| 01 January 1989 (USA)
Maya Trailers

An Ancient Mayan curse is awakened in the ancient temples in Mexico, and people are killed in strange and gory ways by an invisible force.

Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Numerootno A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
trashgang Obscure flick only out on VHS and do has a VHS rip on DVD on the German Dragon label. I only searched it because it was directed by Marcello Avallone of SPECTRES (1987). It shows that it was made by the Italians. Because the effects are rather okay and you do have overdubs for special effects sounds. On the other hand the way the camera was used also shows it origin of country and of course the use of lightning also reveals that fact.It's a supernatural flick and it do has a few good moments, like one hanging on fish hooks or another one being smashed with her head in a bath tub. But it do has a few flows. It's slow building and it do has a few awkward moments. Overall it's not that bad and do has all elements, nudity, the red stuff and some good effects but it do fails a bit here and there due that some scene's do take too long. Still, so typical Italian that the lovers of that cinema really has to search this obscure flick. And for the girls, yes, Peter Phelps do shows his body famous of Baywatch and other series.Gore 0,5/5 Nudity 1,5/5 Effects 2,5/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 0/5
Bloodwank Italian horror has never especially depended on coherence. Fulci and others made up for it for it with the horror of their visions, Argento and his like made up for it with the intensity of their art. I don't fault Maya for lack of coherence, but lack of conviction, it has the right moves for the most part but comes off insipid in the end. It has an interesting mythological basis, the resurgence of an evil Mayan king (the awesomely named Ze Bul Bai) who has conquered death and wants revenge, prompting horror, but while it isn't lacking in engaging incident it has little anchor. The story sees one Lisa Slivak coming to a Venezuelan town on the death of her father and becoming entwined in the weirdness he was researching, indeed became part of himself, with inexplicable death all around building to a climax of sorts. Director Marcello Avallone is adept in creating a sense of unusual place, a certain heady atmosphere that goes a long way towards carrying the film, he also has a real knack for tension, through filters and lighting the ability to summon menace in quiet images, disturbance in the calm before the storm. He also has a knack for sharp and shocking violence, though the film is never all that gruesome (don't worry, there is a bit of cool gore such as some fish-hook fun) the nasty bits do tend to pack quite a nifty punch. Where the film falls is its lack of a notable hero or villain. Mariella Valentini is perfectly pleasant as Lisa, but hardly memorable, while Peter Phelps does his best as the male lead Peter, but regrettably is written as sort of a dick. There isn't anyone else to pin interest on either, other characters are mostly either forgettable or dick-heads that deserve demise. As for villainy you can forget about it, this is supernatural territory but the what behind the grisliness on show never puts in an appearance and is never really concrete. And this isn't a subtle show either, just one where things don't really add up. Still, for the most part this is a good watch, only really coming apart in the final block. There's some cool bloodshed, nudity, a Hong Kong style puke scene and some decent atmosphere, its all pretty entertaining. Worth a look for connoisseurs I think, don't expect too is the best way to get the best of its charms say I.
clenchedbrain I concur with the other posters who enjoyed this film. It probably helps if you are a general fan of horror films from all eras, as this is pure 80s. It has none of the superficial and formulaic surface noise that constitutes the cinematic vernacular of the modern 'horror' blockbuster. No back-lit trees; dry ice; or glossy, glamorous young leads screaming their pretty heads off. Instead, you get a fairly gritty and atmospheric offering based on a relatively original premise. Yes, there is the classic 80s/horror staple of the obnoxious pair of punks who are just begging to be killed off. In fact, you would be hard pressed to find a bigger dick, more deserving of supernatural death, than the leader of this punk duo. He is hilarious, and probably the weakest part of the film; although 80s afficionados can certainly enjoy his character for what it is. Also, there is suspect dubbing and acting, but that's just par for the course. I was never bored during this film, and I think a main factor in this is that there are many characters involved in the plot, and the director has done a very economical job of providing just enough involvement and back-story for each to move the film along nicely, yet still involve them in the narrative. Not hugely gory, but there are some good set pieces; and some foxy (in my book) women half naked. This is never a bad thing. Overall, a decent flick - I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. If you are a genre fan, and especially like 80s horror, then seek this out.
rundbauchdodo This Italian horror film delivers a typically stylish atmosphere and thrilling scenes to make it a pleasant experience for every friend of Italian horror films. Director Avallone tells a chilling story about an old Maya curse that breaks loose. Several hapless characters fall victim to it in quite nasty ways. But Avallone focuses more on the uncanny aspects of the plot than on the gore - which doesn't mean that there's no blood flowing here.Recommended for all horror fans and in my opinion more thrilling than Avallone's better known first horror film "Spettri" (Specters). Rating: 7/10.