Odd Couple with Frot being everything Huppert is not and vice versa. Frot, fresh from playing a Tyrant's Tyrant in Vipere au poing turns up here as the kind of lovable kook that Shirley MacLaine was always being cast as but could never quite bring off because she couldn't do lovable (she couldn't do kook either if anybody ask you but that's another story), and she shows Maclaine just how it's done.Okay, we're talking soufflé here but it's a French soufflé, hand-made at Maxim's. Eat, Enjoy.