13th Child
13th Child
| 25 October 2002 (USA)
13th Child Trailers

People are being killed by someone or something using superhuman strength. A clever DA Assistant is sent to investigate. Is this just a way to commit the perfect murder or will the legend of the Jersey Devil prove to be true?

Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
ortsac Was this movie about the Jersey Devil? I think not… Were any of the incidents in the movie related to the folklore that's been told for over 200 years? Again, I think not!I've read every conceivable book, article and documentary that I could find of old JD and this movie doesn't dabble with any of it. There is no documentation anywhere that the Jersey Devil killed people. In the movie however, JD enjoys a blood fest.With all this being said though… Accept the picture as if it has nothing to do with the Jersey Devil. It's still not very good. The story line is weak with not much thought in the direction. The first few minutes of the film grabbed your attention with a little history about JD. Once the story began it slowly went downward and into a climactic crash landing at the end. It was a horrible ending to say the least.I have seen worse… I can say something good about this film… I did enjoy the deleted scenes; one scene in particular was deleted for not being politically correct. When Kathryn gets lost in the Pine Barrens and comes across the Snake Man. She suddenly burst out in anger and despair; "Does anybody around here speak English? Did I take a wrong turn somewhere? Am I in Albania?!"The underscore was well done and Theo Eastwind's cut "7500" is a cool tune."Mankind is so unkind." So am I in giving this film a three star rating.All The Best! ORTSAC
dellmews There are many versions of the legend of the jersey devil and this is not one of them. I have read many books on the subject and have never heard of this scenario or anything close to it.This movie is titles volume one leading me to think that there may be more ridiculous movies to come.Had this been more like the legend it may have been good. Production wise it was good. Plot wise horrible.I would love to know where these people got the info.I really hope they are not from nj because that would make the whole thing even worse. I no many people who feel the same way i do. I was honesty very upset when i watched this movie. I would hope that any further productions on this subject are more accurate.
christapaulson Well, this film was full of horrible actors, a few were okay, but the majority of the actors sucked. This film really didn't make much sense, the ending sucked. I am glad it was in the cheap area of the video store, because I couldn't imaginepaying full price for this dud.  The whole story did not have any good background info to it, it seemed to have many holes in the story, so you never knew what was really going on. The editing was just too funny, lets just say it looked like an undergrad film project. I guess if you want to waste an hour or so rent this film, but I would suggest you save your buck on this one.
BRJ1026 A few friends and I live here in New Jersey and when we watched this movie we were extremely disappointed. Living in New Jersey we've heard many stories about the Jersey Devil and this movie is nowhere near the stories I've heard. This movie seemed like it was planned out in about 15 minutes and even the actors were not very impressive either. The quality of the film was bad and sometimes the shot didn't even fit onto the television screen. This movie was poorly done and I feel the writers could have at least made the story sound more similar to the legend itself and not about a shape shifting Indian from 200 years ago. In my opinion, don't waste your time because my friends and I sure did.